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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. You can. It's all a matter of clicking the right button. Unless of course the eyes have been borked, which does happen on occasion, in which case you're best off re-unpacking the head, replacing the links with a fresh pair of eye balls and tossing the old ones in the bin. Oh, and 'the right button' would be the clear layer button with a little drop on it, next to the colour picker.
  2. But imagine what terribly world it would be, if the sane people ruled with reason ... What would there be to laugh about then?
  3. I went for a casual stroll in @Jordan Whitt's nigthmares. Such a cosy place! I should come here more often.
  4. I'm not sure, but I do believe I shall take it as a compliment, being called 'weirdo' by a toaster-man.
  5. Weirdness comes in many flavours, and is a matter of both taste and perspective. Personally I find 'regular' people weird ...
  6. Depending on your 'getup routine' and your inventory management, I'd argue that eye appliers probably win out against eyes. Why? Because it's more versatile, and takes up less inventory space. The Genus eyes are a single attachment, and a HUD containing any number of textures is a single inventory object, whereas system eyes in different colours and styles would require one item per setup. Furthermore, system eyes' UV is a single eyeball; with appliers you can choose to apply different colours (or textures, rather) to either eye (depending on the HUD). I for one change my eye colours and styles a lot, from my regular eyes that do maintain the same colour most of the time, to demonic, all-black, cyborg, etc - so in my world, appliers for eyes are superior, since there's no need to layer textures with alphas on the eyeballs, the way layering tattoos, body hair, scars, wounds, dirt, wrinkles, eyebrows, belly button fixes, muscle toners, breast shaders, or such, on your actual skin.
  7. Pet peeve: when this thread ends up on the second page of General. Means people aren't malcontent enough with the world around them!
  8. Another option is to use the Maitreya save sticks. When you've set your outfit up the way you like it, create a new copy of the save stick from your Maitreya folder, name it whatever you want to name the outfit, add it to your current outfit, click save, Create a new copy of the save stick from from your Maitreya folder, and put it in a dedicated folder for your outfit save sticks. Name the new stick whatever you want to call the outfit and add it to your current outfit. Click the save button on the save stick to save your current settings. Save your outfit to your wardrobe with the save stick attached. Done. Whenever you wear that outfit, the save stick will attach - just click on it to apply your settings, then detach it and you're ready to roll.
  9. A-well-a don't you know about the birb? Well, everybody knows that the birb is the word! A-well, a birb, birb, b-birb's the word, A-well-a mow, mow, pa-pa, ma-ma-mow, pa-pa Ma-ma-mow, ma-ma, mow, pa-pa..!
  10. Before the mesh era, many hairs came with their own hair bases included when you bought them. As mesh hairs became a thing, hair bases declined a bit, and generally speaking fewer varieties were made than in the past. Now, many mesh hairs come with built in hair bases, and those who don't tend to assume that you already have some that will fit - especially since many mesh heads came with built in hair base appliers. I'd suggest you look up Truth, I think they had a really nice hair base pack that should cover the basics - not sure whether they've updated it for BOM (I should probably go get the update if so).
  11. I'd strongly suggest getting a 'core' avatar first, which you can then build off of to achieve the various styles you're into. A mesh body and head, skin, etc. can be a bit costly, but once you've got it, you'll be able to use it in any kind of getup you want. For heads, the three brands off the top of my head that I'd look into are Genus, Lelutka (their evolution line specifically), and Catwa (their latest head is a 'new gen' kind of thing). For body, Maitreya is by far the most supported body. It does have some competition, mainly from Legacy, but I wouldn't suggest my worst enemy to get a Legacy. Maitreya is versatile, but if you want a more curvaceous shape you can look into Slink Hourglass (they also have a thinner one called Physique) or Belleza ... Um, whichever it is that people use. Freya? As far as clothes go, it's really up to what kind of goth you want. Most of the clothes I buy for my alt are from 'regular' stores, I just pick the dark colour options when I go there. There are some specialised stores, for cyberpunk you've got places like A&Y and SOLE, for vampires, again, it depends on whether you want a romantic Victorian type vampire look or a modern kind - and again, 'regular stores' are probably where you'll find most of the clothes. The stores who specialise in goth fashion tend to be ... Well, a bit tacky, in my opinion. Most will offer pretty much regular T-shirts with a print that just says 'WITCH' or something such. Goth and cyberpunk fashion, plus fetish, are my 'main' things for my alt. Feel free to give me a nudge if you need any help in-world.
  12. And yet people do it. From observing mankind for some while now, I've come to deduce that we are a fairly silly species. Some people also bring themselves to financial ruin to buy dense carbon in hopes of getting to marry someone. And if that didn't break their budget, the wedding ceremony certainly might. And then they still figure they should go bump elsewhere and end up losing half of what they own and having to pay alimonies that may well inhibit their ability to achieve financial stability again - especially as they may have to get a new home and vehicle to be able to even get to work. I bet some people who've had that happen to them would love to trade place with someone who has 'MINE - X.Y.Z.' burnt onto their buttock.
  13. That should work, too. Here's a gif and snap from Gyazo I just uploaded:
  14. Branding isn't unique to Goreans though ..
  15. When sharing pictures via URLs I prefer to right-click the image and press 'Copy Image Address' as that assures me to get the full URL in one go and that I share the picture rather than a hyperlink to the site the picture is displayed on. Like: ... Okay that may have been lazy of me - but hey, I just now noticed the bullets appearing!
  16. Perhaps they're former inhabitants of the cow level that escaped then the dimension collapsed after the murder of the cow king? I'm not going anywhere near them though. They're a bit too weird for me, and I'm a coulrophiliac. That wink is the cutest thing ever!
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