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Everything posted by Wooja

  1. Derek Torvalar wrote: Don't forget about the esocrt ads. Actually, I have noticed in the last few days that the mods, once they have actually got online, have been able to dispose of the detritus at a stroke, unlike previously when it seemed as if they were having to delete each spam post individually. Congratulations LL on some progress, however, minor. Wooja...expectasignificantimprovementatsomepointinthenearfuture
  2. Derek Torvalar wrote: Is "tip-tappy" in Chapter 2 or 3 of "The Idiots Guide to Forum Moderation" Mari? I personally understood it was the official FIFA term for the extremely successful short-passing game practised by Spain when winning the last World Cup. Nevertheless I shall bow down to Marigold's obvious expertise, while noting that if trivial posts were to be removed willy-nilly (I recommend not looking up the etymology of that particualr phrase on a full stomach) then the forums would be composed of nothing much but feminist propaganda and n00bs asking why they were wearing boxes. Of the posts which were nuked, my particular concern was regarding one which was an extremely serious and valid criticism of a lack of transparency in the announcement of the restoration of the JIRA. I presume Community Linden has god-like powers, and that one of their uses is to avoid embarrassment. Wooja...takethisthreadalittlemoreseriouslyifithadbeenstartedbyebbelinden
  3. In other news, there is a brand spanking new anonymous Linden, Community Linden, foisted on us with no explanation of role or accountability. The good part of the news is that their feed is open, which presumably means that they are accepting comments, suggestions and invitations to party. Until they lock it down again... Wooja...thinkwehaveallweekendbeforetheynotice
  4. l understand that several posts have recently been removed from the forums without the authors either being informed of the reasons for their deletion, or indeed, that the action has been taken. This appears to conflict with historic commitments from Community Managers that all unilateral forum actions would be informed and justified to the principal participants affected, and indeed, contradicts the new CEO's public commitment to transparency. Has the policy changed? Wooja...expectthisposttodisappearmysteriouslyandifsoebbewillbeinformed
  5. LaskyaClaren wrote: Wooja wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: I'm surprised that "Wooja" is not all over the fact that a thread dedicated to our new CEO has turned into a discussion of virtual lap dogs. :-P FIFY! Woofa...frightensthelolcatsawayanyway Grrrr. IT WAS A PUN!!!!! When 100% of all previous postings by an avatar account have been impassioned and reasoned (see, I'm offering you a backhanded compliment) insertion of levity is not immediately credible unless signalled in some way - which is probably why emoticons (spit!) were invented, although historically it has been achievable by deliberate dumbing down of a normal standard of grammatical exactitude to generate a faux personality that is immediately obvious to most, although some ingenuous readers will still have problems. I like the Grrr. It frightens even more of the lolcats away. Wooja...believemeifisaidiknewitwasapunbutwantedtohighlightitincaseothersdidntunderstanditwasandwasright
  6. irihapeti wrote: wooja accept that the past is numbered and the future is not? I happen to believe in the Extended Many Worlds Interpretation. Which says not just that everything which can happen does happen . . . . . . but it happens all at once . . . . . . and the puny human concept of time is just a kludge to try to make sense of it all. Wooja...startacosmologythreadinthetechnicalforum
  7. LaskyaClaren wrote: I'm surprised that "Wooja" is not all over the fact that a thread dedicated to our new CEO has turned into a discussion of virtual lap dogs. :-P FIFY! Woofa...frightensthelolcatsawayanyway
  8. irihapeti wrote: Wooja wrote: Wooja...campaignagainstsuffrageforalts wooja pep that campaign up if you cood?? Nah, I think alts suffer enough already, as you should know. Wooja...commentonkiaorabeingthemostridiculousnameforadrink
  9. Will it be a leaving party? Wooja...taketheboringtechstuffawayfromgd
  10. I think you should be able to adopt Lindens. As kajira, footstools, or weapons practice targets depending upon their apparent gender, or lack of it. Wooja...havealotterytowinebbeasaslaveforaweek
  11. Rod closed his Twitter feed down too. Wooja...thinkebbewouldstoptweetingsoon
  12. If you are indicative of inworldz users then the main difference is that you don't have to be just semi-literate to join, like most residents here, but almost completely illiterate. Wooja...thinkheydonthavespellcheckersthere
  13. Democracy is a pointless exercise in countries where identity fraud is rife. And SL, where it isn't even fraud. Wooja...campaignagainstsuffrageforalts
  14. Freya Mokusei wrote: You said:- Pussycat Catnap wrote: If you do not wish to be bashed for supporting evil, then don't mention that you support evil. Its that simple. I read this as "roleplaying in Gor" == "supporting evil". This was based on Carolinestravels saying "...Gor bashing thread..." after stating that she roleplayed in Gor - if Carolinestravels did say that she supported evil, then I apologise. As it is, I don't see the need for you to have said the following two paragraphs if you weren't equating roleplaying in Gor with Real Life evil:- Pussycat Catnap wrote: I grew up in a world of drug sellers.... [and etc] I've met real sex slaves... [and etc] And:- Pussycat Catnap wrote: I realize that there are a lot of people in SL who think rape and slavery are social goods - and we need more of it, and maybe more in the real world too... and they're ardent supporters