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Sassy Kenin

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Everything posted by Sassy Kenin

  1. Yes, the software is a rare real time run edit persistent world. 99% are not including Sansar. they require any environmental or avatar changes be done in a program or offline.
  2. Oh Dear, shockingly surprised she would've made such a grammar error on that! She should've typed it..No Lives Matter or Something like that, Just guessing LOL We all have our typo moments i would imagine. to each his own I always say.
  3. I have a partial solution in regards to onboarding and bringing back mentors. 1. You sign up and in sign up, you check Yes or No on a drop down menu would you like a Personal Mentor? checked Yes 2. The new resident logs in and mentor is already added as friend, who can locate them on map 3. The new resident is invited to a new resident location (3rd Party Viewer or other Trusted Group Locations that have linden blessings) 4. The new resident has a new friend and mentor to help them through the hardest times getting them on there feet. 5. The mentors would likely be former mentors or other residents vetted by the lindens or those they trust..Mentor would get a premium account with free linden home and small monthly stipend. Yes it would take some extra coding but it's very doable even on the lindens budget.
  4. Facebook like Google should be broken up, lose the sweet provisions that allow them to pretend they are a neutral platform when they act instead as an iron fisted publisher. The mere suggestion of linden lab becoming a parasitic host to Facebook is akin to introducing your best friend to a crack dealer while whispering in her ear it's OK to only try it on the weekend! ....after all what could go wrong?
  5. Being premium used to make it faster!? but after 10 days waiting last time for myself I had to cancel it. I had start a new one then 5 days later it went through.
  6. Maybe not my most popular post, but I have no issues with Child/Tween/Teen Avatars and I often wonder about those who do. If it was up to me all nudity/sexual content would be have to be on a private island, removed from all mainlands and the marketplace, just my opinion, not that it would happen or if it's really the right thing to do. I understand some just like to look and dress cute or use it as a way to have a childhood they never had, when i see a child avatar I do not automatically assume they a harboring a secret sexual context or the person is secretly trying to break LL/Real life laws. I judge a person by the context of their character not the perception of their pixels.
  7. I would like to see several real stuffed linden bears with some be signed by lindens. I really think linden bears as a real life product is a missed business opportunity and how far they could go! signed photos of lindens current and past including an autographed photo of Philip Rosedale Several coffee cups with the different mainland continents printed on them. Several Jackets and Coats. A deck of playing cards with current and past lindens on them with a motto that each one was known for. A limited edition "Linden Gold Signet Hand Ring" would be awesome! So far it's a good effort but the items could be better polished with a more promoting angle especially for those who want to give as gifts! Food for Thought.😉
  8. Well don't feel alone I was scammed out of 8k myself from a well known photo studio a year ago😪 I got the pictures! Horrible they looked, very poor quality, very little PS work if any.. nothing even close to the quality they showed in advertisements or profiles. Learned a hard lesson that day. never pay upfront, until at least some kind of final work samples can be shown.
  9. They need to showcase these things in the viewer to reach the average resident. but I do stand corrected on that part. carry on.🙂 Your right they did, awhile back everyone was talking they would continue the old way again so was just going from that, glad they removed some of those names. not sure who would have wanted to pay to have the last name Piggins?🤣
  10. If you just hate everyone then your not discriminating by excluding anyone. It's Perfect! I recommend joining a haters club.
  11. Soon. near or after the new year due to servers moving to Amazon. Open up a support ticket and see if they might be able to help you in a more personalized way to get help.
  12. When you go to log back in under the drop down menu it will give you three options, Last Place, Home or Region. click region then type in Debug for Debog region or type in Da boom then log in to one of those areas.
  13. Some advice given to you has been factually incorrect. things to consider, they do not announce new last names. you have to go to your account, press the change name button then review the list. They change names at random after monitoring name popularity /elected use and so far Littlepaws is the most popular from what i can tell. Personally i would like to see the list expanded to more around 75 or more at any given time, more English translated names of those overseas like Indian, Brazilian, Scottish or Russian. Buddha would be cool. also Krishna would be a nice last name too Alpaca Alpha Atheria Banana Bellisserian Cloud Conundrum Covfefe Crisp Dallas Damballar Dismantled Doge Enchantment Float Heartsong Hexem Hijinks Huntsman Ichibara Jazzhands Kiyori Leeder Lemongrass Littlepaws Mainsail Melodious Mercury Mysterious Nimble Nova Pancake Peppermint Piggins Plumday Puddles Ravenhurst Rowley Rumrunner Salty Takeda Timmerman Vanilla Voxel Whimsy Wumpkins Yeetly Current List Takeda Conundrum Dismantled Huntsman Littlepaws Nova Ravenhurst Wumpkins Lemongrass Salty Alpha Melodious Hijinks Mysterious Ichibara Kiyori Voxel Hexem Vanilla Banana Pancake Timmerman Enchantment Whimsy Atheria Rowley Doge Dallas Leeder Crisp Heartsong Rumrunner Peppermint Puddles Bellisserian Cloud Resident Mercury Wayfarer Rover Wanderer Fluffpaw Sassypants Bloodrose Amethyst Starlight Vortex Aurelia Covfefe & Jazzhands ( Janet you missed your Chance ) were replaced with Fluffpaw & Starlight
  14. Popular Alaskan School Training Eskimo's....ASTRO
  15. Dark..not for the faint of heart...“Eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind”
  16. Cookies Really Are Not Enough.....APPLE
  17. Bus Ride Around New Destinations...SUPER
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