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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. I've got it turned off mainly for when I want to adjust my shape to be able to use a pose. If it's checked, it'll override my photo pose and I can't see whether it's going to be enough until I save and close the editor. It's easy enough to click the T-pose button on my UI if I want to use that pose whilst adjusting something!
  2. I'm not certain, but I believe it depends on which direction your camera is pointing when you click the button, if you have 'pose my avatar when adjusting appearance' unticked. What it wants to do is T-pose your avi and turn it around to face a certain direction, and move your camera to there - when you disable that, I guess the rendition of your avatar in that window is just made from its current position instead.
  3. I don't discriminate. I assume every person to be a waste of flesh, unworthy of the air they breathe, until they prove me wrong. ... I'm only occasionally wrong.
  4. The second one. Both due to the saturation, the exposure, and the butt. I mean, the angle. Both angles does give a sense of aloofness, as you're not looking at the viewer in either, but in the second one it has a more general effect with the subject doing their own thing, rather than sort of facing the camera but turning your head away. I also prefer the black frame to the white vignette. It comes out more crisp, and in my opinion compliments the tone of the image very well - the vignette does have a similar effect since that image is brighter, but the fuzziness doesn't add as much to the focus as the frame does.
  5. It's been an ongoing debate ever since the trailers of the remake was out, who'd be the better Pennywise. It's almost like the Edward vs. Jacob thing of the Twilight fans, with people acting as if their opinion is biblical canon and any argument to the contrary is heresy. My first Tim Curry experience was Frank 'N Further from RHPS, I'd seen it more than a few times before I came around to see It, and was a huge fan of him as an actor and singer by then. I love what he did with the role in spite of the very limited budget and technological resources at the time. The new films I haven't even watched, but I have seen a fair amount of clips from it, and I find the CGI-fest about as appealing as a carton of crayons that some other kid just, methodically, circulated through their nostrils. That's not to say that Skarsgård's portrayal is 'bad', from what I can tell he did a good job of it, but Curry did leave some very large shoes to fill. ... ... And not only because they're clown shoes...!
  6. Mimes are a subspecies of the clown family. Specifically, mimes are clowns that only communicate through gestures, whereas other clowns usually talk or communicate entirely through slapstick. There's a fair amount of intermingling between the two, but the white face paint and the painted on expressions originate in European 18thC clowns. What you're describing sounds like a French style of clowns, that is pretty popular in other parts of Europe as well - the poster clown for Sweden's most popular circus that was founded in 1899 has a clown in this style as well. Photograph of the French painter Henri Marie Raymond de Tolouse-Lautrec-Monfa (*gasps for a breath of air*), dressed up as a traditional French clown - but without makeup. The most popular type of clown in the US is supposedly the 'Hobo Clown', a type of sad clown usually with torn clothes and a bowler hat (sometimes other hats, such as the one in the picture).
  7. Haaaaave you met Neph? She is apparently feeling a little bit bored as she never gets to really meet any people. Oi, @Jordan Whitt, you up for a play date with Neph?
  8. This sounds like a forum game I'd actually participate in. ... Though I suspect the thread would get locked awfully quickly.
  9. Only for as long as whatever colour there is, it's outweighed by blackness!
  10. Imagine the bride tossing one of these at her wedding ... "Catch!"
  11. I get turned on by clowns. I don't think, I look at the appropriate studies and reflect on their findings. Coulrophobia was quite recently declared to have surpassed arachnophobia as the most common phobia, and researchers believe that the causes for this have to do with the 'clown sightings' in recent years, along with the reboot of the It movies. The reason why people fear clowns is believed to do with the uncanny valley effect - of something appearing human, but also being unhuman. The effect also tends to kick in with mannequins, certain types of dolls, masks, and modern androids (the people-robots, not the phones). Points to his forum profile pic. Both my avies has a collection of clown makeups, noses, and various accessories for clown getups. Aren't they cute?! I even had 'coulrophilia' written in my profile for a while. Just aren't a whole lot of kinky clownettes around the grid. Sighs. Can't take your eyes off, huh? Winks playfully.
  12. Today, whilst browsing the MP, I happened upon a pair of ... Thigh-high flip flops. I almost died. I saw that - I got the feeling whoever composed it ought to be returned to the third grade, so that they may be taught how to write. I fondly remember that one time I ended up on there; some absolutely loony took a joke the wrong way and whinged about me 'genuinely wanting to kill people'. Ah, the heartwarming stupidity of the ignorant dregs of our society, unleashed to the global stage through the miracle that is the Internet. What a time to be alive!
  13. Eye twitching. I had that song on repeat on Spotify for days after I first heard it.
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