of Gor and even the 'lifers' of Gor This implies a correlation that I've never seen. I don't know if this person 'who thinks rape and slavery are social goods' exists to a quantity that can be called 'a lot', and I also don't believe that if this type of person does exist on a wide endemic scale, that it would be exclusive to Second Life Gor. Please link any evidence supporting this position, else - as I said above - you're inventing this or otherwise having trouble separating fact from fiction. I don't see any way that roleplaying in Second Life Gor directly leads to either the drugs trade or the slaves trade in real life. Outside of the population averages for illegal activity and empathy-reducing mental illness, I can't imagine that the two can possibly be related, except within your post and perhaps your imagination. ETA: Evidence to bear in mind, according to http://slgorsurvey.blogspot.com There are more Kajira than Free Men (31% vs. 25%) Most Gor roleplayers are interested in meeting new people (249/363 Multi-select answers) 8% of Gor roleplayers play to fight 17% of Gor roleplayers play for sex Most Gor roleplayers prefer little-to-no discussion about the books (47% vs. 14%) 52% of Gor roleplayers are turned off by 'Bad Administration' Added to which: 11% of Gor roleplayers tell the truth 34% of Gor roleplayers don't know what day it is 75% of Gor roleplayers play to assuage their inferiority complex 25% of Gor roleplayers play to massage their superiority complex 48% of Gor roleplyers are turned off by 'Good Administration' Most Gor roleplayers are interested in dominating new people But most importantly 84% of Gor roleplayers are so illiterate they can neither read the books nor understand this post.Wooja...dothewashingupwoman
  15. Medhue Simoni wrote: Great story qwerty Qork! Ebbe! Get on it! Please! Custom bones for rezzed objects. You know! NPCs with their own skeletons! We(I) have been for years, and am now, begging. I think augmentation of avatars with internal organs is much more of a priority. It needn't cost much either; certain non-Lindens could have working brains transplanted in, and their current ones would fetch very high resale prices - after all, they haven't been used. Wooja...buyasecondhandbrainfromamod
  16. I think there may be a bunch of people that perhaps LL has not bothered to inform of the new attitude of "transparency and empowerment". Wooja...makesureyourducksareinlinell
  17. Laskya, there is a cosmic difference between the aims of a Sith Lord and a Gorean male: the former wants to subjugate every living being, whereas the latter is much less evil, being content with mastery over only the physically weaker 50% of humans, which is a much more easily achieved ambition. Wooja...wannaberuleroftheuniverseorjusthavecontrolofthetvremote
  18. A month goes by, and Ebbe (or his PR sockpuppet) does PAs in SLU, drive-bys in these Forums and indiscriminately retweets everybody and his dog on Twitter - but his profile feed is locked down tighter than an ex-VP of Marketing's proximity card. Does this mean that the my.secondlife.com web property is doomed to stagnation and morbidity? Or perhaps nobody has told Ebbe about it, because they are too embarrassed . . . Wooja...notholdyourbreathwaitingtoseehimintrending
  19. Leia36 wrote: Altberg? hmm a rose by any other name? Somehow his name strikes me as being entirely appropriate to LL, SL and this very forum :smileywink: Better never than late, Leia. Wooja...reallythinknobodyhascommentedonthatinthelastmonth
  20. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: I think it's perfectly clear. He's gay so, if anyone is looking for him in SL, trying the gay communities is a sensible thing to do. It doesn't mean that he is bound to be there and nowhere else. It just means that there's a fair chance that he would be found there. Perfectly clear. The word "try" means give it a go. This still doesn't explain how Sy got it wrong. So, instead of wasting my time thinking about this any longer, I'll just assume that you really have no idea what issue you actually had with what he said and just decided to be impetuously cantankerous. ...Dres If I wanted to be able to find Phil in SL should I try the sims where the closet homophobes gather? Wooja...gothatfar
  21. Sorry, Del, this is where your expectations are likely to end up: Livy said: "With little hope, the boldest measures are the safest". But I doubt if Ebbe reads Roman historians. Wooja...prefersamueljohnsonwhosaidthereremainslittlehopeofreturntokindnessordecency
  22. You're just as likely to find him: * where people with bipolar problems pop in and out * where people that use Linux assemble * where grammar nazis serve their sentence * where atheists and humanists congregate * where Norwich City supporters are at home but not unconscious in a champagne bar, as he might be in real life Wooja...notprefertolookontwitter
  23. Phil Deakins wrote: Coby Foden wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: I'm cynical, but I've grown cynical through the years entirely because of the actions of Linden Lab. Here you go Phil... :matte-motes-big-grin: :smileywink: Did you get those from Ebbe? If you did, I'm not touching them with a bargepole. Not everything is what it say on the box. Thank you for the thought, anyway They are suppositories, Phil. Wooja...wannaguesswhatitwasthatwasbeingsuggestedyoushoulddo
  24. "transparency and empowerment are core to me" Ebbe must have had a miserable time at Microsoft and Yahoo! All my experience of those two brainwashing organisations is of fud and impotence. Wooja...ratherthinkhesbeenreadinghiswifescosmopolitanmagazines
  25. Been there (Stanford), done that (BDSM), got the t-shirt (Do the Zimbardo!) watched the movie: Wooja...saypowercorrupts
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