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Axel Naxos

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Posts posted by Axel Naxos

  1. Hi guys!

    Below my script that flashes an object on all faces.
    What do I do to choose, in my case, only face 3 of the object?


    llSetTimerEvent(0.5);//here we set the timer in seconds.
    timer()//what happens when the timer runs
    llSetColor(<0,0,0>, ALL_SIDES);//first colour to show on all sides
    llSleep(0.25);//here the script sleeps for half a sec then colour changes to second colour.
    llSetColor(<1,1,1>, ALL_SIDES);//second colour to show


  2. Thank you all!
    I've done everything possible, and I didn't get the ORB back.
    What really frustrated me was losing the laborious configuration inside the notecard. A perfect setup for the service I wanted.
    The ORB price itself was no problem. I was lucky to be a low value product, and that's why I avoid buying NO COPY things. This was an exception for the very amount.
    I already got another one, but now I only do the settings in the notecard within the inventory, and only then I transfer the settings to the object's notecard! So I am sure about my work.
    It sucks to lose money, and it sucks to waste time and work!
    Thanks again to all!

    • Like 3
  3. 14 hours ago, Lewis Luminos said:

    NO ainda é atualizado regularmente e a comunidade está ativa. (Não posso dizer o mesmo de mim mesmo, eu não jogo há algum tempo). Sinceramente, não gosto muito mais do que o 7-Seas; você pode pescar em qualquer água Linden, não precisa comprar isca e isso não enche seu inventário de porcaria.

    Although I have 7seas and I like it. I haven't played in a long time. I even have a bucket that is an add-on from another creator to run contests and pay cash prizes.
    About filling up your crap inventory, you just have to block who sends you the fish and stuff, then you are at peace.
    [N-O] received an update a few days ago. There is no add-on, but you can create your own competition, which will appear on the game's website, all just with the stick in hand, without huds, without servers.

    • Like 2
  4. If your account is basic, all recovery will go to waste! This is my experience as a basic account! Many years ago SL became a mess and a symbol of freedom ... freedom that can pass over whoever is in front of you! Whoever complains is just a bore! But if it's Premium ...

    • Confused 3
  5. Send ticket to LL, for this type of problem, at least for those who are not Premium, the ticket must go straight to the trash! I complain about monstrous things, I return there two weeks, three weeks, a month, and the trash that destroys Mainland is still there ... When I went Premium, it was more dynamic!
    Basic Account Lives Matter!
    Hello LL, the Basics move the market!

  6. The subject is the body!
    Which by the way my brother loved and left the default avatar after more than 10 years!
    It was updated, which is important, as it demonstrates the creator's attention.
    Who wants to enjoy SL, does not have time to be beautifying, adjusting here and there for hours, wants to log in and live!
    BOM brought the facility back, and Altamura did well to bring us this avatar with his head, very good!
    I would give 5 stars if it was effectively free, but I keep the 4.9.

  7. On 6/5/2020 at 6:20 AM, ChinRey said:

    Classic example of somebody blaming LL for their own mistake.

    I suppose you are saying that "mistake" was to assume that what happened on land would be caused by BoM ...
    Even because I came to find out ... or if it is the lack of language on my part ... it would be sad ...

  8. I was at a SIM yesterday for a BLM event ... as people arrived, obviously everything was slower ... ok, normal ...
    But there were many avatars appearing deformed and naked ...
    I do not speak English, but in my translator someone spoke ... "Oh, BoM is fu**ing this land!" and she said that after mentioning the infamous "forced nudism" ...
    Although I use BoM in my AV, I don't technically understand the subject, but I was curious ... Is BoM good? On any occasion? Was the BoM connected to the nudity and deformation of the Avs?

    Snap 2020-06-02 at 19.26.12.png

  9. 18 hours ago, seeno29 said:

    Eu não gosto de morar em regiões privadas onde a terra não é realmente minha, minha única solução morar em um continente é comprar a maioria das terras ao meu redor, então nenhuma pessoa aleatória com construções feias ou scripts vagos vive ao meu lado, eu moro em uma região muito agradável, onde todo mundo está aderindo ao tema, mas, infelizmente, não faz muito tempo, tivemos um novo vizinho que fez isso.
    Eu perdi essa terra que eu a teria comprado ...

    * a distância do sorteio é de 300 sem lixo no céu, era uma região muito agradável, mas não mais ..


    Long live freedom! LOL

    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  10. Trash on the floor really rots all Mainland!
    I've already reported mega prim with images of the horizon, but that disturb the whole neighborhood! LL just does nothing! It is very difficult to live on the ground with so much garbage dumpster nearby!
    In heaven, over 300 anything goes ... I live in the skies! But the ground is the eternal shame of LL ... without any control since its foundation ...
    There are people in SL and RL who only exist to hinder ...

    • Sad 1
  11. Pago 10 lindens por uma bofetada sua em uma placa de estilo MM.

    Pago depois de recebermos o  prêmio que ele oferece!

    Veja meus PICKS no mundo, o primeiro item (nº0) e siga as regras!

    10 Lindens bastante fáceis!

    Faltam poucos números!

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