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Everything posted by CheriColette

  1. I think you have to be a little blunt and say, you cant stop to chat because you havent got the time and you need to get 'such n such' or 'look at something' before you leave SL today. Most people understand and will let you go with a smile.
  2. Spurring private agencies commercialising expose >>> PRYER
  3. I didnt get that till the 3rd reading doh! Very clever Caerolle
  4. Double post...but I will leave mine anyway Do as you like.
  5. Hare ears are daffiest, surprisingly! Rocky
  6. Healthy organs recycled supporting entrepreneurs >>>THEFT
  7. Betty usually nibbles nougat yolks>>>>LUNCH
  8. Yes for me too. At first I thought it was fingers in hair but now seeing eggs And of course I love hens. I have x5 myself. They so calming to watch as they go about their day.
  9. You inseminate, escape, leave delighted >>>> ROGUE
  10. @Maryanne Soloand will it connect to the house via a corridor or something?
  11. Outside causes less problems when they do need changing and a little roof or enclosure (insulated if needs be) will help in hot or cold regions.
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