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Everything posted by Oltidessa

  1. I can't post pictures to profile feed. It says failure to upload in both firestorm and default second life viewer. I remember this working maybe the first month back in september 2013, its 1/14 so this has been a while, I can log in from the website and post status so it seems to be a problem with the camera control. I can upload to my computer but from what I understand you can't post those pictures back to your feed.
  2. I can't stop this item from sending me messages. I do not write script. this was a bought item, and this item was deleted from my inventory in the hope that, that would solve something..... Script trying to trigger animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set Script trying to stop animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set I just want to find/delete item or stop the script from running whichever makes more sense. But can't locate it with beacons and don't know what to do. Happened in a sandbox, but shifting to other areas still on so I assume the script is running attached me....
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