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Everything posted by Ardvinna

  1. Biewisz wrote: Hallo! [...] Aber ich wuerde die Definition fuer "ein Spiel" auch generell etwas weiter fassen. Ich will jetzt auch nicht sagen, dass SL ein Schauspiel waere, denn auch dazu gibt es natuerlich noch deutliche Unterschiede. [...] Gerade weil second life kein Spiel im ueblichen Sinne ist, waere es fuer die Studie, die ich durchfuehre, durchaus relevant, wenn auch einige SL-User teilnehmen. Biewisz Wir koennten auch bereits die menschliche Existenz als homo ludens beschreiben, wie bereits von Huizinga eine Definition geliefert wurde. Wir koennten auch ueber die reale Welt an sich behaupten, sie sei ein Theatrum mundi. Aber je allgemeiner ein Begriff definiert wird, desto anfaelliger ist er fuer Missverstaendnisse und Missbrauch (und fuer Kritik) Deswegen habe ich den Eindruck, dass Du noch auf der Suche bist, was „Spiel“ im eigentlichen Sinne ist. Mein Avatar ist mein Resident/Repraesentant in sl. Das bedeutet, dass ich zu denjenigen gehoere, fuer die sl eine Erweiterung der realen Identitaet darstellt. Mich kann man als Frau, als Drache, oder als kleinen Plueschtiger in sl antreffen, aber ich spiele keine Rolle. Oft kommt es vor, dass einige Menschen verstoert sind, wenn sie mich als Drachen antreffen, dann wechsle ich in den „shape“ als Frau. Dies erleichtert die zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation. Dann gibt es noch die Role players hier, die wahrscheinlich in Deine Studie passen. Sie sind in sl und spielen einen „Charakter“, im Deutschen doch eher eine Rolle, oder sie simulieren ein zweites Leben, in dem Sinne, dass sie in sl das ausleben, was Ihnen in echten Leben auf irgendeine Weise versagt ist. Die Role player unterscheiden in der Kommunikation mit anderen, ob ihre Aussagen zum Rollenspiel gehoeren, oder der normalen, zwischenmenschlichen Kommunikation dienen. Dann gibt es eine dritte Kategorie, das sind Menschen, die eine Geschichte um ihre reale Existenz konstruieren, falsche/halbwahre Informationen ueber ihr reales Leben bewusst weitergeben, um andere als ihre "Spielfiguren" zu manipulieren, zubenutzen und ein Psycho-Spiel zu betreiben. (In sl muss niemand irgendetwas ueber seine reale Existenz preisgeben, es ist freiwillig.). Es waere ratsam, wenn Du einige Zeit in sl verbringen wuerdest, um diese Unterschiede kennenzulernen, aber ich vermute, dass Du aufgrund des Studiums unter Zeitdruck stehst. Es sind aber auf Englisch bereits einige gute, wissenschaftliche Studien zu allem verfasst worden, was ich weiter oben erwaehnt habe. Zu unterscheiden sind hier auch die verschiedenen Ebenen der Immersion, und wie sie einen erfassen koennen. Das ist aber auch in jedem Fall sehr individuell. Es ist also ein gewaltiger Unterschied zwischen SL und MMORPGs, auch wenn sl unter anderem als Rollenspiel-Plattform genutzt werden kann.
  2. What? Really? ---this makes me sad now. --->alcohol-free beer in heaven. this sounds boring. and maybe just playing cricket there? This is a bit disappointing. I thought in heaven will be a huge huge mexican-italian-irish-spanish party with dancing, music, pinata, and wine and beer. So they taught me in my First Communion classes. Or at least this is, what I remember of it. Anyway, You all, have a beautiful weekend.
  3. Christhiana wrote: You can take the test for Aditi (beta grid) by following this link: https://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com/my/account/ip/tutorial.php? Thank you very much.
  4. Thank you for the quick reply. And could you please tell me, where I can find this test? Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi, maybe this is a real noob question, but I can't upload mesh on second life beta. LL has my payment info, and I did this tutorial. I laso changed my password, but I still can't upload there anything. Has anyone an idea why? 
