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Everything posted by almabrown199

  1. Hey, my name is almabrown199, and I'm looking for a software that can create attachment like hair and earrings and all. Does any one know one? If you do can I have links or the name please? Thank you very mach, almabrown199
  2. I do have talents i said it becuse i still bad with walking so i can't do hard job with walking see? but maybe you are right abut my high demands!
  3. Hey, my name is almabrown199, and i'm looking for a job with money. I'm still new in SL so I think an easy job will be the best, thank you very much, almabrown199 P.S.. I wont get less then a 90L a day!
  4. Hey, my name is almabrown199, and i'm looking for a job in SL, can I ask first how mach do I get for the job?
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