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Posts posted by Draetia

  1. Okay so, since i've been more active in the grid as blogger/photographer and i'm trying to create mesh stuff i encounterd some problems with my laptop:

    Too laggy even when doing nothing (low graphics and such) 

    I have to take photos in Medium quality since otherwise it will crash badly. 

    Resolution not highter of 3kx1900 or SL will crash.

    Need of a second airvent thingy or It burns like hell. 

    Plus my battery is down, like if i unplug the laptop from the charger i'm done. 


    So, that being said, can anyone help me finding a good computer that for once in my life will let me use SL in ULTRA settings (no people around. I work alone), render stuff from Blender without turning intorno an airplane and that wont cost me a kidney?

    My budget would be around 500€/600€ cuz i'm not working atm so i will have to save. 

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