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Polymath Snuggler

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Everything posted by Polymath Snuggler

  1. Ooooh thank you ! I will take a look at it! This is precisely the sort of thing I was hoping for! Also ! Moonhowler thank you as well!!
  2. http://meerkat-viewer.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/indra/llcharacter/llkeyframemotion.cpp https://github.com/singularity-viewer/SingularityViewer/blob/master/indra/llcharacter/llbvhloader.cpp The two files posted on the wiki seem to provide a little insight into the format but~ I am not a seasoned programmer ( read that 1 programming class ~ evar ) ~ I barely know enough MAXScript to not have to do everything manually. And I'm not an animator by trade. I've long been considering trying to scrap together some sort of MAXScript to create a .anim file that the SL Viewer will understand, but as you stated~ it's virtually impossible ( well probably not impossible ~ just far beyond my current programming knowledge ~ far far beyond it ~ I'm still learning the internal structures of an FBX file. )
  3. Yes it's my understanding that the generic maya .anim format that enjoys widespread use in other platforms is completely distinct from the SL Internal .anim format http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Internal_Animation_Format Depicted here. I'm looking for specifics beyond THIS^
  4. While we're on the subject does anyone besides Gaia Clary actually understand how to generate an .anim file for SL? Like can anyone point me to the file spec?
  5. If you have any clarification available ~ did you upload a .anim file or a .BVH? (I've been setting up my Rig in 3DS max till just now finally getting to rigging and animating)
  6. It doesn't have to be *ALL* facial sliders~ I'm very glad to hear that there will be influence from just some of them. Putting the power into our customers hands to change their face a little from all being *carbon copies* is really beneficial for everyone. In fact that's the biggest reason why most people who have not adopted a mesh head~ refuse to ~ The lack of individuality (in some minor way even ) is a deal-breaker to them. Also I feel like this is somehow relevant to the discussion:
  7. (theoretically) yes ~ but you would have to include something stating that you cannot wear wings or a animated mesh face while wearing the pet or you'd probably have some very confused / angry customers.
  8. So~ uhm!! ~~ Oz! You haven't even released the skeleton and already I'm coming up with ways to improve this project! But ~ I really really think this will help SL enter a new era / age. Make the SL Default Avatar an "Unwearable" Inventory item.
  9. Genitalia is presently handled fantastically by mesh attachment points ~ I don't think an extra bone is really needed for your "bone". Edit: we really need an FBX file or something of the new skeleton~ Someone forgot to post it / append it in the information thread.
  10. Is there any way that search syntax can be explained in something that's not a wiki page for the average SL user? I mean all these syntax improvements are great and all ~ but it's not like the average user has the technical know-how or willingness to comb through a wiki page to learn how to use something~ A sentiment that I've mentioned before, and is becoming apparent in the random comments throughout this thread. I honestly get stumped myself with the correct use of [ * ] [ NOT ] [ AND ] etc~ and I'm supposed to know what I'm doing. As a shopper I just want to search for mesh shoes and be done with it. Not wonder if the search is supposed to be: "mesh shoes" "mesh" AND "shoes" "mesh" AND "shoes" NOT DEMO "mesh" AND shoes* NOT DEMO Note: I still don't know which of the above searches will do for sure~ and it's nearly impossible to test due to the difference in ordering of results when using Boolean Search terms: This hasn't been fixed yet right? In particular, I've never been clear on how SL search handles spaces in search. Mind you perhaps I'm just being paranoid~ But ~ This level of complexity is what I'm dreading.
  11. I dont' know if you remember the mesh uploader questionaire but you can always re-take the quiz on your own free time. https://secondlife.com/my/account/ip/tutorial.php You can't sell anything as "Star Trek" if you don't own the rights to Star Trek, which I am presuming you don't. You can sell it as a "Futuristic Space Bike" but you can't post the words "Star Trek" in your listing catagory. Likewise you cannot use Textures, or Iconography from copyrighted material you do not own. That includes stuff that you've painstakingly traced over and edited after downloading it off Google. So having "Star Trek Textures" probably isn't going to help your case there. Edit: Your present listings of your two airships seem like they are entirely allowable ~ so, provided that they are your own unique work, and not stolen, I would not worry.
  12. You don't! You upload them sepearately! There's an "Bulk ( 10L$ per File)" if you have a lot of tiny texture sheets. But usually if you're being reasonable about your textures the additional texture uploads shouldn't be more than 20-50L$. Alternatively if you're "just testing" your textures you can use the "Local" Tickbox in the texture window and view textures on your hardrive on your mesh whenever you want for FREE. However!! When using the Local Tickbox~ No other people can see it. ( hence the "Local" name! ) To let everyone else see your textures you will have to upload and apply them later!
