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Gwin LeShelle

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Posts posted by Gwin LeShelle

  1. On 6/17/2023 at 8:20 PM, Thiala Fuchs said:

    Wulfie Reanimator no I was on 2 screens at same time and on my bf's laptop I was still completely rezzed properly with only the missing eyeshadow I removed, yet on my desktop it was as you see in original post.

    Ardy Lay no I still had on my evo x head on the whole time, as Wulfie said it was my makeup/skin that went missing on my screen lol

    Lag. Asset problems. Sometimes I see a cuddle animation on my screen all fine for example and my husband sees our AO sits 😂 can happen just rebake in your case.

  2. It's not a graphic or SL problem it's a PEBCAK.

    Problem Between Chair and Keyboard ;)

    You probably chose wear instead of add when trying the eyeshadow and in this case the system replaces a layer, you are already wearing, in this case it took of your skin. 

    Just remember to use add not wear. And this btw was NEVER a problem of SL, I had finny SL glitches through the years, like shoes in your bum after TPs but this one is not to blame on SL x3 

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  3. Right click yourself to get this handy cake menu thing and choose "hover height" adjust the slider until you can see your shoes fine again ╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)⁠╯

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  4. 17 minutes ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

    I think the Moles are best suited to the role of Mentor.  Afterall, they don't just build and maintain stuff inworld, some of them also moderate these forums. And they're already required to use the LL viewer too.

    Yeah but dem poor moles just have 2 (4) paws, they can't do EVERYTHING x3 

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  5. 19 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

    I never heard it was so bad. But then again, I am with European/Americans, and it was what we think of as Japanese. Maybe Disney Japanese?

    Perhaps it would be better if they released it as some broader theme, like "Influenced by..."? It would be a hint that it was not genuine and did not pretend to be.

    I was really surprised that it wasn't filled up, because LL did not make so many of them.

    Same with Newbrooke, it was "Container houses" and not modern in general. I knew nothing about Container houses and imagined the Newbrooke's as what I find when I search modern houses.

    Anyways, I got used to Newbrooke and it is a fine house for me now. There are things I would change on them, but not so many  as I thought whan I saw them for the first time. I really like big windows.

    But I do not think a new Linden Home is a milestone. I would like to see them, but I am hoping it is just a reveal, and that NUX avatars, or even better, LL for mobile phones, is the big thing.

    I honestly don't need a mobile version at all but different people use SL differently ^ ^ Your world your imagination :D I don't need any new themes but I really expect to see the large LHs for us Premium Plus users cause really it is now or reduce the price ;)

    I am excited to see the NUX tho :D and I hope that many designers jump on it (although I am afraid they won't) because this would make SL a little easier for the newbies when they are used to meshbodies from the start ^ ^

    And for me the only important milestone is 20 years... and they survived although people say Second Life is dead since I joined in 2007 lol ❤️ 



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  6. 1 hour ago, Marianne Little said:

    I think LL has made some thought to that. The very special of their themes is not popular. Everybody admires the Fantasy landscaping, but 56% was unoccupied when Bonniebots was collecting info, and I doubt much has changed. The Chalets was unpopular too, and even the lovely Sakura theme had 49% vacancy.

    People ask for special themes, but they will not live there unless it is 100% their special thing. It is safer to go for broad appeal.

    ...and they should have asked actual japanese people and we are quite a lot in SL before doing something like the Sakura massacre XD every japanese I know ...we were really excited and when we went there finally we had huge laugh fits and were also disappointed...they are nicely decorated those regions and the houses are well made...but not really japanese...they tried tho and I love the moles and their passion so I don't want to trash their work but next time they should really try to understand a culture before trying to model a region after it x3

    We were all ready to move there but after seeing it ...not anymore 😭💜

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  7. 8 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Pretty sure I have a Hario Japanese unit. I've never bought a Chemex. 

    There's literally 1.5 shelves of coffee-making equipment in my retro kitchen, including some "vacuum" makers (they predate percolators - I think one is a Hario modern version), and a "Belgian Royal" ("balancing") maker.  

    Hario is always japanese xP and so is my porlex grinder of course x3 but it's easy to get here in Japan haha dunno about other parts of the world but I sent packets to Europe friends XD 

    I can relate to the shelves XD I have a bigger cupboard full of coffee stuff and 3 shelves of teas ... I'm one of the weird people that loves both. But now it's summer this means mugicha season  😊 💕

    6 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    Aeropress is just fun though, and far more practical than my WACACO Minipresso as a travel coffee maker .. which ok, works, but you get cold espresso. 

