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  1. I understand what you said in my head. There needs to be a timed event in the script that allows for when someone on the whitelist clicks the block that it allows them access to the texture swap script, then it goes back to a secured mode. Correct? What my problem is, I have NO clue how to do that. I know im asking for a handout here, but ive been beating my head on this single script for MONTHS and just at my limit LOL Is there anyway you can show me the script snipit that I need and where it belongs? Thanks so much
  2. I appriciate the reply. Sadly as I said before, Im completely clueless when it comes to scripting. Ive just been trying to piece two scripts together and I have NO clue what your speaking of to fix this script. As much as I hate to ask, is there anyway I can get a more detailed reply in correcting this script? I want to learn its just, I look at this thing and its like trying to read sanskrit sadly.
  3. Hi, I been working on trying to create a simple texture change script with a whitelist but for some reason no matter how hard I try I cannot get it to work just right. The whitelist isnt picking up or something. Here is what I have been working with: // Generic Whitelist Script -- Rolig Loon -- March 2011 // Put login names (NOT Display names) of avatars to be whitelisted in a notecard, one per line // Spelling and capitalization count list gWhiteList = []; string gCard; integer gLine; key gQuery; list gWho = ["Me Only","Group","List","Group+List","Everyone"]; integer gAccess; integer gDChnl; default // Read Whitelist from notecard, one name per line { state_entry() { if(llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD) == 1) { gCard = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD,0); gQuery = llGetNotecardLine(gCard, 0); } else { llOwnerSay("The whitelist notecard is missing."); } } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { llResetScript(); } } dataserver(key QID, string data) { if(gQuery == QID) { if (data != EOF) { gWhiteList += [llStringTrim(data,STRING_TRIM)]; gQuery = llGetNotecardLine(gCard, ++gLine); } else { llOwnerSay("Initialized"); state running; } } } } state running { state_entry() { gDChnl = (integer) ("0xF" + llGetSubString(llGetOwner(),0,6)); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { llResetScript(); } } touch_start(integer total_number) { llResetTime(); integer idx = llListFindList(gWhiteList,[llDetectedName(0)]); if (llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner()) { if ((gAccess == 4) || ((gAccess == 3) && (~idx || llSameGroup(llDetectedKey(0)))) || ((gAccess == 2) && (~idx)) || ((gAccess == 1) && (llSameGroup(llDetectedKey(0))))) { llSay(0,"Access granted."); state OK; } else { llSay(0,"Access denied."); } } } touch_end(integer num) //Mouse button released { if(llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { if (llGetTime() < 3.0 ) //Less than 3 seconds after mouse button down { llSay(0,"Access granted."); state OK; } else if (llGetTime() >= 3.0 ) // Owner set access permissions { llListen(gDChnl,"","",""); llDialog(llGetOwner(),"Who should have access?",gWho,gDChnl); } } } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) { gAccess = llListFindList(gWho,[msg]); string temp; if (gAccess == 0) { temp = "you only."; } else if (gAccess == 1) { temp = "group members only."; } else if (gAccess == 2) { temp = " \n" + llDumpList2String(gWhiteList," \n"); } else if (gAccess == 3) { temp = "this group and " + " \n" +llDumpList2String(gWhiteList, " \n"); } else { temp = "everyone."; } llOwnerSay("Access has been granted to " + temp); } } state OK { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(10.0); llSay(0,"You're in!"); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { llResetScript(); } } touch_start(integer total_number) { integer number = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE); float rand = llFrand(number); integer choice = (integer)rand; string name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, choice); if (name != "") llSetTexture(name, ALL_SIDES); } } Thanks for any input and please be aware, Im extremely new to this and have been stumbling through it so ... yea
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