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Everything posted by PaperB

  1. I dont know how to fix it to be honest, I did post this with the hope that maybe we could come to a solution in group or at the very least let the word out and call atention to this issue. It would be incredible naive and pretentious of me to even think its a simple thing to fix. Plus I believe discussing issues dont hurt, but let you know other people points of view on the fact. :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  2. Yes, here is my point, i wroted it from my cel so i coudnt wrote as long as i would liked to. But, the point, beside me beeing astonished and amazed is, how can this continue to go on?, to me this affect the market in several ways, maybe not noticeable right away but trust me you will see it on the long run. I John Doe, content creator for sl general audience, make a product, that may take me weeks to work it out, maybe months,I think that vary from person to person, but whatever, it takes me time to make, and money to make to. I work my brand, take time, make groups, i work it in general. I place it on my store at the grid and at mp, with the hope that in selling a lot of copies, i will eventually get that time and investment paid, but this kind of issues appear. I, do as told and file a complain, flag the item, let people know, and NOTHING happens, because my products keep beeing selled by others. On top of that, i see how the store that stealed my product recieved a not good but great review on the product they stole from me. Whould i be continue creating for sl?, maybe, or maybe i will call it a day and stop, or maybe ill just realease in here stuff that i dont mind much to be stolen. So here is my point of view, on the long run, sl will either, have a whole lot content creators leaving , or the content will drop its quality, because there is zero support for them. (not to mention the TOS change is not helping either) On top of this only cheap stuff will continue to be sale, because as i just see consumers rather have the copied version FULL PERM for 300$ than the original one for 900$, and i do think this affect the mp too; but it can be just my opinion. They say that consumers have no way to know it what they are buying is copied or not I can agree to that to a point, but in this particular case, THEY CAN, the product is advertised as "xxx skin from xxx brand" the pic is the same, however the store isnt. the same is with the mesh they offer in here. I would like to assume that people arent extremely stupid, and they can read a product title enough to know what is it, so at this point, i just can think they do this because they just dont care. And as about for mp, i dont know really, there is no way to flag items to be a copy of others, nor can i do anything else than just im the creator, and i dont think that helps at all really. So to me this whole issue is a bit insulting, i might have been lucky enough to not have any of mine product ending beeing sold at that store..yet...but the fact that it hasnt happen to me yet doesnt matter to me really, i think if it happens to others very well can end up happening to me, and i do believe every merchant should think that way in order to get the better for us all. Maybe try to work out a solution? or some sort of aliance i dont know, i posted this to share my opinion and read the opion of the others. ..and sorry for my grammar english is not my main
  3. I logged in today to take a look at new releases and under mesh full perm, i found a lot of skins with the original picture and even name and brand advertised under another store, familiar (at least to a dozen) to mesh creators for sealing copied products. I know for a fact this person has recieved a couple of DCMA and ims by a lot of people by now. I can recognice every item on that store to belong to other creators, but even if you dont know much about templates it doesnt matter because they put it easy on you by keeping the actual original name of the product and creator. Got to a point on beeing so obcoius and in your face stealing that i just cannot but to amaze that people. actually buy from here and actualy rate some stuff with 5 stars
  4. Hi what you nees to cross check is not your top selling list but your transaccion histort at merchant home with account transaccion history in your dashboard. Im logged in with my phone right now so i cant paste links but if you search this forum or googlr on how to file a jira im sure youll find it. Its like filing a support ticket
  5. Hi I had that issue and was told it was a bug. What you need to do is compare merchant home transaccion history with ypur account history. If there is a diference between them, you should file a jira about it, so they can help you out.
  6. Ok I just tested and doesnt work sadly The rig is there, but the faces arent, like with the 2013.1 I had installed before.
  7. The one i had installed was open collada 1.4.1 for maya 2010-2013, maybe is that? the fbx dae exporter yes you are correct i havent noticed it wasnt the same for maya 2011. Ill give it a try at the one you are showing here and let you know how it went
  8. And didnt got any luck. My noob think on this is, there are lots of possibilities that the exported files from 3dmax and maya arwnt saved the same way because my experience is that even within maya in the different versions somethigs work difderent than others. Sorry about spelling and double message im with my phone
  9. About the exportesrs i had before the standalone one: yes they were the very lasts ones. I checked this twice, because some friends of mine that uses maya 2011 and 3dmax told me that both fbx dae exporter and open collada one, worked for them. I cross checked preferences on how to export the mesh with maya 2011 users.
  10. So i did try the stand alone and works wonders! exports both weight and face selection About the materials, i had issues with the fbx dae plug in at maya, but they were fine with the open collada one. I did try everything, mesh was clean, materials were only lambert and in order and i never got the fbx dae plug in to export them. As i never got the open collada plug in to recognize the weights. Now this stand alone one does both things, ill keep my fingers cross it continues to do so lol ty so much chosen you´re a total Master Yoda!
  11. Hi everyone :) Im trying for weeks now to make defined faces for my rig mesh clothing. I had installed open collada exporter, and fbx-dae exporter. Open collada export my files with defined faces just fine, but wont export the weights. ( I guess meaning the assing faces process is correct) On the other hand, fbx.dae, would export the weights just fine but wont export the defined faces. (I guess meaning the rigging process is correct) i had been watching the settings and, i just cant figure it out what is wrong in them. Has someone had this issue? Is just driving me crazy :S ty in advance! :)
  12. Hi everyone :) Im trying for weeks now to make defined faces for my rig mesh clothing. I had installed open collada exporter, and fbx-dae exporter. Open collada export my files with defined faces just fine, but wont export the weights. ( I guess meaning the assing faces process is correct) On the other hand, fbx.dae, would export the weights just fine but wont export the defined faces. (I guess meaning the rigging process is correct) i had been watching the settings and, i just cant figure it out what is wrong in them. Has someone had this issue? Is just driving me crazy :S ty in advance! :)
  13. Yes super persistant, it was the same for me. I think we should all file an abuse report together, maybe thats a better way to get hear than each on alone?
  14. PaperB

