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  1. Karu2

    Area search not working !

    No I haven't reduce my draw distance !
  2. Karu2

    Area search not working !

    The neighbor is living on the same region and I haven't change anything in the area search settings and I know that it worked with the old viewer and also in the beginning with the new one but now I can't get that persons things on the area search at all !
  3. Hey I don't know if anyone else have this problem but I got this neighbor that keeps rezzing alot of scripted things out and when I go into area search it can't find her name any more and I can see all her things is out on her plot ???? The only people I get on my area search is the other neighbor and what I have on my plot with my partner and who else is on the plot I live on but not that neighbor that live on the big plot ! Is there a way for people to block so you can't find there things in area search now or is it a bug in the new viewer ? Hope that someone can help so I can derender/Blacklist all that laggy crap that neighbor have out ?
  4. Right now I am resetting my pc to factory and then I will see if that works
  5. My computer clock is correct.....
  6. Hi I keep getting this here after I got a windows 10 update : Login failed. Often this means that your computer clock is set incorrectly. Please go to Control Panels and make sure the time and date are correctly. Also check that your network and firewall are set up correctly. If you continue to recieve this error, please go to the Support section of Secondlife.com web site and repport the problem. So I hope there might be someone that can help me out as my time/date is correctly and I have never had any problems with my firewall before so what can I do to fix this ? Please someone help !
  7. Hi for some reason idk why but I can't up load to my MP any more but I can still log in to it on the SL page and edit what I all ready have there but when I make something new I wanna sell I have try to do what it says on the SL page how to upload now and it does not work ! I am using Firestorm as my Viewer so idk if that is the problem and I only can use SL own viewer now to do it ? ( Haven't try that and I don't think it that would be the problem either ) Hope someone can help me out ? Sincerely karu2 Resident
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