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Everything posted by LamyaeNeferati

  1. a 512 sqm on Mainland can easily be found for one or two stipend, unless u aim specific costly areas like roads or sea borders or prim bonuses
  2. could login at the end of incident, but just logged out and cannot login, now... seems the maintenance was not enough
  3. Globalement le monde est assez calme mis à part certains relous qu'on ignore facilement en sim matures/adultes.
  4. N'aurais tu pas par hasard un quelconque filtre sur ta nouvelle box? Peut être un truc parental... Le soft de lance (exécutable local) et ton filtre empêche les requêtes de connexion d'aboutir.
  5. To Bonjour, ça dépend aussi du type de RP souhaité, mais il est assez vrai que pas mal de communautés ont dû s'ouvrir et se faire absorber en anglophone ou disparaître.
  6. u should only recruit ppls that share their 512 allowance with u and acceppt to pay once a 100 to 300 group entry fées (that would symbolise the mafia protection). Then, the group could buy lands and rent them. With that rental, u could effectively pays tiers and rent back to group members at 10 percent of original tier... And may be u could rent several shares offre that Land. Si if ppm leave, they tale bck their 512 but paid at least some rental. Im me if u wish to talk about that.
  7. Btw, if u are using life u could easily find ppls on sim and family through website. Additionally several sims exist oriented life.
  8. Could be interesting... Depending on ur aims and expectation, and potentials, Feeling free to Im
  9. U do not need à mesh avatar, plenty offre free shapes, hairs and skins exist, u only need to work to set ur apparence as u wish it. Btw i recomend u to become premium sont u could have a little housse or buy a 512 sqm land. However if y are intéressés on breeding, u should look on a way to rent/buy at least 2048 sqm; u will need prims to host these things. Another point to not use meshes IS the fact that with meshes u can only use meshes outfits and worst some outfits have to be compatible with ur mesh brand; nice mesh apparence Can ne costly. However, if u l'île to be barefeet, i invite u to look for cheat barefeet mesh à, since legacy feet are ugly things.
  10. Basically, SL is a second life, Nothing in TOS imply that second life is to be the same as the first one
  11. Public nudity and most or usa federal sex crimes, but non violent and always as the prey. But these Law condamn either the passive or the active
  12. Could be nice to give sense and uses to roads and Small towns on mainla d, but only if roads and sea roads are effectively usable and once the system offerts some potential for not drivers like licences go provide fuel and fuel consultation, food, motels and si on. Otherwise, if it s to suffer crazy drivers/pilots that do not Care with others than their game, will keep banning lines and no fight control
  13. hello, normally llgiveinventory should work on the whole grid to send toward avi. I've a similar issue but to address items to object. I used llgiveinventory within the same sim, the sender object sent correctly the item toward the receiving object. I tried to set one object in a sim, and the other on other sim... it does not work without messaging. So, aiming to simulate caravans between sims would like to send items from mesh animal i script to corresponding receiver mesh animal in the grid. I used correctly the receiver UUID as destination... but llgiveinventory does not allow outside sim. Is there a way to do it? ty
  14. Ty, was thinking it was the only solution (to draw particules) but for beeing sure asked if it was possible to use this shortcut
  15. Hello, i'm currently working on items that uses RLV Relay command for "Adult purpose". Would like to know with using a script (outside of the collar itself) is there is a way to trigger the "LeashTo" Open Collar command without knowledge of collar bearer prefix? or If there is a way to automatically access the collar bearer prefix by a script (from outside of the collar itself)? Ty
  16. Hello, i would like to submit some issues i cannot solve at this time: 1) whatever i set on face prim (selected tecture-media) or by scripting, each time i try to define a prim face as media with a U-TUBE URL,each time i ve to click on the video to lauch it.. is there a particular setting to reach an autoplay? Tried with setting texture-media with "autoplay" checked and tried with setting "PRIM_MEDIA-AUTOPLAY,TRUE" with setting llSetLinkMedia properties. 2) additionaly i've an issue with sound on some U-Tube URLs. Most of time, all is good, but for some URLs whatever i do, using the same process (to set by tools or to set by scripting), i ve the video but no sound... when on web browser, the same URL provide sound... Has anyone an idea please or better some solutions?