    Fishy ?

    Its exactly the same message. It is the same person no doubt inicials are the same. I filed a ticket to LL with a psd witg the logs of the event. They told me to file an AR i believe is the name not quite sure. I need to reread it lol. But anyway is witgout a doubt a scam made by the same person. If you like contact me inworld maybe we can make sime group notces or simethig beside the linden thing to do. Again sorry about the misspellings my phone ketboard sucks and my english too ^.^
  15. If I had any sort of doubt left is now gone. The ims and the notecards I recieved from this person are exactly the same. Same story, same gramar same linden agent fishy thing. I did send a ticket about it i think you should do it too.
  16. PaperB

    Fishy ?

    I didnt refuse to help her Nancy. I did ask her if she bough it under an alt not one but several times. She said nothing. I sold 10 copies total of that product. After talking at her I resent the item to all 10 buyers. To this she told me "oh forget it im tired of sl bugs"... This whole thing wasnt about me not willing to help my costumer re really. After posting this I contacted the costumers that bought it and that didnt asked for the .dae files. None of them was her. So at this point I have zero doubts this was a scam. No only that but she waited till more than a month went by so with some luck i woudnt have record of the transaccion. I save them every month so i did. This same thing i think it can happend to other merchants that perhamps dont sell semi exclusive items and sell a lot of copies, and just send the item to not be looked as not good with theor costumers.
  17. PaperB

    Fishy ?

    So yes im pretty sure ot was some sort of a scam, and i hope this post helps if anyone ever encounter a situation like this, but most than all may this be a warning sign the we should All merchants keep our transaccion history because they are there for a reason. Sorry for my english and typos (im via phone ugh)
  18. PaperB

    Fishy ?

    Hi ty all for answering, I didnt took it personally at all. In fact one of the reasons i posted this was to share this with other merchants in case they could encounter the same issue. I wasnt sure about the beta grid with new items but she told.me.she used it to test mesh prior upload it at main grid. Im pretty sure you cant upload mesh without payment info. But again i can be wrong feel free to correct me. The reason i told her about the .dae was because she said she coudnt fix the problem at all. Beeing that she didnt had any record od purchase i didnt either a way to get them was to reupload the meshes. I know this makes the costumer pay an extra for reuploading but in most cases semi exclusive items are though for them to reupload. Why? Because they pay extra for the exclusivness and whant their names on the mesh. My experience is that over 90% of the costumers of semi exclusive items do reupload the mesh. Appart from this i resend the item to all the people that bought it. 10.copies, 10 resends. To this she just said to me in im tht she gave up too bad she coudnt get it.
  19. PaperB

    Fishy ?

