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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. Here I am flying over the Belli Stilts at 75 meters - I have no region crossing lag even at 20 m/s. Hoverboards run on fairy dust as we all know, and Bellisseria has an ample supply. I also explore all the continents this way - my board is part of my avatar so no problem landing in no rezz regions. Only zero second orbs and ban lines can bring me down. Meow
  2. ok, so men play with dolls too. I always bought my free fishing pole at the water hole in-world. Can you fish on MP too?
  3. I would have suggested she find the in-world store and buy it there. Unless the in world store closed down 10 years ago, in which case she would have to trace the creator of the item down, only to find his last login to SL was in 2013. Sorry I missed the chance to help the OP.
  4. Independent DJ's I would guess zero. I know of none that pay any royalties just for their DJ sets. If the DJ also runs a 24/7 music streaming website with a web page and ask for donations, then they might - their donations could cover the $500/yr fee. But from the few I know, none have enough listeners to afford the royalty, and can afford the upfront fee.
  5. I did not mean the Maitreya Lara skin was free - She spent around $15000 L on her first Maitreya body and HUDS, Bento heads (she has 4 brand name heads), hairs, Maitreya clothes and shoes. It is about 4 years old now Lara V4.1, so I will see if updates have changed the details. There are no BOM skins for older mesh bodies of course, just skin Appliers and attachments.
  6. The new 5 year rates for non-commercial non-interactive webstreaming should be released on June 14, 2021 by the CRB. Sound Exchange, the royalty collector for 32 Million sound recordings, has proposed a $1000/yr Minimum fee for webcasters, up from the prior $500/yr. Other companies will follow if the CRB approves this. https://www.broadcastlawblog.com/2021/05/articles/copyright-royalty-board-decision-on-webcasting-royalties-expected-by-june-14-what-will-the-streaming-rates-for-2021-2025-be/#more-7717
  7. Extra skins sure, but you need to buy them. Mine were freebies and look fine on BOM mesh bodies. My partner has the Lara skin on the Maitreya Mesh Body, the default, and it's not exactly erotic. I need to get her to upgrade to BOM someday.
  8. Not sure what that body is, but BOM is useful. However most Slink clothing sizes are attachments for Mesh bodies, and on a BOM body they may need an alpha layer to prevent skin popping through, depending on the body shape. There are two Slink body shapes for females, and are quite different below the neck. (that was a joke but true) So you need to see which Slink size they fit (Hourglass or Classic Body). Classic Body is more like the default SL system shape, while Hourglass has more curves. With a BOM mesh body, you still need the alpha cuts, or the alpha layer objects for most clothes, if you want them to fit. You can just use XXXL size on a small body I suppose, but then your butt WILL look really big with that dress. Also learn what the sliders in Edit do for a body shape and features. That is another way to make Mesh clothing fit, change your shape. Works up to a point at least. I would get the Sweet's almost free mesh BOM body to play with, as someone else suggested. MP here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Sweets-Ruth-20-BoM-Bento-Mesh-Body-w-Alpha-HUD/18832067 For about 8 $L for most of what she sells for one avatar you can't go wrong or need a DEMO. I picked up both female and male avatars from her, Ruth and Roth, for all my alts. No more ugly system hands, or boxy ragged crotches. And those free BOM genitalia I mentioned look much better on a mesh body, even as paint-on panties. The painted on parts on the expensive Mesh brands are sort of a joke, unless you are using a child avatar. The Slink store has extra free alpha layers. You can also find alpha layers in any of the early mesh clothing outfits at the Freebie stores. The alpha cut version from Sweets is rather limited, so better to just find the right alpha layer for the clothing and Add it.
