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Everything posted by AliceSeint

  1. Yep! That was it the new version of FBX plugin made it . Bones are not longer exported with the mesh and the skirt is at the right place. Thank you a lot for your knowledge and time!
  2. Hm i selected the skirt, and exported just selected out of scene like you described, but the bones are exported as mesh too ..... a bit weird.
  3. Ahhhhh now i get it this thing with adding the bones to an vertex ...... The only thing is that deleting the "mesh"-bones result in a empty skin modifier.
  4. Yeah, on that parts where the skirt should move it moves. I think thats the problem HOW can i pack the "bones" into the dae file. I don't understand this process in the wiki with taking a vertex and assign all bones to it..... Can i delete the bones after that process? When i delete them before the skin modifier gets empty too.....
  5. Okay, but something is still wrong, do i need to upload all bones with my mesh or just the ones i need for the rigging? And when i try to upload a rigged mesh the bones are visible. As you can see at the following picture the position is displaced and wrong scaled, and i can't check the weigthing option. http://i.imgur.com/mPD9B8A.png (Sry for the german language) In 3ds i made the rigging with the skin modifier after that i export it to .dae, is there anything else to do with the mesh before exporting? And thanks for the great support.
  6. Thx, for the fast answer okay, thats logic. I read the wiki part about rigging stuff, http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh/Exporting_a_mesh_from_3ds_Max#Fixing_number_of_bones but its hard for me to understand it in context with the upload process, in my scene there is my mesh and all bones, when i take the relevant bones do some weight painting thats all okay til there. Then i did this wiki stuff export all with the bones into .dae and uploaded. Can anyone explain how to rig successfully after i painted weights and so on?
  7. First hello all, hopefully someone can help me. I am new at creating clothes for sl (not in 3d stuff) and have an upload problem. First, the 3d program i use is 3ds max at version 2012, to get my shape correct exported out of sl i have an licensed version of SLAV plugin. Now to my problem i created my first mesh a simple skirt. Before i start rigging i wanted to look if the position and all is correct, so i uploaded my mesh to sl. For details i imported my shape/mesh with scale 1, all units in 3ds max are at metre and i scale my skirt to fit this size. So after i imported the mesh to sl i attached it to the pelvis, but it wasn't the correct position like in max. I have no idea what went wrong, i hope you can help me. Here how it looks in max http://i.imgur.com/DwyTzX5.png and here how it looks ingame http://i.imgur.com/0dnnswt.jpg
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