  13. If you're asking for a free script there's tons of repositories found with an easy bit of searching~ I'm feeling generous, so here~ a sit script written in 2 minutes: default { state_entry() { llSetMemoryLimit ( 4096 ) ; llSitTarget ( < 0.01 , 0.0 , 0.0 > , ZERO_ROTATION ) ; // Change 3 numbers to move sit target. llSetClickAction( CLICK_ACTION_SIT ); } }
  14. Your best bet would to be contact support. I've had things where I accidentally deleted paid for ads 1 day into a 1 month ad period. I contacted support and they refunded all the missing L$. If you've actually got entire LISTINGS missing, check your VMM inventory. There is an unscheduled maintenance under way at the moment. So it might have something to do with inventory issues.
  15. It sounds like you're having basic connectivity issues. If you're L$ Balance is registered as "??" Instead of an actual L$ amount then your internet connection is likely to blame. If you log in to the SL website [ Click the Second Life Icon at the top of this page! ] and your L$ Balance is lower than it should be then your account was compromised and you should change your password immediately.
  16. Have you possibly worn something that is constantly applying the animation?
  17. A maioria das pessoas sobre estas placas não falam Português . ( Eu só estou usando o google ) Certifique-se o grupo que você estão se juntando é gratuito.
  18. If you are wearing a shape you can modify. You can right click your Avatar> "Edit Shape" to bring up the menu. It has a LOT of sliders ~ but playing with them should let you shrink yourself appropriately! If you are wearing a shape that is NOT modify. You will need to go to your inventory and follow these steps: Right click a Folder. Select "New Body Parts". Select "New Shape". This will create a new "default" shape for you to play with and edit to your hearts content!
  19. No estamos facturando apoyo. Esto es sólo otros residentes SL hacen todo lo posible para responder a las preguntas .
  20. I imagine by the time I've gotten to respond to this the issue has fixed itself already~ On the off chance it hasn't, restart your computer and your router.
  21. Or instead of speculating https://advertising.amazon.com/ad-specs/en/policy/creative-acceptance EDIT : For comparison: LL's version of this same policy : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J_GHFMKl8oiXcv4yEiMWbePFTnqFVB2J0eslWZ8crLU/edit ( The fact that it took me to a google doc made me sigh a bit ) Lo and behold ~ LL doesn't stack up to Amazon.com too well. Probably due to Amazon.com having entire business divisions dedicated to things that LL has to trust one to two people to handle in a few hours of thier payroll time. But that's not the point I've been making. Any online marketplace, absolutely controls ad content on their website. It's a public image thing. Could LL have invested more resources into finding a dedicated group of merchants that they feel are eligible for their marketing campaign they were running ? Absolutely. Do they actually have the available workforce to actually do that?! ~ Probably not. Is what they did a slightly lazier version of what any other major online marketplace does? Yeah~ pretty much. Could this have been handled better? Yeah obviously. Is it that big of a deal that it wasn't handled flawlessly. No ~ not really. Can we expect this sort of thing to happen again? Pretty darn sure. Does it mean you should stop developing your business for SL? Absolutely not. But make sure, that you as a business have many distributors, not just LL. Diversification is important. ( Unless of course you're only on SL for fun ~ in which case why are you even reading this thread! Boooring!! ) Should I as a merchant stop selling adult themed items~ since that guarantees that I'll never get the spotlight ad spot? Pfshh as if I would!! Aaaand with that ~ I'm done with this thread~ Back to work for me!!
  22. This is the BETA search thread. The beta search is not live. It's not affecting your sales. It's beta. What you are describing is a known set of bugs within the beta project. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-10799 & https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-10830 They're both being worked on. If this behavior is persisting in this environment: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/ Please document it and post a JIRA BUG report about it.
  23. Sex Toys don't make frontpage of Amazon.com because as a vending platform they have a select range of products that they are willing to put forth for their "Black Friday" holiday sale, because they, the marketplace, feel that those merchants will bring in good sales and attract good publicity for their sales event. There is a wide base of legitimate businesses that they are willing to provide the sales opportunity TO of front page, and yes lesser known brands often do get offered positions. But they are chosen from a select pool. I've never said that this PR stint by LL wasn't a blunder. It was. But not a huge one. I think they just had too narrow a "selection pool" and that is unfortunate. Everyone else got a reminder that life isn't a level playing field.
  24. Oh you want an equal playing field? That's a noble goal. A noble goal to be aspired to~ for sure. A goal that is achieved?? Rarely if EVER. I'd like to point something out to you all. When I go to cash out L$ I get the same conversion rate that everyone else gets. I'm glad for it. I go out into the "Real World" Job market and suddenly I'm faced with a 21% Tax on my income for being female... Yes it's something to be angry about ~ but not something to expect to change anytime soon. I'll take my 12% Linden Tax on my marketplace and my marketplace instability, along with LL's poor decision making about promotional offers and I'll go to bed happy. Edit: I'm also going to throw this out on the table: There's no PROOF that the ads were FREE. The merchants were SELECTED. Yes. But I've seen no proof that it was FREE. I'm also going to float this idea: You've never seen a "Black friday" sale on Sex Toys on Amazon.com's front page have you? No. Because merchants are SELECTED there too.
  25. What sort of dress is it? System clothing? A mesh attachment? Are you on Viewer 3? or Firestorm? Or another Viewer?Do you have RLV enabled?
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