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Everything posted by Ilvenna

  1. Thank you! I really appreciate your help. This does...finally...work!
  2. Madelaine McMasters wrote: You are using the viewer's built-in browser... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Second-Life-Tech/Profile-pic-woes/m-p/2541792#M105 ...er...I'm guessing from the suggestive ellipsis that I'm way off? What should I be doing?
  3. Perrie: I have uploaded the image, yes. But the exact steps are as follows - In the viewer (I'm using the latest Linden viewer), I click on Me > Profile > Edit Profile > Profile Picture > Choose File. Which is where it falls down. Here's a screencap that may help explain what I'm talking about:
  4. Tex: Thanks for the tip. Madelaine: I suppose I should clarify that I'm trying to add an inworld profile picture, not a forum avatar. But thanks for the tip! That's helpful to know.
  5. All right, this is driving me nuts. When I try to add a picture to my profile, I can't actually select any files. I have triple-checked file size, image size, file type, and permissions, and...yeah, no go. The files are always grayed-out and unselectable. I have the feeling that my problem is something stupidly simple and obvious, but for the life of me, I can't figure it out. Does anyone have any ideas? Or a good hard surface for me to bang my head on?
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