  9. Here is typical Non commercial webcaster Royalty fee: A. Noncommercial Webcasters (CRB). The Noncommercial Webcaster rates and terms are set forth in 37 CFR Part 380. a. Minimum Fee Payment and Statement of Account: Services that operate as Noncommercial Webcasters must pay a $500 USD recoupable, non-refundable minimum fee per station or channel by February 1, 2021 (accompanied by a signed and completed Statement of Account form, either mailed/emailed or calculated and certified online using SoundExchange Licensee Direct). This annual fee covers the first 159,140 aggregate tuning hours (“ATH”) per month; any usage greater than this must be paid for as described in (b) below. Services must submit a monthly Statement of Account listing their aggregate tuning hours for the month no later than 45 days after the end of the month. So you pay a Minimum $500/year for 159,140 ATH/month. ATH is basically number of listeners times the number of hours you transmit music. So if I DJ for 6 hrs/week (3 sets) and I have 15 listeners (typical) , my ATH would be about 390 ATH/month. The $500 fee covers 159,140 ATH/month! So am using 0.24 % of the allowed ATH per month, and I should pay $500/year for this? That is why it's ridiculous to think your average SL DJ should pay royalties. Besides the fact that his program does not meet the web broadcasting criteria. It's a non issue, and LL's so called conclusion is just a cover your azz comment. If they want to enforce it for all the 10,000 who stream music in SL, lets do it fairly, and ban everyone. Or just eliminate streaming music in SL? Another 100 employees working full-time should be able to catch all the illegal streamers. Another reason to up the rates? Aggregate Tuning Hours are the total hours of programming that a nonsubscription transmission service, preexisting satellite digital audio radio service, new subscription service or business establishment service has transmitted during the reporting period ... (a two-week period (two periods of 7 consecutive days) for each calendar quarter of the year) ... to all listeners within the United States over the relevant channels or stations Added: If the fee was proportional to hours and listeners, I would pay $1.20 USD/year for one year. But we all know how greedy companies love minimum non-refundable fees.
  10. DJ's don't get paid in SL. Some did during the early heydays of music clubs, if they brought in enough paying customers that tipped the venue. Live performers, eg karaoke singers that sing copyrighted songs do get paid. They usually do no prep work for repeating their songs, but Live singers, who ask $4000L /hr for their show plus tips, maybe should pay royalties on the popular songs they sing.
  11. There is no way. The music publisher lawyers would laugh if you asked them. But if they want me to pay Billionaire Sir Mick Jagger 1 penny per year for playing Let It Bleed once a year at my set, I will send him a copper plated zinc penny, if he pays the postage.
  12. Guilty as charged I have been in the other seemingly annual dicussions where some law-abiding citizen (potential DJ) has brought this subject up. But I get way too mad at the armchair lawyers who quote laws that have nothing to do with Second Life. And, many live in countries where the most common sound from their citizens is Baaaa.
  13. I have a private, not listed Shoutcast stream for my home parcel use. The only listener is my partner, and since she is seldom on, my private stream runs for maybe 2 hours/week. It was the cheapest stream I could find, with 10 listeners max at 128 kbps. My stream provider provides me with daily and weekly statistics for listeners. It varies from 1 (me) to 2 listeners, and for most days it is zero, since the stream is turned off. The only way to find my stream would be to use an IP snooper with mp3 to wave digital signature software and to randomly search IP#'s and port #'s. I don't think anyone discovers web stations using random search engines, and would find an unlisted station that runs randomly for 2 hrs/week to be that interesting. I am not on YouTube, and have no web presence at all. Maybe the recording industry does search for private IP's with a music stream - that would be a productive use for their millions in royalties they keep from their artists. But they can't seize my food stamps, so they are out of luck if they try to sue me. And... SL Wiki is full of silly CYA comments that have no bearing to reality, so don't quote them. I have yet to hear of an SL music club, or a DJ busted. If someone has a documented case feel free to come forward. The club owners for most venues do play a club stream, some 24/7 from random music on their spare computer. If they do not have a website, and might max out at 10 listeners, I wonder how many pay royalties to anyone?
  14. Oh there are free system Female Genitalia that do the job on old system bodies. They are so old they spit dust, but they are free. The most common are called Pu**y - Regular Pu*es, and Realistic Pu**y (add like panties), for system bodies only. The censors here assume we can't call a cat a pu**y, cause we are all 5 yrs old, or something. They will probably censor this too, so I'll replace Pub es with Pu*es. ..
  15. I have a few Alts that still use the Body & Soul system avatars. Most come with at least one outfit and a couple skins. With a system body you can wear mesh clothing, but you usually use the sizes that do not have the designer's name such as Maitreya or Belleza etc, but the sizes that just say L, M S, XS, XXS, XL, XXL or some equivalent. When you wear mesh clothing or attached clothing on a system body, you will need the correct alpha layer for that clothing part. Unfortunately when Mesh took off, the designers often left out system sizes, and even worse their alpha layers. But now most Mesh bodies use BOM (Baked On Mesh), which can use the same system clothing that you can, so there is more new BOM with alpha layers. You can find all kinds of older Mesh designed for the system body shapes, and even older system clothing, sold on the marketplace and at Freebie shops. And because of BOM, the Mesh designers selling system items are including the alpha layers again. Some of the B&S system heads are quite attractive and well designed. While they dont have all the fancy materials effects and animations of Mesh Bento heads, they are much better than any of the default avatars that are in the Linden library, imo. You can also wear a modern Bento Mesh BOM head and a system body, and look just fine if you wear clothing other than a bikini. The Mesh bodies mainly smooth out the chunky parts of the body and have realistic hands and feet. You'll need to spend about 3000 Lindens to get a decent Mesh Bento body that includes the feet and hands, but does not include a head. You can still use your system head as you try demos and learn more about SL. And yeah, some will say you need 15,000 L to get started - but for a beginner, that is not necessary.. Check out the SLINK Redux & Classic Body Bundle, that includes hands and feet, and both BOM and regular mesh bodies. They make a slimmer Original, and the Hourglass body shape bundle too. It's a shame the most popular body designers have taken over to the point many clothing designers no longer provide outfits for the Slink body sizes. But it is still a good place to start, and they are in no way inferior to the overpriced popular brands. SLINK was also the first to make mesh hands and feet, and they still have the best BOM mesh body system. Bento mesh heads sometime show up free or for $1 as promotions around Holidays. The last one was a $6000 L head for $1. And for Thanksgiving a $5000 head for 0$L. Now everyone's alts look the same. It's really hard to figure SL out without a mentor. We lose most newbies just because of your first experiences.
