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  1. Willamina Preparatory School Nous vous remercions de votre intérêt pour l'enseignement dans notre école. Notre clientèle étudiante est 14 à 18 ans, et nous cherchons à offrir une grande variété de classes, du milieu universitaire au élective. Nous recherchons également des entraîneurs de clubs tels que les sports d'équipe. Nos cours universitaires seront enseignés 3 jours par semaine pendant 1 heure chacun. Elective et clubs peuvent être 1 ou 2 heures et au moins 1 jour par semaine. PERSONNEL ENSEIGNANTS Science (Biologie, Chimie, Zoologie Etc) Études sociales Langue étrangère (allemand, francais, latin, etc.) Économie L'informatique ET PLUS! AUTOCARS Football Nager Volley-ball Lacrosse S'il vous plaît contacter l'acteur Headmisstres, Charlotte R. (charlotte17xox) ou goutte à l'école et remplir une demande. Je vous remercie! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/BraveHearts/226/125/27
  2. Willamina Preparatory School Thank you for your interest in teaching at our school. Our student base is ages 14 to 18, and we are looking to offer a wide variety of classes, from academic to elective. We are also looking for club coaches such as team sports. Our academic classes will be taught 3 days a week for 1 hour each. Elective and clubs can be 1 or 2 hours and at least 1 day a week. STAFF TEACHERS Science (Biology, Chemistry, Zoology Etc) Social Studies Foreign Language (German, French, Latin, etc) Economics Computer Science AND MORE! COACHES Soccer Swim Volleyball Lacrosse Please contact the Headmisstres, Charlotte R. Actor (charlotte17xox) or drop by the school and fill out an application. Thank you! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/BraveHearts/226/125/27
  3. There are no Jr Highs or middle schools.. Maybe we can make that?...
  4. I want to create a school or a daycare. I need someone to create it with. Could even make it with multiple people, really split the costs. We still need land, I don't know if anyone has any or knows a good place to buy it. Any ideas or tips or anything? PLease IM if you don't want to reply on the forum. Thank you!! Charlotte17xox
  5. Please come join us in sharing Charlotte's joy As she prepares for a little girl or boy! A Baby Shower and Luncheon honoring Charlotte R. Actor DATE : October 18th 2016 TIME : 11am SLT LOCATION : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/BraveHearts/190/171/43 Gifts are not required but very well appreciated! Registry: (Most are $L1) Baby blanket Pacifier Bottles Diapers Baby bath Baby carrier seat Baby swing Baby toys Anything else you would like!
  6. Hello all, I started a photography buisness and was wondering if anyone has any tips. ~WEBSITE~ charlottecrossphotography.webs.com Thank you!
  7. Hello, my name is Charlotte. I am a SL photographer. My website is at charlottecrossphotography.webs.com I would love to work with you!
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