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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. what you encoutered is no copybot, that doesn't damage your stuff, only copies it without you even know it .....
  2. To maintain compliance with industry standards for payment information security and to better protect our residents, some Second Life websites have been updated to meet TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 encryption standards. Here’s a list of supported browsers: Supported Browsers: - Chrome 22 or later - Firefox 28 or later - Internet Explorer 11 or later* - Safari 7 or later** * Internet Explorer users on Windows Vista will need to either upgrade to Windows 7 or switch to Firefox or Chrome. ** Safari users on Mac OS X 10.7 and Mac OS X 10.8 will need to either upgrade to Mac OS X 10.9 or switch to Firefox or Chrome.
  3. yes, you can pay with the L$ you earn in SL, but will have to sell it so it will be on you USD balance. LL will always try o charge that account first. You can NOT pay with the L$ itself.
  4. LL will take the money from your account in sl, if there is no USD balance ( because you sold L$) it will be withdrawn from your billing method, without conversion to L$ first. So in fact payment from a empty sl usd balance won't let you deal with L$ exchange fees.
  5. might be the item you try to wear isn't designed for your specific avatar... might be the item isn't fully loading might be you wear a system avatar and mesh feet might be....lot of causes...
  6. we can do nothing more than repeart what you got on the phone... check your paypal... Is it a verified account?.... only that will work.
  7. most likely the items you want to have modified are not transferable. Nothing you have in SL is on your own pc, only a database is stored there for use, the actual assets are on SL servers. Only full perm items you created yourself can be stored on you local drive. So you friend can't change it unless you give your total account in his hands....and you know..... that's not a very wise thing to do... if you give your password voluntarely you in fact give another the chance to rob everything you have. And might loose your account. If something happens LL won't be very flexible to help.
  8. it might be your connection, or graphics, post your machine specs if you want. you could try resetting your modem/router or reinstall the graphic drivers
  9. don't be to shy, you can test it everywhere where voice is enabled... it might bring some great new contacts if others hear you ...testing 123 ......anybody hear me?....:matte-motes-bashful-cute: You can also see if it's working by the little green thingie above your head, even without talking and just ticking on your mic.
  10. no deletion costs nothing. if you have no land you have to do nothing after you clicked deleting. Your account will go down at the end of this billing cycle. Reactivation will cost the amount as mentioned on the website, it's including VAT. But instead of deletion i would choose for basic, it will stay alive and cost nothing if you don't spend anything.
  11. sounds to me there's something going on with the auto return, ask your landlord for help. Be sure to wear the right group tag when you put your objects on the land.
  12. HughJegow wrote: ....that SL is not going to be around much longer, ..... based on what info?...... to what i know it will disappear once but not in the next monrhs or year(s)..... as long there is a profitable userbase they won't pull the plug that soon. Sansar isn't up and running yet, and it's a real question if it will overrun SL that quickly.
  13. The maximum number of avatars inworld recorded is 88,200 in the 1st qtr. 2009 ( wikipedia)
  14. you always can try to get items back after inventory loss, and i think there's nothing against sending a copy of a ticket with it, but a creator is totally free to decide not to give you a replacement. If the items were transfer they will think twice before replacing it.
  15. nope... not likely they read it.... and when did you see 100k residents inworld?...i must have been sleeping that time....
  16. in the past it was possible to get a name as yours, firstname lastname now you can take only a one word name, and must be unique.
  17. open a ticket here ...https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ choose äctivate old account in the drop down menu.... give as much information you have and you will hear from them soon it makes things faster if you mention name, sign up info, secret question ...
  18. go to the members&roles tab and change/add roles
  19. please go open a thread on the discussion forum, this is the Q & A, and nothing you say will contribute to any sooner conclusion.
  20. you can use google, there are in and outworld providers. Or host it yourself if you machine is strong enough.
  21. If there's nothing wrong done by the banned user LL wil see that, no need to start a thread with all support posts, it will not help anybody, and Lindens will not change their mind about it. If there was nothing to investigate, there would be no administrative hold. Be very carefull in defending others, they can do things you never expect from a friend. You only see the cute avatar.
  22. all you can do it a rebuild of your inventory by clearing the cache. If that not helps it's most likely .....gone and lost
  23. were the walking animations on? it will be somewhere on the sim perhaps. If not, did you accidently delete it?.... did somebody else who has landrights, delete it?... in this case it should be in your inventory somewhere. We can't do much, but if it's really lost send in a support ticket at the AMARETTO website (NOT SL!) http://support.amarettobreedables.com/index.php?/Core/Default/Index
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