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Everything posted by calvinmayers

  1. Was looking to hire a scripter for a script that needs to play 10 second clips one after another with a buffer for it not to skip. Also need it to read if anyone else around the person in a 50m raidus as the same hud and and will ask them to join. and they can both change the music and it will change for anyone synced into the hud. Must also hold up to 100 dance animations where they can put there own dances into it if they choose to
  2. okay but the box is supposed to be on the ground not attached to me O-o
  3. yes only problem is the animation wont even start comes up with. Script trying to trigger animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission is not set
  4. integer ON = 0; //STATE OF SCRIPT//YOU EDIT THESE PARTS FOR NEW ANIMATIONS, SOUND CLIPS ETC. DO NOT TOUCH THE SCRIPTstring animation = "blueberry"; //ANIMATION NAMEinteger MaxSoundClips = 19; //AMOUNT OF SONG CLIPS, NAME THEM 1,2,3,4,ETC integer SoundLength = 10; //FIRST SERIES OF SOUND LENGTHSinteger LastSoundLength = 2; //INCASE LAST SOUND CLIP IS SHORTERinteger SoundClipNumber = 0; //FOR SOUND LOOPResetToDefault(){ llStopSound(); llSetTimerEvent(0.00); llStopAnimation(animation); ON = 0; SoundClipNumber = 0;} default{ state_entry() { llListen(0, "", "", ""); } attach(key id) { if(id) { llOwnerSay(" Commands 'on' or 'off'"); llRequestPermissions(id, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } else ResetToDefault(); } timer() { llPlaySound((string)(++SoundClipNumber),1.0); if(ON == 1){llSetTimerEvent(SoundLength); ON = 2;} if(SoundClipNumber == MaxSoundClips){llSetTimerEvent(LastSoundLength); ON = 1; SoundClipNumber = 0;} llPreloadSound((string)(SoundClipNumber+1)); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { message = llToLower(message); if (ON == 0 && message == "on") { ON = 1; llStartAnimation(animation); llSetTimerEvent(0.01); } else if(message == "off"){ResetToDefault();} }}
  5. integer ON = 0; //STATE OF SCRIPT //YOU EDIT THESE PARTS FOR NEW ANIMATIONS, SOUND CLIPS ETC. DO NOT TOUCH THE SCRIPT string animation = "blueberry"; //ANIMATION NAME integer MaxSoundClips = 19; //AMOUNT OF SONG CLIPS, NAME THEM 1,2,3,4,ETC integer SoundLength = 10; //FIRST SERIES OF SOUND LENGTHS integer LastSoundLength = 2; //INCASE LAST SOUND CLIP IS SHORTER integer SoundClipNumber = 0; //FOR SOUND LOOP ResetToDefault() { llStopSound(); llSetTimerEvent(0.00); llStopAnimation(animation); ON = 0; SoundClipNumber = 0; } default { state_entry() { llListen(0, "", "", ""); } attach(key id) { if(id) { llOwnerSay(" Commands 'on' or 'off'"); llRequestPermissions(id, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } else ResetToDefault(); } timer() { llPlaySound((string)(++SoundClipNumber),1.0); if(ON == 1){llSetTimerEvent(SoundLength); ON = 2;} if(SoundClipNumber == MaxSoundClips){llSetTimerEvent(LastSoundLength); ON = 1; SoundClipNumber = 0;} llPreloadSound((string)(SoundClipNumber+1)); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { message = llToLower(message); if (ON == 0 && message == "on") { ON = 1; llStartAnimation(animation); llSetTimerEvent(0.01); } else if(message == "off"){ResetToDefault();} } } Is the code for it but cant figure out why the animation wont start
  6. well the way this script my friend gaeve me is set up it reads what is in the prim say the gestures/animations and it will start the frist gesture wait a certain time and then start the next gesture. but at the same time its supposed to start a animation and i cant figure out how to get rid off a primission error in it
  7. but it is its job to play and stop animations the gestures u can put into the script with a easy timer and have the next play when the timer gose to 0 the gestures would be in the prim of course i should of said that
  8. im looking for a script that can play as many gestures as i need it to and wait till the 1 gesture is over and then start the next. im making a full dancer so it cant be skippy. also want it to do a dance at the same time if its possiable. or mayby help to try and fix a script that a friend gave me that just wont play the animation
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