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Thistle Tearfall

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  1. I havn't used SL for a couple of years, and tried to log on to my other (the original account) and found it to be *currently on hold* Now after 4 years i can't remember half the details i set the account up in, the credit card for example expired and a new one given that type of thing. I want the old account back as i put a lot of money into it. I have the name and password but clearly that isn't good enough they now want my birthcertificate too?? I can name a few people on the friends list and even some of the inventory since a creator named a range of silks after her. Since i have been married twice since born lol i can't see how relevant a birth certificate is going to be, can anyone help? i have no idea why the account was put on hold in the first place other than not being used, and i didn't dream i woudl have to go to such lengths to get her back, but she has too much invested in her to just give up but im thinking im fighting a losing battle and once again they win and we lose. if anyone has been through this and got a good result would love to hear, thanks.
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