Hi Melita,
I'm one of those who "cannot use credit cards or PayPal, to get Lindens". I am an employed adult, and have a grown up daughter, however my circumstances prevent me from using a credit card or PayPal. SL was my little bit of freedom and I feel as though the rug has been swiped from under me. Previously I used Exchanges such as Bulido and Virwox, but these are no longer serving SL residents due to LL's change in ToS.
My impression is that LL doesn't give a toss about individuals such as myself. It's a shame, I estimate I've spent over £500 in the past 2 years in SL. Still, I guess I'm just a second-class resident in LL's eyes.
I went to browse Marketplace earlier, but what's the point? I can't say I'll leave SL, I have made some very real friends here. I guess some will move to other Sims/Grids. I don't know whether I can start all over again. All I can say right now is that I feel quite depressed about the whole thing.
Yours, second-class,second-life resident, Sonja Dominica