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  1. Well I played seecond life I think when i was a kid but I am 22 year's old currently. I have decided to install second life give it another try. One of the down factors of why I didn't want to play when I was younger of course was I never had money ha. What would you reccomend me do to get started? Is memebership worth paying? I always wanted to open up a casino how ever I see that has been discountinued because of laws and user agreements. Owning land seems very expensive what was it like 219? Auctions looks cheaper how ever I am sure their is a fee once you own it. I like to role play and i'm not really sure what my goals are here just looking to escape my life a few hours out of the day specially after coming out a hard divorce not really ready to go out and be wild again in public. Any how enough of my personal life what would you reccomend? I currently go to college for IT . Should I purchase land or put some money into the game where should I began my "adventure"
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