  16. So just install AdBlock Plus for your browser. It stops it cold as I mentioned before. And it's free. https://adblockplus.org/
  17. Try flying nude in a hot air balloon, alone of course. No Huds or attachments or hair either.
  18. In Chrome with AdBlock Plus, checking the filter "Block additional tracking" in ABP blocks the video. Unchecking it allows the video to run with ABP still on, although that sort of defeats the purpose of AdBlock, since most websites track you, including secondlife.com it seems. I have secondlife.com whitelisted btw - that makes no difference. I expect many will never see the video if they have an AdBlock like plugin running. Something LL might like to fix.
  19. You DJ at a naked adult club? Does your club allow naked patrons? In any case, just ban the jerk. If you don't have ban rights, ask the club owner or manager. It's not just you that is bothered, most patrons don't like seeing their hosts and DJ's hassled. Some will just leave and not come back. Don't give jerks the time of day.
  20. Effect of co-infection with parasites on severity of COVID-19 Conclusion Our results suggest that co-infection with parasitic co-infection appears to be associated with reduced COVID-19 severity. The results suggest that parasite-driven immunomodulatory responses may mute hyperinflammation associated with severe COVID-19. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.02.02.21250995v1 So if worms are good, killing them with Ivermectin is bad? But then, https://www.timeshighereducation.com/hub/federation-university/p/intestinal-worms-may-affect-severity-coronavirus
  21. Nothing changed yet for me. https://secondlife.com/ Just the same blue flying lady - cleared browser caches, tried another browser, still nothing new. I feel cheated (: (and I was logged out) Found the problem - I had AdBlock Plus on, which blocks the video.
  22. Rolling Restarts for Second Life RC Channels May 19, 07:00-08:00 PDT We will be performing rolling restarts for regions on the Second Life RC Server channels on Wednesday, May 19, beginning at approximately 7:00 AM PDT. Please refrain from rezzing no copy objects and remember to save all builds. Please check this blog for updates. Posted on May 19, 07:00 PDT Note this is an amazing post from the Future! It is now May 19, 02:50 PDT - Can I have the closing stock index numbers for today, before the market opens? Thanks,
  23. The LH Security system did NOT eject the flyer, only sent her a warning. She was banned by another system that auto banned her for legally flying over a Belli parcel, which is not legal. The same auto ban system can be used in the Mainland, where those who feel banning EVERYONE who touches their parcel for 10 seconds should be banned. That is why Bellis is so popular, and Mainland is full of paranoid landowners. LL has no intention of changing that situation. There is nothing illegal about flying low enough to see the landscapes and homes at 51 meters. If anything, a 400 meter and above orb free zone is only used by Jets and rockets that have no interest in viewing anything but a bare outlines of land masses. Or war games I suppose, although the lag might make fighter jets crash. The reason the LH TOS requires a 15 sec minimum warning below 400 meters, is to allow low flying aircraft, including hot air balloons, enough time to safely cross a parcel without being ejected. And of course boaters, and land travelers. No one with a wind powered sailboat that grazes the unmarked parcel water line of some homeowner for a few seconds, as they struggle to get away before their journey is ended by a 15 second orb, has "ill intent". That is a marketing scheme by someone here trying to sell Auto-Ban orbs in Bellisseria. Travelers have no "ill intent" - just one of the dumbest phrases used in this thread.
  24. Just a couple scripts in a sign prim, in your store. I'll send you a scripter and store example.
  25. Yeah I lost my bet and edited my post. Reminds me why I never use the SL Viewer. At least it updated nicely.
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