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Posts posted by Starlua0

  1. Thanks there are ofc no phone number, real name, such things in my bio, just age, hobbies, occupation, country from where I am.

    But i might think its better to be safe and hide some RL information, and tell it to friends only if ask.

     BTW i respect your job, good to see police officer, I know some by irl too, I have also had "security" types jobs in my life, but different than yours I can tell if need :), but just not on this forum.

  2. I need help for this, I did some search but found anything yet.

    Its about how much info one uses on profile, from what you are IRL, ofc excluding name, address and such, but age, job hobbies...

    I mean is it safe to be open on your profile info about your RL, since I am socially active, I get friends and I read other ppl details too sometimes. Some players have nothing on their BIO, some players have SL bio(for whatever fantasy they have), but nothing on real world bio.

    And some players reveal their info after I have gotten friends with them.

    So my profile is quite open, I am honest in irl too, should I be honest and keep it in SL profile and tell my RL self or should I hide details from what I am RL? and be more anonymous, like most are there

    Is it security/harrasment or any kind of issue that could lead you into trouble in SL?

    Thanks for any advice given, I may ask for my friends opinion for this too.

  3.  Hello I also just joined, and my interest is furries too, I guess i consider myself half furry, im still hetero and dont have many furry interested friends yet ^^

    But since I just love furry art, I decided to try this secondlife, seen pics and videos from here :)

    Currently im looking furry avatar, and some nice gentleman skin too, bougth some LS too, be newb gently, I can be real gentleman too, I dont fear any adult stuff or any sexuality you may present.

    I hae seen plenty of life and being friendly with everyone carries you far..

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