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Everything posted by Christhiana

  1. Thank you so much for giving us the legend of the Bellisserian Slenderman. I hope your RL will take a turn for the better soon ♥
  2. My noob self would probably pull up 2 comfy chairs and settle in for a long conversation. "So, we're a woman now..... and you tell me I won't need to camp anymore for L$ because we build and sell things? I'm liking this, go on....."
  3. The salty air really does a number on the paint job of my stilt. I better give it a fresh coat of paint regularly...
  4. Against. Bruce Willis makes for a lousy Santa Clause. A law that states you have to finish a tv series instead of cancelling it.
  5. Check if your not wearing anything on your screen like a fullscreen hud.
  6. I like to build things in RL. I'm rebuilding my shed/workplace atm. Made a new roof for it last year. I did a lot of rebuilding on our home as well. I sometimes mix RL and SL up and I want to try to edit and stretch 2x4's in RL
  7. I think we can swap building for making. Amazing job on the books!
  8. That magical moment when you get to see your stilt in person for the first time....
  9. To add: The introduction of the linden homes (traditional and houseboats) was at the Home & Garden Expo, April 15th 2019. Edit: it was March 15th for the reveal at the Expo. The expo ran from March 15th until April 7th.
  10. What a magical place you have created here Elena. After I looked at all the lovely rooms, I sat in the garden for a bit enjoying the serenity of the place. Thank you so much for sharing this! ♥
  11. I am happy I could be part of that inspiration. I think we can all use a little of that this year. Happy Holidays! ♥
  12. *Chants* Push da button, Push da button, Push da button... And for those who pushed the button and nothing happened, please read the backside of the post
  13. I love how you have decorated your HB! That deck with the pool is gorgeous! ♥
  14. I have updated them to include the victorians and houseboats as well, so don't forget to get a fresh copy! These are a gift btw for all my lovely neighbours ♥
  15. Painting for the winter holidays... 🙂
  16. It appears the new stilt regions are being deployed.... North east of the Log Home continent.
  17. Under physics costs you can see the weight of the physics model. Base Hull (5.240) is the weight when set to Convex Hull and Mesh (13.658) is the Weight when set to prim.
  18. A wonderful collection of intriguing, funny and curious items. Lots of interactive items and games too. I loved it! ♥ Thank you so much! Dare I play this game...perhaps I should consult the fortune teller first.
  19. An intriguing exhibition. I loved it. Thank you so much! ♥
  20. Amazing job! I watched it 3x in a row to see all the details in the outfits and decors. Great to recognize so many of my Belli neighbors and friends. I'm looking forward to seeing more releases by Pring Productions! Belliwood is here!
  21. Wow! This is a must see for sure! I just did the balloon tour as well and it's a great for a quick overview. But there is so much to see this will keep me wa;lking around for a while I really appreciate all the effort the mole team puts into building all these amazing displays for us. Thank you so much!
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