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Gwin LeShelle

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Posts posted by Gwin LeShelle

  1. It's not only mp, I already mentioned my layer problem, friends told me about unpacking problems (when unpacking the normal dialog pops up but nothing is in in inventory so they have to repeat.

    Something is going on I think they are working on something inventorywise (like the new pictures that can be added) and it's not going well XD 

  2. I have problems since I think Saturday...that's where I first noticed it. When I wear layers or shape and brow shapers it won't show unless I DETACHE something that I am wearing 🤔 that's new to me. I also checked everything on my site and cleared cache etc. So don't know what's causing this, it started all of a sudden and I hope it will go away like that also. 

    Those layers are also not highlighted like usually when you are wearing a layer, it's bold in your inventory so I can not detache them either. But when I detache something else I am wearing it pops into bold mode and is loading. So weird.

  3. I had such a moment when joining SL first. 

    My RL childhood bestie and now husband lol saw a news thing about SL in December 2006. So we and some RL university friends made accounts. 

    I went online, you know back then you had to do this thing with the torch and such. Nothing was in japanese, and my English was kinda non-existent back then.

    I was there, puffy black pigtails, red dress, torch attached and so I haven't even finished the first thing, as some Brazilian (he said so) dude started to bump naked(with a REALLY huge "torch" himself XD ), into me and harassing me in IM. 

    I logged off instantly and haven't logged in again. I even forgot the name of my Avatar and the password.

    Some time later a friend who had a similar starting experience was asking if we wanna try again but this time together...so we all made a huge lan party and started again with new Avatar. And without my friends I wouldn't have given it another try.

    I found the email with my first Avatar name and switched back to Gwin, and I met some really nice women, in the infohub that I was "born" in XD her name was Hilda Panacek, I can't remember names in RL ever so me remembering hers after almost 2 decades...means a LOT, she was kind, and patient, she gave me my first pair of shoes and explained EVERYTHING to me, from unboxing, to dressing or taking pics.

    Such people are a rare find, she was never bored or annoyed by my noob questions..or slow typing or bad English XD . And that's the reason I am still happily helping any newbie or anyone IMing me with questions.

    • Like 5
  4. 1 hour ago, Sid Nagy said:

    Y'all forgot to include the free pony.
    One of the cake eating ones perhaps?

    Last time I checked Linden Lab was no part of The Santa Clause North Pole Inc.
    So I'm afraid these ideas will not be implemented and launched any time soon.

    Okay, I'll put some marbled cake on the shopping list for today too.

    My grandma always said "WISHING you can do for many things, if they come true is on another page" XD in Japanese it's sounds more fancy tho lol (I once told her when I was little that I am going to marry Lucky Luke, and all she said was "his horse will not come into my house!")

    I needed to have cake 🍰 for lunch haha strawberry cake 🤤 ...ok maybe I need more ...dinner cake totally sounds right haha 


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  5. 37 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    I think they are wanting to just hide the UI itself even when not taking pictures.. For that they would need ctrl alt f1.. I think the problem is, they are taking a screenshot every time they go to do that because Geforce experience key command for screenshot is alt f1.. hehehe

    Yes I know I read that XD but she can just use the keys I said so the GeForce experience won't get triggered.

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  6. Aww I don't need a final victory tho...at the end it's just a (although some Users might disagre x3 sorry) game. It's not war. It's just fun and free time for me...

    But LL should have a way to detect that so they can and should monitor the grid and keep it neat I don't actually need that but I hope LL has a way to tell them apart when they need to.

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  7. I have work off early on a Thursday x3 on a magical Thursday haha my son had saved up about 250$ for a certain merchandise giant plush from the US and it will delivered today and I can watch his excitement waiting here at home for the delivery guy x3 He was saving so hard and did little jobs for me or grandma haha

    I still remember the first huge thing I bought from my pocket money as a kid and I surely hope he will remember his too all his life. 

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  8. 9 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    As a programmer, I'm always full of ideas (and other things). If LL changed their system of trading credentials with viewers (official and TPV's) to include a "foolproof" identification that "this login is using a viewer", it would mean that any Bots which purely used API's (and not viewers controlled by automation software) would be automatically identified as, "this must be a Bot".

    Bots controlled by viewers with automation software would still look like "normal users", until that next level were sorted.

    Just one of hundreds of approaches. AI and automation software will make it more challenging to detect "AI Bots" in the future, but this is a "universal" problem not limited to Second Life.

    Lmao ok this here is what I meant x3 💜

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  9. 19 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    The problem is that there really isn't any easy or foolproof method for detecting unregistered bots. Nothing really distinguishes them from ordinary accounts except their behaviour.

    I think one could probably produce an algorithm that would detect behaviours consistent with a bot. Say, traveling rapidly to a number of apparently random regions, staying for a very short length of time -- just enough needed to run the scripts that are harvesting data. But monitoring for that kind of behaviour across the grid would be a Herculean task.

    Age of the bot isn't necessarily a giveaway: there are some bots running around now that are several years old. Nor is an empty profile or a throwaway name, as someone who seriously wanted to hide their bot from detection could easily spoof a real account.

    I assume, but don't know for a fact, that LL might also have a means of detecting what actual scripts an account runs: that would be the closest thing to "definitive" proof that I can think of. But even that might produce false positives. If you're using some form of scripted radar, for instance, or even the "What Is She Wearing" HUD, you're using LSL functions also often employed by bots. So any attempt to detect unregistered bots by script use would have to be fairly sophisticated to distinguish how the scripts were being used.