  6. Drake1Nightfire wrote: Hey, where did your bold text go? She didn't use bold text because she whispered with the angel's tongue in my ears, so sweet and seductive. My whole body shivered, like a pike of a claw moved along my spin slowly from my neck to my back.........wait----but this the demons do----no, I am confused. Who is who now? And sometimes I am flying around in sl like a drunken butterfly, am I a moth now? [footnote: btw. I could rp, but I don't want to. I am stubborn. ] Edited my typos as usual.
  7. MidnightDawn Sapphire wrote: Alwin Alcott wrote: 1. you'r no angels, your humans, selfproclamed angels, god created angels, you'r made of the same dust as all who are here. 2. even if you talk with people who only have their pc and SL...it will still be only that, so you help nothing, only make it worse by pointing them on it, and leave them in a darker hole than before when you log out. 3. everything in SL is roleplay, even your selfproclamed postition as angel is nothing more than a excellent example of roleplay. 4. ... we need someone to help get started....land...L$ ..?.... you registered for sl july 2010 and still need help to get started?...no way ....hard to start believing in such angels.... 5. god blesses eveybody even non believers my conclusion... you will fit perfectly in SL, roleplaying and do the things that aren't possible in real... ánd imagination... endless.... It just takes Faith Alwin. It is important that you believe in God. If you don't believe in us, then I am sure you will do fine. BTW, everyone has their own Guardian Angel assigned to them. I am sure yours is watching over you right now. Blessings Cher Hello, I learned that this a kind of hybris, being an human, and to proclaim yourself as supernatural creature. Did this change in the meanwhile? I appreciate it a lot, that you want to help people, but then just do it, and don't proclaim yourself as an angel of God (this is "superbia", one of the deadly sins). The best advice for people with serious problems is to tell and to convince them, that they look for help in the REAL world. Being human and acting like this in sl and in rl is enough, I think. And if all would act like humans in the sense of humanity, we would be all a bit happier.. (I met people in sl and in rl who even don't (want to) have this ability) Reciprocal philanthropy is enough.
  8. HughJegow wrote: Ardvinna wrote: HughJegow wrote: I think most people here could benefit more from improving their English. the people I met are far too polite to correct me. You obviously haven't fully understood my posts. Touché. (I think I understood it. Sometimes I like to misunderstand things. ) <--lol, what a message.
  9. HughJegow wrote: I think most people here could benefit more from improving their English. That was one of my thought, when I started sl, ...improving my English, but the people I met are far too polite to correct me. So probably I developed my own English. A new unique variety of it (a language with one speaker , and sometimes the people even understand me. ) I know that I should improve it more systematically, with the grammar and stylistic book in my hand, but I have to admit, that I'm a bit lazy for it. But you can also learn a lot about your own language, when you're learning a foreign language (<--...a bit promoting Zauselina's project. )
  10. Thank you all for your suggestions. @Alwin Allcot: me, shy? noooooo -just a little bit at the beginning, but voice here is very unusual for me.
