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Posts posted by asxch

  1. Hello.

    It's been about two years now and I don't have friends to enjoy SL. I'm always by my own. I used to have an amazing group of friends but they left one by one. It's breaking my heart as days passed and logging in SL reminds me of them and how much I miss them. There are about two or three friends that sometimes shows up but not far too often. I can't complaint myself because the real reason they are gone is because of me.

    I was thinking: I need friends and got to find that friends. SL is the main remedy for my depression throughout the beginning but that changed now. I always feel lonely and it makes me even lonelier now without some friends by my side. 

    I enjoy having fun with any kind of entertainments (games, watching movies, etc). I am not a clubber though but I can tag along and just sits watching you dance hehe. I like photography and I am a web developer myself. I enjoy developing websites and I plan to be an SL blogger any time soon. It's more interesting if I have some partners for it. It would be more enjoyable and fun if we are friends and blogging partners at the same time. We can always hang out. 

    I am 22 years old and my avatar is 3 years and 8 months as of now.

    I hope we could be friends. Contact me in-world: asxch

    Thank you so much for your time.


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