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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. If it's rigged well, yeah. If it's rigged poorly, it might look worse!
  2. As has been mentioned, it depends on the style. Longer hairs that reach to the nape or further that isn't rigged will very quickly look 'off' when the avatar moves. Unrigged allows for higher precision when positioning and scaling the hair. The issue is that not all heads are created the same. Heads' differences when it comes to rigging means that some styles rigged to fit one head size, will not fit other heads. Some brands have begun creating more and more sizes, and some brands which's hairs I've wanted for a long time has finally began rigging for a 4th size that actually works with my head.
  3. Christmas can be a somewhat nostalgic season. Also there aren't a Hell of a lot of good industrial Christmas music, so, back to punk it is.
  4. Since it was 50% off, I grabbed it. But I do like Neph's ahems the way they are.
  5. I used to consider the shoulders a bit of a pet peeve of mine, they can look really tense - especially since few AOs seem to address this and keep the shoulders level at most times (or sometimes even pushing them up a little). The ones I'm using on Neph are a combination of Small and Eradita, one for pushing them down a little, and the other for pushing the shoulder joints in a little (without mucking up the thorax the way reducing your shoulder width does). I also managed to create a single attachment out of most of the deformers I got (the ones that were modifiable anyway), which ... Is nice. I think. Not that I tend to hit the attachment cap anyway, but still!
  6. Hm, might pick up the petite addon then. Been thinking about whether I should make another photo alt in case I want more than one model too, sooo ... Hm, might go ahead and make one.
  7. Well, you can dance with them, maybe play some board games with them - that's my favourite approach to win souls anyway, or you can take them for a nice little drive, row, or sail them around for a bit ... Oh wait, you mean like actual, regular food? I wouldn't know what to do with that.
  8. I'm not a fan of those adverts, to me it doesn't make much sense to show off what a product looks like when rendered in a different program than the one the customers will be using it. Most of the time it's not a huge deal, as long as they provide a proper demo. It feels weird to raise one's customers' expectations though, and then they'll try a demo - many without even having ALM on - and it looks completely flat in comparison. Or perhaps worse yet, you try the demo on, with ALM on, and quickly realize that the materials are way off for SL, and that since clothes rarely are modifiable these days, you got no way to fix it yourself. It's not necessarily a sign of a 'bad' creator though, some of my favourite creators do use these adverts, and whilst their products obviously won't look quite like that in-world, they'll still be at the top of the line. At which point it only strikes me as even more curious that they wouldn't just show how good their stuff actually looks.
  9. As seen in the colours challenge thread.
  10. Is that @Doc Carling peeping through your window ..?
  11. And what do actual photographers answer when people with the same 'editing is cheating' attitude ask why photographers edit their shots? Personally I don't really care what people do with their SL photography. To each their own, I for one do it for my own entertainment rather than anything else. But the attitude of 'look at me, I do real photography, I only shoot raw', it's a particularly disgusting mix of ignorance and pretentiousness.
  12. Depends on who you ask. Technically, there's no difference in using the post processing in BDW, or the snapshot filters in the FS camera, or using Gimp/PS to add filters. But because some people have an inherent need to 'stand out', and have formed a hive minded delusion that they're somehow 'better' because they don't understand such things, people will often do highly processed shots in BDW and claim it's 'raw'. To someone who doesn't know how to use a photo editing program, it must appear like witchcraft - and sure, some SL photography is post-processed to a point where it's very clear that it isn't a regular/natural snapshot; but there's plenty of people who use the programs just to fix things that SL usually can't, like, neck seams - who you couldn't tell were edited if it weren't pointed out to you. But since they're ignorant puritans who fear anything that's beyond their comprehension, anything beyond adding a signature to the shot is suspicious. Even that appears to be corrupted, to some.
  13. Not a lot, usually. The Piggu avies appeared to receive a liiittle bit of support, last I checked. But yeah, any creator who gets into making clothes for SL will probably focus on bodies that are used by the majority of the player base. If someone only wanted to spend $100 on the body, they probably aren't going to want to spend much on their clothes either.
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