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  1. Hi, all, This is driving me bonkers. I had an object who changes position, and because it was under development, I have some debug info sent via llOwnerSay(). I came back today and found that the object is gone, but it's still sending llOwnerSay() messages, so I know it's somewhere in this sim. Area Search doesn't work presumably because it's out of range. I tried checking 0,0,0 and 256,256,4098 and all of the other extreme limits and it's not there. I then right clicked on the object in chat and according to its profile, it's at 0,0,0 but I've already looked there. I checked if it was invisible by going into edit and dragging a box around 0,0,0 and no dice. I tried the AOS probe, did a SIM wide search and it couldn't even find it. The sim is an island, so it can't be in any neighboring sim or region. Out of ideas, I went to block the object, in an effort to at least mute the incessant llOwnerSay() messages, and guess what? Even THAT doesn't work! All I want to do is remove the object so I can have some peace. I'm using Firestorm 4.6.9. Can anyone please help me out here? Thanks in advance.
  2. Thanks, Rolig. I was sort of figuring that would work, although I didn't like it for the same reasons you don't, plus because I'm already using timers for other things I'll have to figure a way to mesh the two logical pieces together into one timer event. It's a rare circumstance, but I've noticed there are some AO's or HUDs that take controls in some way or another and if they call llReleaseControls() while the avatar is seated on my own prim, it would sometimes release controls for my prim. I've only seen it happen a few times, but it was enough for me to want to do something about it.
  3. Hi, all, I'm experiencing the caveat in the llReleaseControls() docs: In some cases, calling llReleaseControls() in one script can affect the controls of other script which has also captured the same control bit on the same agent.If I have an object attached that has taken controls, and an object I'm sitting on that has taken controls, and the attached prim calls llReleaseControls(), the prim I'm sitting on no longer takes controls and instead the default behavior of camera control is done for that prim. This, despite the prim I'm sitting on having NO real "link" to the attached prim besides the two of them just happening to have the same controls taken. Are there any workarounds for this bug? I've tried a few things, including trying to detect if such an event has occurred (by pinging llGetPermissions() on a timer), but nothing seems to work.
  4. Thanks, guys. That helped me quite a bit. :matte-motes-grin: A lot of this stuff is still kind of guess-and-check for me, though.
  5. Hi, all. I have always had a hard time with these rotations. When it comes to simple things where both planes share an axis or something it's more or less easy, but with advanced stuff, it gets a little trial-and-error and I really just haven't figured out a rhyme or reason for it. I suppose part of it is due to my sleeping through geometry and trig classes too much. So, let's suppose you have a simple rectangular box. This box has a script which will rez another simple object upon touching it. This object should simply be rotated in such a way that it's facing the front of the box, but always aligned so it's flat relative to the ground (i.e. you can put a glass on it like a table without it sliding off). See the image below: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/268/x2lk.png This is easy when the object rezzing it is simply rotated about its Z axis, but the formula I have fails when the box is also tilted. The following is what I want the rezzed object to look like, but instead given my formulas it's either not pointing to its creator properly or it's not flat. http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/838/83nt.png I've read the documentation on combining rotations and using axes to rotate with, but I still can't quite understand the best way to tackle this seemingly simple task. Does anyone have any insight? I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
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