  11. Hello all, where can I test voice for myself without bothering other people? I'm invited to the first meeting of a German teaching class (look here: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Education/Learning-German/m-p/2960420#M2255). I'm a German native speaker, so probably someone would like to practise conversation with me there. Since they use voice (which makes perfectly sense for teaching and learning a language. :)), I would like to be able to use voice in a proper way at the first meeting, too. (It has been over a year I used voice, and only once or twice, so actually I have no clue about it.) Thanks in advance for your help and/or suggestions. :)
  12. Life is so unfair, I missed this thread and discovered it only now. I can't stop laughing. Miquh2Jounen wrote: [...]... I've contacted several in-game angels and we've talked, but we haven't progressed too far. Where in Second Life can I find the answer? Most especially, the answer to how few people there are in the world of souls. Is there maybe a sl-soul? I should have a look on the sl-marketplace, since here almost all is venal and for sale. [...]...I have had at least 3 major supernatural occurrences happen to me [...] except one of them who only gave me the name "Gabriel." This is a sign. -I've been told that every person in the world with destiny has at least 1 famous relative, and that's true for me. My grandfather is a very famous businessperson from Boeing and the computer industry, and he even has his own wikipedia page. wow, I am impressed. Being famous is the category for destiny? And "even a wikipedia page"? --this is another sign. -My religion is about "how few people there are," and I think there must be at most 200,000 souls-people in the world, including me. That is very important to me, to discover what a soul really is: whether it's a town, or a zip code, or a soul-center, a supernatural sphere inside of my head, or something else. Of course I recognize that there are hundreds of millions of bodies in the world, or more. I'm also very researched on white matter in the brain, and the products that the body creates as a result of studying, researching, and making memories. This is fundamentally important to me. what an elitist, pseudo-intellectual babble....but I like the "supernatural sphere inside the head"...this explains a lot. ---third sign. -My religion is very smart and refined [...] No. I have been sending letters and emails to philosophy organizations, religious centers, major christian churches, and other relevant places for nearly 2 years and I haven't received a single physical response. My religion is very Earth focused and I don't have any single religious background, but I am leaning towards Scientology. My education in school is very Scientific focused, and I majored in Biology with the intention of becoming a Genome Scientist. I also have a lot of experiences and spiritual visions of DNA and Genomics, and I feel very scared to lose my gene and my chance on the Earth to survive and prosper. You're really wondering, why you didn't get any answer? Scientology? Do you know, what we Europeans think about this "religion" of ripp-off Merchants? Another spiritual experience I had was when I dropped out of school, and I went to a dream world where I was a magick user and a sorcerer, and I was completely astounded by how detailed the vision was and the deep relationships I developed there. The planet was called Terra and I not only flourished there but I eventually left the planet and became a God [in my dream/vision]. I feel certain this is proof of a soul and I've thought tremendously about it, and what it means, and how it was possible. Stop watching too many films, especially the Harry Potter ones. The planet was called Terra? Oh me, oh my. --btw. my stomach hurts of laughing. Even now, years later, I still lay on my bed and my imagination and soul goes elsewhere, trying to understand the world and communicate with other people. I was wondering just today if maybe the network that souls use to communicate is super-fast and high-tech, and I've been using it the whole time. I've seen many different movies and read many different books that discuss souls and the true essence of a person, and I feel certain that I know what it is, but I don't have the power to make it grow or to find other soul-people in the world. I also don't have a lot of money, and live very inexpensively. I like to think that with a phone, an internet connection, and a lot of postage stamps, I can discover the truth and find other like-minded people all across the USA or otherwise, and find the answer. Can you help? Read more books, and stop thinking that there is an elite, and that there is a village for the "soul-people". Reading Phaidon and Menon of Plato is a good start. ( I try to be at least a little bit constructive minded) I am a 29 year old soul researcher, and my defining quality is that I think I have destiny and that I am among the top 200,000 soul people in the world. I'd like to talk to anyone who thinks similarly, even if you're christian or you want me to look at the world differently. Please message me! I know the reason of it all. You came to tempt me, if I am really and sincerely trying to stop my sarcasm. And now you got me. .....Stretching my angel wings, and flying away!
