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  1. I did not get my stipend this week either, i received it for last week on the 27th but nothing received from yesterday
  2. Just like in the real world some sellers set high price cause they klnow if they wait long enough somebody not too smart or desparate for that property will come along and break open the bank to purchase it, but i say they can keep it. Just like domanin names in RL all the corporate rich folks can buy them all and constantly pay on them and after a while many of them will go broke eventually
  3. If you have a home you should be able to add your stream to that property and invite guest over for a party, this is a great way to test things out with your stream and having a live event, but be careful you get a good stream that Linden likes cause the Linden homes tend to have issues with people doing this the inexpensive way. They want you spending money to be a DJ apparently so i used my dedicated server that i already own for business to setup my own relay with icecast so not to pay SL or it's sponsors more then they deserve, when prices for owning land come down me and many others i know will be spending much more real money in this grid
  4. i've loaded music onto my dedicated server and when i paste individual music file link into the "Music URL" box the song plays perfectly, however when pasting m3u playlist files it shows that the Parcel Streaming Audio is playing but i'm not hearing the audio
  5. i've loaded music onto my dedicated server and when i paste individual music file link into the "Music URL" box the song plays perfectly, however when pasting m3u playlist files it shows that the Parcel Streaming Audio is playing but i'm not hearing the audio
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