    If LL had a means of identifying unregistered bots, they could simply sweep the grid clean of them. And because they don't, neither do we. On an individual basis, even I can probably determine with a reasonably high (but not definitive) degree of certainty that account Iamnotabot.resident probably is one, based on observation and deduction, but there's really no way to systematically detect them -- and so no means to program a script to boot or ban them.

    And thank you, I had a lovely day, despite swimming through clouds of smoke from wildfires to the east and north of me! Keeping cool is less a problem at the moment than simply breathing without coughing, but this too will pass! I hope that conditions are a bit more comfortable where you are!

    Omg stay safe please, we have rainy season here in Tokyo now I wish I could send those clouds 🌨️ over to you 😢 here it's just hot and moist. 

    And to your explanation I know it's hard or even impossible but I also learned from an old friend that you need some certain software? Web thing? (To control them and program them?) To login to SL as a bot I think LL should have or find a way to detect this. Maybe they can find a way otherwise I am afraid just everyone will unregister their bots x3 

    • Thanks 1
  10. I'm still in my 30s (although if decades had seasons it would be very winter already in my 30s haha) 

    But still I wouldn't want to commit that long to anything online x3 maybe I am weird.

    They should have used the original life time price just out of nostalgia haha jk tho

    And yes I thought that 20 spots will fill fast I bet the 200 need a while x3 because Premium Plus people (I am one too) don't seem to care much for their money or as some forum users would say are bad at maths 😂 (for me it's worth it)

    I think the normal Premium users are fluctuating more often than the PP users. But those spots will probably fill too, or LL decides to offer more PP lifetime spots x3



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  11. 6 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    And they have now given us a tool that will help enable that.

    Yay for LL finally doing that for us Mainlanders too...I mean such feature is YEARS OVERDUE. I agree with Scylla's post in general but...

    (imagine quote here haha I hate mobile) Actually not... they have sadly only given us a way to detect registered bots, I wish they had a way to detect bots in general plus their status. 

    I mean it's possible to detect the membership status of residents ...or the online status no matter how often we try to hide that...why is it not possible to detect the status of a bot as registered \ non registered is beyond me.

    Bots kinda have more privacy than actual residents 😂

    PS: @Scylla Rhiadra I hope you have a awesome day and please make sure to drink and rest enough during the hot days 💜


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  12. I have to say all your pics are super pretty, but I am glad I got Mainland and didn't wait for the 2048s anymore xD too huge houses and a very very American theme.

    But I am glad that so many are happy with it 😊 💜

    • Like 8
  13. 4 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

    Our USD have the same usability for them though.

    And only 41.28% of their website traffic is generated from inside the USA.
    Together with Brazil that comes in second (and on the same side of the pond) they reach 52.8%*
    So not really the best costumer service strategy possible, by disadvantaging almost half of the user base.

    *Data by semrush.com.

    We japanese are a quite big crowd too xD and many from outside the US even pay more thanks to VAT and the bad conversion rate LL uses xD


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  14. On 6/23/2023 at 8:42 AM, Alwin Alcott said:

    if they need new subscription levels, i guess the last change wasn't very successfull, we had to beg many years for more choice, and now again getting more without asking?
    First of all.. give what you promised for the ones we already have please.
    I'm mostly not that positive with announcemts like these, it's proven to be presented as shiny golden bars, but in the end it's mostly just polished copper, losing the shiny part fast. and you end with a dime instead of a dollar.

    IF there comes a lifetime membership, please be cool this time and make that all is offered with it, is ready and available.
    Don't make it, again, a goal to get as much money as possible to make the books shiny for new investors.
    Or worse.. we'r  in the window again.. ( or soon)

    Nah. I'm thinking it's the other way around they were far more successful than they anticipated and am now ruling out how far they can go with the user base😂

  15. I am Premium Plus from day one, I was bummed the homes weren't ready but was expecting to see them VERY fast. 

    I got Mainland to wait there for the homes. I thought hm LL will probably need 3 months to release the first ones...foolish me.

    I actually believe they never even started working on this 2048 houses until pretty recently. Meh.

    Now I live a year on our huge combined parcel, and since we all know how well Mainland sells, I will just stay there when they finally are so nice to release dem PP LHs.

    I bet many PP users will think that way. They just should have lowered the price at one point or just should have thrown a tad more allowance at us PP users and be like "sorry 2048 LHs won't happen".

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  16. SL for sure can be pretty and magical.

    I have hydrangeas in my SL garden, with sunbeams and sunflares and rain. Because in RL we have now rainy season. 

    But as much as I adore it and it sure makes my heart smile, nothing beats standing on rain soaken grass, feeling the wind pulling on your skirt, and feeling the rain on your face and the smell...nothing ever can be as good as the smell of real rain. 

    But I think for people bound to the house for whatever reasons, or people never being able to travel to certain places in RL...the SL substitute sure is a nice and heartwarming one. 💜

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  17. It's really depending for me, on RL. I have a happy busy RL, nice job, 3 kids, happy marriage, parents in-law live nearby so we often cook together or spend time in the garden with them and the kids, so of course in summer I am busier ... Like the bees haha 

    But sometimes I sneak away from RL to have my zen picture edit moment or pushing pixels around our parcel in SL. Sometimes I go to in world concerts by a certain japanese pianist with my husband XD but else? Not socializing much at all in SL, mostly with RL friends and family. I once spent more time online than I wanted because I felt sorry for being such a bad friend to my SL friends w w ...so I deleted everyone who's not in my RL. No regrets XD 

    I usually spent not too much time in SL maybe 2 active hours, but am online longer often because I am a squirrel that gets distracted so easily by shiny RL that she walks off and forgets to log out until the next morning...when packing stuff for work at 4 am XD 

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