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  1. though I am currently and for over 4-5 yrs now affiliated with my imvu avatar whom I love due to my simplified virtual life experiences there,such as in what is my dressing room where im aloud to click try or buy, when I click try, it dresses my avatar with desired product be it clothing land building...via anything with in the entire catalog..and multiple products at once to get as good a feel as I want for as long as I need to...and then simply click the off or x on pics below of products being featured below button of undesired product there by it is cut clear that this is exactly what I am going to do.thereby because of these simplifications as well as my experiences over the years I prefer to even in real life to do my research prior to engaging in transactions and this is how I landed on this page replying to this message because and I had sometime ago created an avatar account here to simply trying out second life and remember feeling that and in my opinion it appeared slightly more endepth/complicated and not as simplified/cutclear as imvu's client thereby needed to spend more time researching playing around with it to become more familiar with it...in short whereas here I am years later attempting again having lost my old account it is still unclear to why i was stukk haing trouble retrieving my old account/ info..recreated a new account to find that I need to install something still unclear why in order to bring up visuals...demo's were unclear to me and what initially came to my newbie mind was wow...whats going on here with the fact that firstly its called a demo means of course to try yet im allowed to purchase it for 0 dollars? wow I thought this must me somekind of new promothion thing where the seller is allowing me to buy it thereby making it free to me!..to pull me in to there shop or products to buy more products...so initially im thinking this item I going to be mine...and that this is why it s promting me to buy...there is this small unclear message that is being sent across I believe...due to the fact that we all are not necessarily dum maybe nieve however don't think alike...so this way of trying on thing is unclear as to why it has to be done this way at all...why cant I just try on the product with out this unclear notion that im buying it for 0 dollars it should be made clear upfront what this process actually means all newbies such as myself will not research demo feedback purchase this item and possibly think they own it only to later find out the facts later and possibly become disgruntled about this whole process matter and choose not to buy ...moreover not knowing that this was a version ...I did not not this....further more will be disfigured if they don't read this page...I should be able to try yoiur product on right there in your shop and take it off right there in the store and not go through even more non simplified /more complications in this matter. my is questions is why is this going on?...lovelylioness4u3 @ imvu.com
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