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Everything posted by MiliMigli

  1. Occasionally when a plane in the physics model is not perfectly coplanar/flat it will cause the uploader to give a rediculously high physics cost. The fix in your particular case is to go back to blender, select each face of a wall and scale the 4 vertices to zero along either the X or Y axis and repeat for each wall. ( S X 0 or S Y 0 ).
  2. MiliMigli

    Custom mesh build

    Exactly that. So much information gleaned from a single screenshot. Methinks Chinrey has much experience in the design and construction of industrial storage racks for 3D worlds? 🤭 High LOD model, 1282 triangles Medium LOD model, 668 triangles Low, Lowest and Physics model, 10 triangles Texture and UV's, with imposter images outlined in green
  3. MiliMigli

    Custom mesh build

    I have sent you 1 inworld. 3.15 x 0.5 x 2.5m, ok LOD switching, LI=1.3. Hope this helps with your project.
  4. Vendetta Fhang wrote: i already have that on as i stated earlier but its clearly not the problem. Not even my diffuse texture is showing up properly. Is it possible that you have more than one UV layout/map for your mesh in your 3D modeler? If so it sounds like the wrong one got used when exporting for SL. This would explain why the normal and diffuse are not getting assigned the way you intended .
  5. MiliMigli

    Missing Nodes

    Too late now Spinell , you stepped forward for this. No going back, you try it out then report back to the rest of us and let us know if it it safe or not . Should be ok ............. Developer Meeting Notes: June 22, 2014 By Bart on June 22, 2014 Blender Development The release of Blender 2.71 is expected this Tuesday or Wednesday, and preparations for 2.72 have begun. 1) Blender 2.71 release Final release is planned for Tuesday/Wednesday, unless a last minute issue comes up. .............. wonder what the "last minute issue" was ................ Spinell ! ?
  6. MiliMigli

    Missing Nodes

    You can bake use the Blender 2.71 Release Candidate 2 which you can download from : http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:Ref/Release_Notes/2.71#Cycles_Rendering Video using the Blender 2.71 RC2 :
  7. I am not at all a specialist in texturing so if someone suggest a different work flow go with that In Blender there are always so many different ways of doing anything. The following is just one way ....... Create the texture in Gimp /Photoshop Load the texture into Blenders UV Image editor and then unwrap the mesh and get the unwrap to fit the texture. The UV space doesn't have to be a square , I chose to make my example 1024 x 256. After thought, If you make your texture seamless you could use a smaller texture size (256²) and and extend the UV's outside the XY space.
  8. hi Have a look at this little video, It explains both rendering transparency with Blender Render and Cycles.
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