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Everything posted by Lebok

  1. Hola Luisa! Bienvenida a SecondLife y espero que seas permanente en este exitante mundo virtual. Primero, SecondLife no es un juego, pero sí existen juego dentro de Secondlife. Ya te irás familiarizando con estos terminos ;-) A ver, algunos consejitos para que puebes: 1- Reinicia tu computador. 2- Asegura no tener otros programas abiertos antes y durante el inicio a SecondLife. Necesitas memoria RAM libre para poder tener una mejor experiencia. 3- Verifica que tu velocidad de internet no sea menor a 768K (en mi experiencia menor a esta velocidad no es bueno). 4- Tambien trata de asegurar que tu antivirus permita la ejecución del visor de SecondLife. 5- Al iniciar en SecondLife, ya que eres nueva, trata de visitar mundos para nuevos usuarios, evita entrar al menos en tus primeros pasos a juegos de SecondLife. Si nada de esto te funciona, intenta con otros visores para entrar a secondlife, como FireStorm. Espero te ayude... Lebok.
  2. Hola Juan, no soy un experto ni trabajo en SecondLife, pero a ver si te puedo ayudar... Si bajaste el visor oficial de SecondLife debes tener en cuenta los pre-requisitos basicos: https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/?lang=en-US Tambien es buena practica reiniciar tu computador luego de terminado el proceso de instalacion. Esto ayuda a liberar recursos. Recuerda que es recomendable no tener otros programas abiertos mientras usas el visor de SL, en caso de que tu computador no sea potente. Revisa tu ancho de banda, es bueno recordar que SecondLife requiere de buen ancho de banda para que puedas disfrutar de una buena experiencia 3D. Suerte! Lebok
  3. Hello! If you have no credit card and do not want to use paypal account, another option is like the use ... a debit card "visa", or as they are known "prepaid card" is not a credit card, but works like one. It is also a good way to have security fraud, as you can charge money you spend specifically. Check your bank products and ask for these cards are excellent for use on the Internet. Lebok
  4. Hello! You must wait a few minutes and you will receive an email to reset your password. You must take into consideration: 1 - If after 5 minutes still do not receive the email in your inbox, then check your junk email. 2 - You remember the answers to your key questions and fill in some additional data such as date of birth, among others. 3 - Be patient if you are a premium user. SecondLife is taken very seriously the process of resetting passwords. It is even possible that you attend a support directly via email. Remember, if you spend several minutes and you still can not change your password, then go here and select the option that applies and briefly write your problem. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Lebok
  5. Lebok

    Mesh Products

    I'll try to give an answer a little more simple: Mesh is anything that can be placed in any part of SecondLife. You can do this by exporting 3D objects from external programs. For this you must pay $ L. The cost is a calculation determined that runs automatic when you "upload" 3D file. Another way is when you buy some products in SecondLife and save it to your inventory. Those are two examples. You should know that not everywhere can do mesh of an object. It is good practice if you have no land of their own, you then go to a "sandbox". For more details please read the help of SecodLife.
  6. Click en Premium Membership, luego busca Manage Membership, y haz click en Basic Membership. Con esto das de baja a tu cuenta Premium, pero sigues siendo un usuario de SecondLife. SecondLife es más que un juego, es una experiencia virtual que será el futuro de la experiencia en internet. Saludos!
  7. What is the ideal land to set up a business? I'm buying commercial premises, hotels, and residences, to start a life in-world as an investor and entrepreneur. But I'm finding trouble getting land allows me to develop my business. I need to buy or rent land, to allow me to do business transactions. The services and products are geared to adults, so please let me know if you have any ground to offer me.
  8. I have a premium account, but the auction system does not allow me to offer or buy land that is being auctioned. The message shows me is: "You need to have a premium account." What should I do? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tengo una cuenta Premium, pero el sistema de subastas no me permite ofrecer o comprar terreno que esta siendo subastado. El mensaje que me muestra es: "Necesita tener una cuenta Premium". Que debo hacer?
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