Hiya Folks... I'm Mike. I'm a relatively newbie and I'm having a tough time "getting" it. I can see how SL has an enormous potential for RP and interaction, but I don't see it anywhere, except for the "RP" situations. And that's kinda funny to me in that there's a RP game going on in a RP world. So my RP character has created it's own RP character... lol. I came into the SL thing thinking, "cool..." It's a fantasy world where you can be anything. Make yourself over into whatever you want to be and live it out in this little world. It seems like the only thing to do is shop, unless you already know someone. Everywhere I go people are standing there like they're catatonic, or dancing like they're on autopilot and not even there. There's no chat other than what seems like banter between old friends. No real interaction at all. I say hello and only get 1 or 2 responses... Are all these people just sitting at their computer IRL and staring and the screen doing nothing (or have another window open)? Or is everyone in IM all the time? They can't be having fun like that are they? Then I got scolded pretty sharply one time too, by a really beautiful avatar. Seems this person was ticked off because I was "checking her out." Don't people watch each other in here? Why make yourself up to look beautiful extreme and get mad because someone is looking at you? **shrugs** Is this how it is everywhere in this life? I'm open for suggestions... I really want to find the fun here. (makes me sound like an **bleep**, doesn't it? I'm really not)... lol.