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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. Shooting the <censored>, and buying the <censored>, strikes me as somewhat ... Nefarious.
  2. Once upon a time, there was .. But then a rogue mole decided to slay the cow king, so the portal can no longer be opened.
  3. I second this. It's the HUD I use most of the time on both my avies when I want static expressions for shoots. I also have a different HUD that allows for more precise eye movement (since I can't be bothered to log over to BDW to shoot). Whilst the animations are a bit over the top in some cases with Genus, you can adjust how severe the expression is - and you can try the HUD for free at the store if you want to have a look first.
  4. Having some light in the morning when you go to work isn't bad either though. ... Well, not that we actually get any light until around noon up here anyway, but still.
  5. 'Tis the season to be frightened! Well. Should be, except people these days thinks dressing up as a *****ty tube of toothpaste is a fun Halloween costume, and that jump-scare CGI films are 'horror'. So, this thread is intended to be a place where people can discuss and suggest Halloween-appropriate films, and whilst I can't stop anyone from having appalling taste and thinking that 'The Nun' and its ilk are actual horror films, I'll at least try to steer people towards proper horror. So here are my three films for *today: The Fearless Vampire Killers: A 1967 film by (and starring) Roman Polanski, Jack MacGowran, and Sharon Tate. Okay, so this is a comedy, but if you haven't seen this film you can't claim to be a true vampire fan. An American Werewolf in London: the 1981 cult classic that managed to be both 'too funny' and 'too scary'. Again with a touch of comedy, this is perhaps the best werewolf film ever made. Famous for the transformation scene that 'changed cinematic history' - whatever that means. The House of Usher: Vincent Price in a story by Edgar Allan Poe? Oh, yes! This film has been dubbed 'culturally, historically and aesthetically significant' by the National Film Registry, and if the words alone aren't convincing, perhaps the trailer will be. So, there are my picks, and I believe tonight I shall enjoy ... All of them. With many cups of tea to accompany me.
  6. HUD is an abbreviation for 'Heads Up Display', it's something that appears on your screen, like an interface. Within SL it refers to attached objects that appears on your screen that aren't part of the 'world', usually with the purpose of having button panels that allow you to do various things, run scripts primarily, to change colours of certain items, run animations, control vehicles, etc. When it comes to avatars, mesh vs. 'non-mesh' is a somewhat misleading term as all avatars are made out of mesh, even prims are meshes in pre-determined shapes that can be manipulated - but it refers to the third party bodies that replace the Second Life 'system' avatar. The censored mesh attachments refer to genitalia that either is there for aesthetics, or has different functions for 'adult funtime' stuff. Mama Alpha is a system that works a bit like a mini-game which accommodates pregnancy role play. Can't say much more about it as I've never had any experience with it myself, its primary users tend to be family role players or people with pregnancy fetishes.
  7. Yes, you can read about it here: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/animation_overrider Feel free to give me a nudge if you need any help setting it up.
  8. But respect is yet another cultural barrier. Heck, even within Europe you're likely to present poor table manners by simply crossing a border to the neighbours, even though we all consider ourselves 'western cultures'. In Germany you can't have your hands under the table, in Spain you can't drink water when eating soup, in France you can't put your bread on the table, in Germany and France you must fold lettuce rather than cutting it, in Sweden you must observe the turns at the smörgåsbord. Part of being respectful is to not hold everyone to your cultural expectations, too - which is probably as difficult as learning foreign customs for sure - but trying to meet each other halfway rather than zealously chastising anyone who eats sushi with a fork or walks into your home with their shoes on (which in Sweden is basically the equivalent of relieving yourself in the kitchen sink). Do I giggle when I see someone who've written FRNKRNURF in runes? Yes. Is it even more hilarious if it's tattooed into their skin? Hell yeah. Do I get upset that my ancestral heritage is being raped because someone thought the runes were cool enough to carve into their flesh? No, that'd be silly. "But Orwar, runes haven't been used for a millennium, it's too far back for you to care!" - no, runes were in fact used up until the 19th century in parts of Sweden. "But Orwar, you're a white, heterosexual man, you're inoffendable!" - that's both prejudice and a myth.
  9. Are we really anonymous though? I mean, I don't know about you, but I think the shirts give it away.
  10. With the obvious exception that I never claimed to be anything but contemptible?
  11. ... Is perhaps not the most exquisite form of communication, but neither is slapping people with '-ism-stickers' the second you disagree with them. I don't intend on defending the offending statement as I frankly don't care all that much myself - but your rhetoric is in line with the type of correctness jargon that is perhaps the most divisive issue of not just political discourse, but is genuinely damaging to both businesses and private persons through its invasive near-omnipresence through the modern reliance on social medias. I'd even argue that your accusations were just as damnably devaluing as the statement that offended you so, as its purpose is to defame the person through sticking a title on them that's supposed to undermine not just their person, but the validity of their opinions and their right to speak their mind. Now allow me to reprimand you in the manner one would a small child, as that appears the most appropriate approach to your ilk: you're not going to stop people from being contemptible through being contemptible yourself.
  12. It's not the head itself, but rather conflicting and/or interrupted animations. I'd advise you go through what animations you are using and try to limit them. The best way to deal with animations are to turn off whatever facial AO came with the head and set up a Firestorm AO (if you're in Firestorm that is), or find a free HUD in which you can put whichever animations you want included in your AO (as most AO HUDs that come with all these nifty functions tend to be scripted to Hell and back, which contributes to lag and increases the likelihood of issues). If the dances include facial expressions in their animation (i.e. being fully bento animated) that may short-circuit the head's running animation and cause it to freeze. With a simple on/off AO HUD or using FS AO, all you need do when you want to dance is toggle it off with the click of a button. If doing so causes an animation to freeze rather than reset to default (i.e. the 'leaning tower' noob stance), you can right-click your avatar and go: Appearance -> Reset -> Skel & Anim.
  13. To be fair, it's my opinion that everyone should put very hard work into their avatar regardless of what they want to appear like. Especially now with BOM it's easy enough to 'rough up' your otherwise pristine skin - I'm pretty sure Izzie's has just about anything you could think of. Also, they've done a remake of The Witches?! Loved that film when I was little.
  14. To be attracted to people of a certain age group isn't 'ageism', just as being less or more attracted to certain ethnicities isn't 'racism'. Are you suggesting it should be brought so far as that people shouldn't be allowed to choose their partners because they may not be inclusive enough?
  15. What noises do witches' cereal make? Snap, cackle, and pop! Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? Because he didn't have the guts! Why didn't the ghost attend the Halloween ball? Because she had no body to go with. What do you call two witches with mutually shared living arrangements? Broommates. Where do monsters get their cookies? From the ghoul scouts.
  16. I'd jump the opportunity to carve plenty of jack-o-lanterns.
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