    That's so true I got the Aeropress like 4 Years ago from my hubby for our Nepal trip x3 and omg I love it so much that I also use it at home now in summer I like cold coffee I make over night cold brew in the fridge x3 so yummy.

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  8. 9 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Coffee..the REAL "magic beans"!  

    I haven't used my specialty hand grinder forever. Or percolators. Or espresso machine. Just good old electric "automatic pour-over" (a couple steps up from "drip").  

    I basically drink only coffee and tea but mostly coffee XD it's my Hario V60 in the morning and my chemex in the other half of the day...And I often make my husband grind dem beans >:D and he is a non coffee drinker 😂and some beans get the Aeropress 😆

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

    That's about 36,000 coffee pads.
    I don't think that is ever going to happen at the Nagy home.

    I grind fresh and fancy fair trade beans every day with my porlex grinder...this would equal to 83kgs of my favest ones and this would be about 83 month of coffee 😂 holy...


    55 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

    It's pricey, Diamond.  Plus, Sansar was a complete dud, and SL is going mobile and there are an estimated 6.5 billion cell phone users.  In America, one can get a free cell phone with unlimited data if they qualify which is adding to the cell phone market.  The mobile market is going to be amazing!  People are already on phones playing games by the billions.  

    Actually a good cheese is pricey or my favest manga in limited Edition is pricey, I am lucky that I could afford this thing easily if I wanted but calling this only pricey doesn't fit the crime XD apple has left the horizon of pricey years ago and they are still accelerating 😂 but even the hardcore apple fanboys in my friend circle don't buy everything anymore x3

  10. 3 minutes ago, bigmoe Whitfield said:

    uploading from the hard drive.

    Ah ok :( I thought maybe directly because my friend had this problem but quite a long way back when she got a new PC 🤔 but only with directly taking and uploading pics.

    Otherwise I never had this happen and am not much of a help in this case sorry (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

  11. 3 hours ago, bigmoe Whitfield said:

    a 128x128 image, I upload them often for a project I'm working on, this started after I put a new gpu into the system.

    Do you upload form your hard drive or do you take a picture directly? 

  12. 5 hours ago, Subscribedd said:

    That's kind of why i sadly make so many post here. people do ''blogs'' and they dont name what they are wearing then get upset and gatekeep when people ask...

    When I am in a hurry because RL XD I don't credit all tiny bits either, only the new items and/or sponsored ones.

    But I sometimes later go back and add the details and when someone asks me I never don't answer x3 people can ask me all the things 😆 I also ask when I see cute things and find it weird when people get so defensive about what they wear, I love sharing x3

    • Like 1
  13. It's not only time that LL adds such a category, it's overdue they finally stop calling such situations "resident to resident" incident and excuse doing nothing with it.

    I agree with Coffee, don't give anyone online real information about you, with wich they could track you down. People in SL that aren't part of my RL friends circle (they were before SL did not meet them here) never have information of me like that.

    Some people can get really pushy about such things in SL but if they don't accept your boundaries when you say no, just lie to them or block them, because red flag anyways. There's one dude in SL that still thinks he knows it all about me, when in fact he knows nothing at all. He's still stalking my SL and Flickr activity *waves at him* but I surely don't care anymore. We first met in SL in like 2007 or 2008 so such people can be really really persistent, and LL should ban such people, period. 

    They have the IMs and other messages so they see what some of those people say for horrible things (I had a friend she got really nasty harassed and in the forums here you see often people asking about harassment), and they chose to do nothing. But dare you say one wrong word in the forums and you get even banned in world 😂 leaves you with the bad feeling as resident  that they care for the forums because they can be seen all publicly and what happens in SL is not seen all open, so not harming their image in the same way. Theres no other reason for it being handled that way otherwise, but why not say when people fight in the forums it's "resident to resident" incident?! There is no logic to it.

    I really hope your friend gets rid of the person and/or finds real help 💜

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  14. 13 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I logged in the other day, one sent me their bear without asking! 

    Some day I will summon all my braveness...or creepyness... and ask Volo Linden 🦒💛 for his bear...or hopefully giraffe x3 *creepy fangirl breathing* 😂


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