Hey everyone, to be short and sweet, I've attempted the piece-meal approach to creating a fun and modifiable character... The problem is, I've bought a lot of different heads, bodies and other items in my search and have not really been satisfied. So, I'm appealing to the community for help, because while I love the maitreya body, I have not had much luck in finding a head/body/skin/shape combo that works well together... Are there any shops that you might be willing to direct me to, or am I just going about my search the wrong way? I'm open to suggestions and help in this, as I'm not terribly well-versed in creating female avatars, but have a desire to learn more, as I'm RPing a female character and am attempting to make an avatar for my fiancee.
That said, if you have any suggestions, ideas or comments, I'd appreciate hearing from you, provided of course it's not to be rude. *Cannot countenance rude individuals*