  13. AlecDeBoeuil wrote: Did you know that this McGuffin, the key to the whole H2G2 oeuvre, was stolen by Adams from graffiti written between the tiles of the end stall of the toilets in H staircase, New Court, St John's College, Cambridge. It was a series of "posts", initiated by someone who bemoaned the fact that despite having a Maths Scholarship (and John's had the best mathematicians in the universe university) he kept thinking that 9 x 6 = 42. This was the subject of much derision and debate, with non-mathematicians chipping in to say they thought 9x6 was 43, and others saying that they didn't have enough fingers to check the calculation etc Then someone pointed out that this equation actually was correct, in base 13 arithmetic. The original author indicated that this emlightenment had probably saved him from going mad, or suicide, and the temporarily seated hordes rose as one in acknowledgement, with a movement claiming that 42 was probably the answer to all calculations, if expressed in a suitable base. Adams lived in H staircase and used those facilities on a regular basis. I doubt if he would have given this answer when he was asked where he got his ideas from . . . Alec - to think I, his neighbour on H staircase, was the inspiration for the Vogon Spaceship Captain. ETA: I think that the previous poster must have got his comic inspiration confused with that of Monty Python: DrAlisterFrost wrote: Brian size Thank you for revealing this anecdote. It amused me so much. I have a friend, who is convinced that he's working for the Vogons. "Brian [brain] size"...I skipped it...but I am convinced this will become a set phrase, at least it has a potential for it. Ardvinna -fears a bit that the biologist will put a spell on her. He knows magick. - wearing in sl the tag "Mostly Harmless", what confuses some guys, so they think that I must be a sadistic mistress
  14. Miquh2Jounen wrote: I think that is completely not true. The brain is the only thing in the body that is directly related to intelligence. Obviously a bigger brain means more intelligence. In evolution, the brain size is directly related to ability to behave like a human and use tools. Second, for the reference to A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I watched that movie and I wasn't too impressed. It was beneath my intelligence and it didn't touch on anything that I thought was truly important. 1. Mr. Biologist-Scientist, please don't mix up the diachronicity with the synchronicity. Throughout the evolution the brain size increased and thereby intelligence, but among humans now, the differences in the weight of the brains (if there is not a significant deviation) don't matter at all. --> See the examination of Einstein's brain--there was nothing special to see. And, if you're a scientist, you should very well know, that we still don't know a lot about the functionality of the human brain. Please don't come along now with the nice soap-box oratories of the neurobiologists, they're "telling stories" to get the money for the research, but if we look at the research publications (noooo, better is to READ them, but I will refer to it later), we know, that their research is still on a very very low level of knowledge. 2. Sometimes it helps to read a book (, or in science to read the publications.)You watched the film? and you didn't read the books? Now you're revealing a lot. If you didn't read "A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", and the other books of D. Adams, you're really missing something in your life, if you don't know these novels, than every day-labourer without any graduation, who has read the books, or is reading books, has a richer intellectual life than you. Be sure of that. (The film is really poor, but funny, this I have to admit, and there are really only a few movie versions of books, or congenial adaptions, which are worth to mention, but this you can only see, if you're firstly reading the books.) I wanted to be sarcastic, but I am reducing it.... Here a picture of a book. ...This is a book. Books are not only dust catchers, you even can open them, and just read. Look, ...book, look carefully..book. ...Don't be shy, come closer to the book, ...open it, and start to read. Yes, I laughed, when I read your reply, and the reference to YOUR intelligence.
  15. Here is the ultimate answer. (But I have to admit, that I am a bit confused by the description of your religion-->*science **bleep** grano protestantism and a bit of magick.* --Nothing unusual for sl, but for a real life scientist, at least. And it sounded as your 1million club is American? As Alister said, not the quantity counts but the quality. If you're really interested in souls, minds and hearts, then you won't even have the wish to become a politician. Not the degrees counts we are holding, but how we're doing and acting good with the abilities we have! Good humans are doing good deeds. at least they try to.) "Good morning," said Deep Thought at last. "Er ... Good morning, O Deep Thought," said Loonquawl nervously, "do you have ... er, that is ..." "An answer for you?" interrupted Deep Thought majestically. "Yes. I have." The two men shivered with expectancy. Their waiting had not been in vain. "There really is one?" breathed Phouchg. "There really is one," confirmed Deep Thought. "To Everything? To the great Question of Life, the Universe and Everything?" "Yes." Both of the men had been trained for this moment, their lives had been a preparation for it, they had been selected at birth as those who would witness the answer, but even so they found themselves gasping and squirming like excited children. "And you're ready to give it to us?" urged Loonquawl. "I am." "Now?" "Now," said Deep Thought. They both licked their dry lips. "Though I don't think," added Deep Thought, "that you're going to like it." "Doesn't matter!" said Phouchg. "We must know it! Now!" "Now?" inquired Deep Thought. "Yes! Now ..." "Alright," said the computer and settled into silence again. The two men fidgeted. The tension was unbearable. "You're really not going to like it," observed Deep Thought. "Tell us!" "Alright," said Deep Thought. "The Answer to the Great Question ..." "Yes ...!" "Of Life, the Universe and Everything ..." said Deep Thought. "Yes ...!" "Is ..." said Deep Thought, and paused. "Yes ...!" "Is ..." "Yes ...!!!...?" "Forty-two," said Deep Thought, with infinite majesty and calm. Edit: ****I can't stop laughing...."c u m" the latin word for "with" was censored. Then I realised why. ...the auto-censoring is funny, and "immune" to foreign languages
  16. Du hast doch schon laengst Deine persoenlichen Daten bei LL angegeben und somit in die USA weitergeleitet. Das nur mal am Rande... Ansonsten tippe ich bei Dir auf akute Logorrhoe. Mir faellt nichts anderes dazu ein:
