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Posts posted by BeckSunflower

  1. Hi,

    We sound very similar. I do have a sister on Sl and we spend quite a bit of time together but she’s also a social butterfly where I’m not. She has met lots of people and I’m a little awkward when it comes to meeting people and keeping in touch. I am making more of an effort to reach out by venturing out on my own when she has a date or something with one of her friends. I would like to have some friends of my own.

    I’m very reserved and like small groups too. I’ve also grown tired of the party scene. I’m 8 years old so I’ve done most of it. I’ve been looking for more engaging events to no avail... but I like finding cool places to hang and take pics. I’m not inworld at the moment but I would love to chat. Shoot me a message.


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  2. Hey guys,

    My sister and I are renting land and have our own home. It's pretty big and we're looking for two females to share it with. We're super chill and cool to hang with. We like taking pics, going on adventures and chatting about stuff. The rooms are pretty spacious. We are looking to share the cost of the land and are asking for 450L per room with the option of purchasing more prims (I believe it's 50L per 50 prims) Each room will be allotted 150 prims and exception may be made for items placed in common areas. 

    We are pretty much inworld everyday all the time. We would love someone who is on frequently so that it actually feels like we have a roommate and not just a room filled with items. 

    If interested, please contact myself or @TrevorGuy inworld or here! Looking forward to hearing from you all!


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  3. 9 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

    if you into water vehicles then an informal gathering place inworld is Blake Sea - Sirens Isle. Is a Linden region in the sea

    Some Linden turned on the music stream, not sure when, and people go there on their boats, to hang out, chat and play their dance AOs to the music. Depending on the time of day there can be quite a lot of people there. Other times less so.  I went by there about 3 hours ago. Was about 14 boats parked up and about 22 people at that time

    Ooohhh that does sound really fun and engaging! Thanks a bunch!

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  4. Hello everybody,

    I really want to make an actual effort to meet inworld friends. In real life, my friendships just kind of happen but they last for years when they do. I currently live inworld with my sister and real life best friend. I am also married inworld to my real life husband so I'm not looking for anything romantic. I'm looking to hangout with people, go to events and and find cool unconventional things to do. My interests are music, books (currently reading the Witcher series), and learning new things, etc. I would prefer some diversity away from dancing at clubs though the occasional party never hurt anyone. Feel free to send me a message here or inworld.





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