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Axel Naxos

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Posts posted by Axel Naxos

  1. 3 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

    Pensei que cadeiras de dinheiro eram colocadas para gerar tráfego.
    Quem se importa se há alts entre eles?
    Ou eu estou esquecendo de alguma coisa?

    Those who like to donate money, like to donate to multiple users, not just ONE user.
    It's not always just wanting to get traffic.
    This is a parallel universe to the SL pattern, of lust and selfishness.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I have Money Chairs that have the same function of detecting ALT accounts and then blocking them, allowing only the use of one account, ie, the first one that used the chairs.
    It also asks for confirmation, supposedly IP, by sending a link to be clicked.
    Note: Translator English, not native.

  3. 2 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

    If you block the person, they won't be able to purchase from you either inworld or MP.  They can still comment on products they have previously purchased.  You can flag their comment if it's inappropriate and hope it's removed.

    Thank you very much... She wasn't a shopper... must be someone unloved in RL...

  4. Hi guys!
    I have a personal hater who sometimes stalks me and makes bad comments about my products on the marketplace.
    It is locked in SL.
    Can I block it on MKT?
    A head shop managed to do this to me, due to bad reviews.
    Not being a premium, but paying tons of taxes to LL, would it have this function?
    Thank you for your attention!

  5. I'm used to ... pay, pay, pay ... One day it ends ...
    Good times when there were camps, where the poor and beginner got some change dancing, sitting, cleaning the floor ... and shopkeepers or not, were happy to distribute money ... Today is pure usury in SL, in all ways and from everywhere ... Our world was happier ...

  6. Rapaz, que merda hein?!

    Com o dólar lá nas pikas!!!

    Nunca deixe o cartão cadastrado, a não ser que seja cartão débito/crédito de contas virtuais como Mercado Pago, Pagseguro... ainda assim desde que vc mantenha a conta sempre zerada, não usando como conta corrente... Assim se acontece um erro desse, a compra é recusada automaticamente...

    Como está a situação?

  7. Unfortunately a quick search and you would not fall for it.
    My opinion is that the land is abandoned waiting for LL to retake it.
    Both members of the group do not have payment information.
    Rental is very mediocre and has the name "object" and its script called "script".
    The worse the presentation of the service offered, always doubt!
    The price is out of market standards!
    Although I live in a place that is also cheap, the owner is known in the community, uses a quality rental system. It doesn't have to be the most famous! Make it clear!

    • Like 2
  8. I apologize a thousand times for taking up your time ...
    Unfortunately due to the language difference and many problems in RL, in the rush of life, I received the email confirming the sale of lindens and forgot to actually request the transfer of dollars ...
    Well, at least the dollar has increased a little in value in Brazil, and I will receive a little more ...

    Ty so much

    • Like 4
  9. Everything is just trade! Although Lelutka came out as the best surprise of the end of the year, donating REALLY male heads, and not rolling people up like the other brand did months ago by donating a generic head and calling it unisex. Donating with the penalty of having a loss is better not giving, or else have the courage to receive harsh criticism. TMP and Legacy I didn't understand until today, they do strange things, they receive harsh criticisms but they continue ... I'm out! Lelutka, yes, was audacious, is a good example. Oh yes, I don't work for any company!

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  10. 31 minutes ago, Matisse Vendetta said:

    Pantera - você é um estraga-prazeres.

    Olá a todos. Meu nome é Matisse. Eu sou o script LSL altamente avançado que está sendo discutido. Eu sou um EM @ "Refúgio dos Rogues". Você é bem-vindo para visitar e Purdy ou eu podemos enviar a você uma 'mensagem regional', também.  :)   Estou feliz por podermos entretê-lo por um tempo. É mais divertido no HoMer.



    - M.

    Gratitude for responding to IMs and notecards.

  11. 1 minute ago, Mollymews said:

    assisto ao vídeo e, além da caixa de diálogo de informações, mostrando a parte inferior direita da tela, não consigo ver mais nada que mostre algo do criador / proprietário

    it appears to be a message sent by approach or collision ...
    I need to go to bed ...
    tomorrow I'll be back there ...
    thank you all...

    • Like 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, Sabrina Tamerlane said:

    Acho que usa uma colisão, você pode verificar pressionando Ctrl + Alt + T no visualizador e você deve ver a área de colisão em vermelho ...

    It's ocean floor, 90% plant textures ... everything appears red ... tomorrow i will go back there ... lol

  13. 2 hours ago, Mollymews said:

    i will put the answer to the OP question here because the game hunter is using a llDialog technique which echoes dialog button texts to channel 0 as coming from the toucher.  A technique which used to be quite widely known and may be has fallen out of common knowledge

    is a technique very useful in games where the players have to provide open channel text commands to gameplay devices and/or other players HUDs that are also listening on channel 0


        touch_start(integer num)
            list texts = [
                "Hello!", "Tadada!", "Boom boom!!"
            llDialog(llDetectedKey(0), " ", texts, 0);    





    Thanks, but the script does so ...


  14. 11 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    Ah, no.  I think you misunderstood.  It is not particularly difficult to write the sort of script that I described.  It's sort of a beginner's level script, although it would need to be customized to use meaningful trigger words and responses for your own use.  We almost never provide complete scripts here, because this forum is a place for scripters to trade ideas.  If you want to hire someone to write a script for you, you should ask in the InWorld Employment forum.

    26,002 😉

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