  17. Thank you very much for the quick reply. I understand it a bit better now.
  18. Hello, maybe this is a very noobie-question, but I tried to upload a dress that I made and this appears: but if I check mark the "skin weights", then this appears: Why are these holes appearing? And what can I do? Thank you all in advance. :)
  19. Nikita Neuman wrote: Also es hat geklappt ,die Email Adresse musste die selbe sein wie beim Skrill Account ,jetzt funktioniert alles bestens ,danke. Lg YEAHH. --schoen, dass es geklappt hat. )
  20. Hallo Nikita, ich kann Deine Veraergerung verstehen. Oft laesst der Service von Online-Anbietern zu wuenschen uebrig. Ich bin aber nun eigentlich kein "Experte" fuer Zahlungsmethoden oder irgendein Moderator hier. Ich sehe mir nur immer wieder mal den Grid-Status an, und deswegen hatte ich Dir geantwortet. Ich selbst nutze Paypal und bin damit ganz gut gefahren. Leider weiss ich nun auch keinen Rat, was Du in Deinem Fall am Besten machen kannst. Ich hoffe, dass sich das Problem zwischenzeitlich von alleine loesen wird. Trotzdem...lass Dir dadurch nicht die Laune verderben. Versuch's mal mit Paypal. Falls Du dich das erste Mal dort anmeldest, dauert es auch ein paar Tage, bis sie Dein Konto verifiziert haben, aber dann funktioniert es. Liebe Gruesse, Ardvinna *edited: Ich bin hier die Koenigin der Tippfehler und musste deswegen noch mal edieren.
  21. Nikita Neuman wrote: Ich habe auf dem Skrill Konto 9 Euro 45 und wollte den 1Dollar Test machen mit meinem SL Account ,aber es kam nur: Unzureichendes Guthaben Wieso ,ich habe doch Guthaben auf dem Skrill Account. Danke Lg an alle Hallo Nikita, schau' mal bitte hier nach: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2015/06/26/post2572/ Vielleicht lag es ja daran. Und es sieht so aus, als sei das Problem geloest. Ich hoffe es fuer Dich. Ein schoenes Wochenende noch.
  22. ZoeTick wrote: If you have a male avatar, and they are partnered with a female avatar who is not your real life wife and your real life wife starts playing sl and you have an SL affair with your real life wife without telling your SL partner is that cheating. And on who? Or whom? I think all people involved in this ménage à trois (or even more, we're in sl, I have to mention this) have to be well informed and consensual with it. Otherwise it is cheating/betrayal, call it what ever you like. Maybe we can say, that no one has the right to judge (I don't agree here, but this thought is "modern/envogue" now), but everyone has the right to chose, wether to paticipate or not, and for this information is needed. ---from the very beginning. Not telling the truth/ not being honest---is cheating.