    Hi everyone, so i had this issue with a person that claimed to have bought a semi exclusive mesh of mine. The case was this person said she had bought the mesh, opened at beta grid and the mesh turned no transfer for the regular grid (This was already odd enough since i didnt knew you could open anything new at beta grid) So my first reaction was i told her i gave .dae files with my semi exclusives, so this way she would not have any issues with uploading them at regular grid with her name and full perm. To this she told me she didnt had payment info. (ok..so i might be wrong but i though you needed so to have an account at beta grid). This whole conversation toked place with me logged at my phone, so i coudnt really check anything and i told her ok ill try to fix this for you as soon as i log at pc. When i did log at pc i found out that she didnt bought any copy, no order history whatsoever was there, that she had bought anything from me ever, nor any payment record on my account transaccion history either. And i got to read a nc she sent me with her conversation with a linden, (named xxx linden, she erased the first name); conversation went that, she told him (prior to ever contact or talk at me), that I didnt wanted to help her, and coudnt search the order history. To this the "xxx LInden" told her that if i didnt fix the issue she could denounce me at them. And to please remove his/her name since they werent supposed to help inworld. At the end of all this, i told her ok i will do this ill resend a copy to every single costumer that purchase the item, and if you did made the buy, then you will recieve one, i did so, she acted like she didnt read it, and started to talk about a bug to sl and told me she was calling it a day, that too bad she had spended the 5k but she was tired of sl bugs. Im just posting this one, because it was all too strange to me, im really certain of what i sold and have proof of it. Im afraid that if the case was with a non limited item, it could have go with a marketplace issue and just ended with her having a copy of it. So if anyone had a similar experience or just want to share opinion please do it :matte-motes-smile:
  20. This is not the first time i read here about this subject. Last time it wasnt exaclty this, had more to do about beeing carefull of buying expensive mesh from new creators, now its about stolen mesh,.somehow for me the two subjects are conected, here is were: the post talks about clues on how to recognize merchants that arent to be trusted. One was on new accounts, i have been in sl for over 6 years now and this avatar has less than a year, so im not too new and probably most of the new merchants account arent new to sl either,.and even if thy were, mesh is not exclusive to sl, maybe they worked with it in other places. High quality items from rather unknown merchants; whats unknown? Hat merchant could be working custom and be super profesional on it, and have small store at marketplace or maybe none, or that merchant can be selling his/her mesh elsewere and bring some here too. The selling price isnt for me a sign either, in fact ive seen ripped mesh at really high price from really known merchants. Inword store, again maybe they dont want to spend in keeping a inworld store, in my experience, i had a few of them, thy dont sell as much as mp. Ripped mesh is more than easy to see without these so call clues. In fact there are two or three sites like grapixshare, renderocity, or just google 3d model free lol, there you will see them and most probably recognize quite a few of them. To me at this point is the only way to avoid purchasing these kind of products, but discriminating merchants is not. If we want to move foward in continue to create our world with our imagination, we need to flow and stop saying things like: if they only sell mesh they are to be distrust.
  21. I had two sales today with that issue. I only realized about it, because it was semi exclusive items. I do know the costumers did paid, i even saw their account and transaccion history. I dont understand were the money goes so frustrating. This bug costed me 12k only in a day, i dont even want to see if there were other sales before that went trough the same same. I filed a ticket, but they told me I have to wait 24 hours for them to consider do something aboit it.
  22. Ty so much ill try that.!
  23. HI :) Im pretty sure this is a dumb question, but since I havent found an answer to it, here it goes. Im starting working with pencil curves at maya, trying to make a hair, and i come with this problem. I draw the curve just fine, but when i end drawing it, maya by default places it on the ground and makes it bigger. I dont know if this is something you set up, or am im missing to do something so the curve will stay where i draw it. Please if anyone have any idea why this may be tell me :) ty so much!! paper
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