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Everything posted by debbieveda

  1. Hello, I was wondering if someone cold PLEASE make me a Black BOY London cap, the same as in the photo below. I have searched everywhere in SL, and have found none :( I will pay you whatever amount in SL$ for this cap....if you can make it for me. Thank You :)
  2. Thank you all...sorry, I just did not know what was wrong with her
  3. Can someone help me here?? PLEASE!!!
  4. Should I delete my account and start new??? PLEASE HELP!!!!! :smileysad:
  5. Here is what my doll/girl looks like....what is wrong with her???
  6. Not that Dusty..... My Avatar looks like a dust storm...and I cant see her...what did my friend do to her????
  7. PLEASE HELP ME!!! I am about to delete this game!!!!!
  8. Hello, I let my freind make my avatar look like a Pam Anderson babe....now I log in and she is all dusty...why?? PLEASE HELP...my name is: debbieveda
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