  23. Vandris wrote: [...] A lot of you people are not only sick but you're out of touch with reality. Maybe perhaps you've been playing this game far too long to think what goes on in it is normal or acceptable behavior of people. NO, it's not cool or okay to go around sexually harassing someone in a virtual world or in a realone. [...] I would agree with you, if there were any hud/script or similar involved, that would make it somehow possible, to take any sexual action on your friend's avatar without her informed consent, while she tries to operate it. But she left, was afk. So why she didn't activate the away-function in the viewer? it's so easy. [...]Yes, it is real because there's a real person behind it and that real person doesn't wish to be involved in your perversions. [...] No, there was no real person behind, because she was afk. [...]so don't tell me some nonsese about how someone raping your avatar is nothing to be upset about. see above [...]Especially when it's someone who stalked her randomly and broke into her home to do so when she was just sitting in a bed in her home (I.E. a normal bed that came wit her skybox not some perverted bed she brought). You can block and derender them, and put them on a blacklist, ban them, or asking the landlord to do so. What is a perverted bed? ...I know some would say, that I really have no clue, but I never seen a "perverted bed". [...]It's not innocent it's sick and whose to say this person isn't using this world before trying it out in the real world. Or do you think people that drug and rape women just pop out of no where. Sick actions come from the mind of a sick individual and since the guy I'm refering too has a history of doing this stuff I'm going to say he's a rather sick individual. Yes, and a poor mind. But it doesn't make him/her a potential rapist in rl. Being stupid and primitive is not prosecutable, nor an general indication for criminal energy. Because LL's doesn't ever address people like this and lets people do these kinds of things in their games normal people that just come to enjoy SL and have regular fun as in not engaging in the perverted side of this game end up staying away from it or leaving SL altogether. It took me 8 years to even try SL because I heard so much negativity about it and this is exactly why this game has been dying ever since it started getting that reputation. [...] Is is now a game or not? For me it isn't a game at all, even if I'm playful here, but I take the people for serious as human beings, and I try to respect them all. I think, you didn't see the really beautiful things here yet. Neither the art sims. So I think you're judging by your own perception of sl. ...additionally, here are really beautiful-minded and nice people, some of them may not be so "normal" and "adapted/aligned", but please stop to equalise them with just one stupid person. [...] IE. "Well if I'm not physcially in a relationship with someone it's not cheating on my wife/husband it's just a virtual world". Well I have news for you... the world may be virtual but your thoughts are real and so impact they bring on others when you act them out. Agreed. But this is a moral judgment/question on an other level. And married people having virtual sex with ramdom partners or similar is even not the same like an idiot who enjoys "pose ball hopping" with abandoned avatars. And adultery (in a virtual world) is even in no sense the same like a rape. That's all I have to say. But now off topic: I am now wondering, what my avatar does, when I am not operating her, I mean when I'm not in sl. Does Ardvinna live her own life? Does anyone know? Can anyone bring forward any evidences? Edit: at least I tried to correct some mistakes, but I'm not a native speaker.
  24. NO, NO, and NO. This happened to you for 0.67Euro? It wasn't immersion, but greed. Next time just hit Ctrl+Q. Please, please, please. ..leaving this thread and trying to forget it!
  25. songbuddy wrote: Hi, i'm new here, and joined SL to find an alternative to another well-known virtual world i use. I have to say .. not for me. Firstly, it feels soul-less,no atmosphere at all, Secondly, the navigation is apalling on here. It's so difficalt to even buy anything .. clothing,furniture etc. I upgraded to premium so i could at least have a "home" to use, and oh my goodness they are TERRIBLE, and gives very little choice as to what you can have. As for making friends .. it's a joke. No-0ne is willing to talk or acknowledge you,prefering to keep to themselves. The only redeeming factor here is that there's the abilty to talk with the mic rather than type. Needless to say i've cancelled my premium after just one day, and doubt whether i'll ever use this site again. I have to say, after all the things i've read about this site, i'm really disappointed in it. Rant over. Hey Hey. as mentioned before...there is a learning curve. But take it just as a challenge. SL isn't just a game, it's a bit more. All is created by sl-users. This is the most fascinating here. TRy to learn to build here, and you will understand why people are proud of their creations, it is really work and creativity. And yes, at the beginning it's a kind of unfriendly atmosphere, but..at the same time, you're very welcome to send an IM to everyone you like...sometimes you get an answer, sometimes not, sometimes with a bit delay. Buying stuff: I hated it at the beginning, but with the time you will find your way. And...there is a lot of freebie stuff, so I think itis the best way to try them at the beginning, before spending money on rubbish stuff. And it is nice to try the premium account, but you will survive here without it. Give it a chance, and enjoy your time. ) I would be happy if you decide to stay and to explore it a bit.
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