  17. hello, is there a way with upgrading on recent version, or a viewer for SL that deals with HTML5 or google drive videos to be set on a prim? loaded the ladest flash, loaded the latest quictime, enabling plugins tried with built in or external tried on sl viewer or singularity in theis latest releases.... each time the same iresult about html5 and no video!! Is there any LL solution further release that is not "reserved" for doctor es computers? Is there any viewer that has already solved that issue? Ty
  18. hello, i'm trying to set a bed with JSON multisit array, therefore i've to use a lying anim instead of default sit. With using following script i ve an issue where only the first avi to sit uses the correct animation. Others avi are only using the default sit anim :/ //multi sit prim using Json Arrays (expects 6 seats) //written by To-mos Codewarrior(tomos.halsey) string SEATS_data; list getFreeSeat() { string avi;integer i=llGetNumberOfPrims(); list avatarCheck;list sittingAvis; integer listIndex;string newAvi; integer newAviFlag=FALSE; //get current avatars on seat for (;i--;) { if(llGetAgentSize(llGetLinkKey(i+1)) != ZERO_VECTOR) { avatarCheck += [llGetLinkKey(i+1)]; } } //llOwnerSay("Current Avatars: "+llList2CSV(avatarCheck)); //run garbage cleaning loop to dump dead keys //and store the existing ones for checking i=2; for(;i--;) { avi=llJsonGetValue(SEATS_data,["seat"+(string)i,"key"]); if(avi!="empty") {//if avi isn't on the list set it to empty listIndex=llListFindList(avatarCheck,[(key)avi]); if(!~listIndex) SEATS_data=llJsonSetValue(SEATS_data,["seat"+(string)i,"key"],"empty"); else sittingAvis+=avi; } } //identify the new key i=llGetListLength(avatarCheck); for(;i--;) { listIndex=llListFindList(sittingAvis,[llList2String(avatarCheck,i)]); if((!~listIndex)&&!newAviFlag) { newAviFlag=TRUE; newAvi=llList2String(avatarCheck,i); //llOwnerSay("The new avatar is: "+newAvi); } } //check their numbers if(llGetListLength(avatarCheck)>6) { if(newAvi!="") llSay(0,"Too many avatars are on me, please get off "+llKey2Name(newAvi)); else llSay(0,"More avatars need to get off me."); return ["full"]; } //no need to go further after cleaning //up the array and have empty newAvi if(newAvi=="")return ["none"]; //llOwnerSay("New avatar is: "+(string)newAvi); //now find first instance of empty to dump the new key //reset the new avi flag for the next loop newAviFlag=FALSE; i=2; for(;i--;) { avi=llJsonGetValue(SEATS_data,["seat"+(string)i,"key"]); if(avi=="empty"&&!newAviFlag) { SEATS_data=llJsonSetValue(SEATS_data,["seat"+(string)i,"key"],(string)newAvi); //just use avatarCheck list as a temp variable for the output avatarCheck=[llJsonGetValue(SEATS_data,["seat"+(string)i,"pos"]),llJsonGetValue(SEATS_data,["seat"+(string)i,"twist"])]; newAviFlag=TRUE; } } return avatarCheck; } default { state_entry() { SEATS_data=llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT, [ "seat0",llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT,["key","empty","pos",<0.35, 0.25,-0.05>,"twist",3*PI/2]), //left "seat1",llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT,["key","empty","pos",<-0.35, 0.25,-0.05>,"twist",3*PI/2]) //right ]); llSetClickAction(CLICK_ACTION_SIT); llSitTarget(<0.0,0.0,0.1>,ZERO_ROTATION); } changed(integer change) { if(change & CHANGED_LINK) { list output=getFreeSeat(); if(output!=["full"]&&output!=["none"]) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(llGetNumberOfPrims(),[PRIM_POS_LOCAL,(vector)llList2String(output,0),PRIM_ROT_LOCAL,llEuler2Rot(<0.0,0.0,llList2Float(output,1)>)]); } } if (llAvatarOnSitTarget() != NULL_KEY) llRequestPermissions(llAvatarOnSitTarget(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { string anim = "sleeping - on back, arms under head"; llStopAnimation("sit"); llStartAnimation(anim); } } is anybody able to help me to debug this issue? Please.
  19. hihi, trying to script and design is the most funny way to learn how to do and the main part of my SL (with some naughty breaks when tired with learning by myself) there are lot of scripters to help and lot of free scripts on internet to try, analyse and improve for own use
  20. ohhh ty, missed that in wiki therefore when restarted either the first item was to be set again. ty a lot, sorry for derangement (blush)
  21. Hello, although it's not strictly linked with LSL, i would like to know how to deal with an issue on MLPV2.4z9 I'm trying to use MLPV2.4z9 to manage pose balls on items, but if i't's cool and funny with an object, when i tried to copy this object, within the copy it seems all the positions are reset and then i've to define again the ball position for each copy. I tried with CTRL D, i tried with taking a copy, i tried with copying contents and then pasting it on the other object, each time i ve to set again ball positions :/ Does anyonne know what i missed or how to do in order a copy of an object keep MLPV2.4z9 ball setting? Ty for ur help
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