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Clara Hollyberry

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Everything posted by Clara Hollyberry

  1. This was quite lovely: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Divine Corruption/218/54/26 This is what you get at the landing: "Please be mindful of private properties for the duration of your visit. For rez rights in Erebos Harbor and access beyond the landing zone to Ash Falls, please join our group; d i r t y . p r e t t y "
  2. Massive thanks for that reminder; that's a great resource, that SLink faq. We're Slink lovers in my wee circle and this is extremely helpful.
  3. That IS an interesting proposition! Not to mention a lot of fun to read. The idea makes me happy. Are you hoping people will help decorate / landscape it or just use the space for their own purposes? I hope you get a good response.
  4. Yes, since 2013 when I started shooting models for clothing posters, this has been a thing for me. On Singularity, Firestorm, and Linden viewer, to be specific; on Mac and PC. Which prompts me to revisit the issue from time to time and test it (turning off AOs as you do) but ultimately resigning myself to wearing the clothes myself to photograph.
  5. Yes 500L/week is waaaaay too low. Also, incidentally, Data-entry Specialists work a lot better when not being interrupted by project-tracking or text formatting; there are a few jobs bundled into one, here, in this description. You don't have to pay Data-Entry the same as Creative, PR, or Project Management. But you do have to pay them. (And they are usually different people. )
  6. The colours are perfect. I have no qualms about including architecture in landscapes. This building clearly wants to be a Christmas tree, standing so tall and beautifully lit.
  7. Go for the shopping, stay for the photography lol Dang, more of these please ❤️
  8. Voice yes sometimes, less and less as time goes on. There are still occasions that call for it in my small circle but not every day. I prefer to listen to music than to the all-too-vivid reality of someone's (let's say) living-room, given my druthers.
  9. The psychology of de-rendering in my opinion is "live and let live." It's a way of co-existing without demanding someone else change something for your benefit. De-rendering is peace-keeping at the worst of times, not having to get into a fight with the neighbours over unruly objects; it's also magnificently improving the horizon at the best of times, extending the water out to the sunset for miles and peaceful miles. I wouldn't go to an art show and de-render the art. I wouldn't go to a shopping event and de-render the vendors. But on my parcels, if there's an eyesore nearby and I want to enjoy just a serene feeling of water and sun and nobody else in the world, yeah baby de-render the whole region! It feels like your own private universe for a sliver of a fraction of the cost 👍
  10. i've nothing new to add to all the other excellent advice and wishes for hugs but I'd like to add my sympathies and hopes that you get some peace soon. in that kind of rp/new person universe it's bad enough to have to deal with friendly-fire and now you also have hostile-fire to contend with. hopefully your reporting of the incidents will come to a good resolution for you and your region.
  11. Lovely and detailed, and helpful in interesting ways.
  12. Ahh see now, you had me fooled since this is the Land Forum general discussion area, so I was hoping this was somehow land-solved 👍 Nevertheless, good luck, something will work out.
  13. In the group's description which people can hopefully read before joining, you could indicate that some serious reading is required before joining and indicate a link to another source, if you wanted to. Or you could put the rules as picks in your own profile and use the group description to direct readers to that, alternatively. There are many ways to get the information across. If you're looking to make sure you have "plausible ejectability" (i.e. "you'll be ejected for breaking the rules whether or not you've read them, and I can guarantee that you ought to have read them because we took these certain precautions, so you're ejected now") then you can maybe indicate in the group description to request a notecard from you personally before engaging with the group, and upon delivery of that notecard you would change the new person's title to whatever you think indicates "ready to engage." Or, maybe, if you have land, perhaps where the group joiner is, you can also indicate "Read This First Before Joining," as a big fat red button to press before pressing the little tiny black button to join the group. Lots of creative ways to get this done. My favourite solution is to have a group manager to take care of all this for you so that you don't have to lol
  14. Facts are facts. People can be manipulated or deceived.
  15. What happens when someone buys a thing on your wish-list: does it get removed from your list after receipt?
  16. Every Hallowe'en, Pulse Games organizes something like that -- something like that -- and it's always cool. There is a framework, puppetmasters are clearly in control, but you show up and just by being yourself you walk around and seek clues (and rewards and prizes), and there is collaboration among players as they try to determine the nature of this or that puzzle in order to solve it. Geared towards "hive mind" rather than zombie-mind. The game feels like real and now reality. It's a horror story. (It's Hallowe'en.) There is probably not the "white space" left for players to fill in so much as in that wiki description; however, the look and feel of a person's participation in this interactive horror experience is something like that ARG description. That's the only SL experience/game that comes to mind.
  17. Been there too. Some people quote like ninjas, and in a thread about learned things I should probably learn how to do that properly.
  18. That's a super scooter! Great job, there.
  19. And sometimes it's just nature, as opposed to nurture. Some folk are just born that way. No way to predict.
  20. "Why do people get so irrationally angry over other people on their land." There's a lot to unpack in that question and I'm wondering if it's really the question you're asking. Lots of people get rationally angry about it (i.e. it's far too commonplace for their liking; they're fed up; they do something about it.) Lots of people don't mind at all. Lots of people channel their feelings of anger into more productive outcomes than helpless fury. And, alas, lots of people take the opportunity to hurl bombs of abuse (not to be confused with anger -- never ever to be confused with anger. Abuse and anger are not the same things.) A person can be angry without being abusive. Angry about repeated trespassing or about being ignored or whatever else. But being abusive is just ugly. So, a better question might well be, "How do some people think that being deliberately, willfully ugly will help their situation?" And I haven't the faintest idea.
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