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Everything posted by badboymercy

  1. 2021 , 6 years later, ressurrected. This still happens too often and it is very annoying. Imagine having a whole forest, with trees and plants setup and ALL of their alpha modes go to normal. This happened to me more than once, the worst time was that time with the whole forest area glitching. I've seen this happen in other peoples sims as well, it is too common to be over looked for 6 years. What is even going on?
  2. I do not know how I stumbled in here, but it was over an hour ago now. I thought that thing would be easy to find. But I was so wrong. Do you know the model, where is this image from? Similar or Same model, but not the same shirt I believe. Update: I do not believe I can find it. I spent over 2 hours how and couldn't find it. Just similar things. I've gone through tons of search words and sorted by most recent. I only found that one as the most similar one. I've seen other similar ones but neither with the 'polo' neck. Good luck! It was fun searching but, I got to stop there 😜
  3. Perhaps making a hud item or similar with a briefcase or so. You put items into the briefcase and then click the "box" you wish to transfer items to, the "box" would carry a script that would generate a request key that gets whispered to the person(assuming they are whitelisted). Now with this key and the items you wish to move in the "briefcase", click the briefcase and send the code given through w/e listen channel the briefcase script is set to. The briefcase puts a key in the description of the objects and the "box" then checks all items that enter the inventory for this key, if the key is not in the description the item is removed from the inventory, alt, returned to the person who put it there. The description is cleared and each item processed will have the description cleared. I guess someone fast enough may be able to catch the secure code or so, but perhaps that could be solved by having the "briefcase" and the "box" could communicate various details and new codes in random channels to make sure that each object added is the correct or most likely to be the correct item(s). No clue, something like that. A bit of work if anything.
  4. Sequenced sound playback is terrible in LSL, trying to make something play back smoothly, even with preload or using queue there's still delay that is very noticeable and annoying. Preloading doesn't work like it should and neither does sound queuing. Perhaps intentionally having 8 second clips with 1 sec silence at the start and the end or something would help, but the issue would remain. I was hoping you could play sounds at 0 volume on a second prim to preload them during the playback of the first sound so it would be ready and actually preloaded for when the first sound had finished playing. But it doesn't seem you can proxy sounds from a prim into one of the links, thus having two sets of the same sounds would leave you with two separate preloaded sounds in memory? Not sure. What if the script got the UUIDs and preloaded them by that, would this help make sure that the sound got cached properly and played smoothly? I've looked around a bit and gone through some of my own older scripts, but I can not find a smooth playback script that doesn't have issues. It is either: Delay between sounds when using preloading or using queue. or Sounds overlapping when trying to compensate by starting the next sound in queue early to compensate. I made a script for playback ages ago, it used to work well but that doesn't seem to be the case any longer. I've not tested using triggersound and playsound together to do this, guess I could play around some. Does preloaded sounds get scrapped from memory when the content is finally played? Does it even preload to begin with? Is cache even used for sounds? Have a good one~
  5. Only mirroring 1 prim oposite of another. Not a link set. - Place two boxes next to each other. - Rotate one of the boxes to prefered angle. - Copy the objects rotaion and paste it in the oposite object. - If both boxes are next to each other on the x axis, put a - infront of the y and z axis in the object rotation. And if on y axis, put the - infront of x and z, etc. Done.
  6. Aditi is broken, litterally no links from ANYWHERE leads anywhere but "https://id.aditi.lindenlab.com/openid/openidserver" with messages like "id.secondlife.com" or "An error has occurred. Further information is available in the server log.". The only working link is useless "https://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com/" I'm getting frustrated beyond tollerable All roads lead to the error message. <== So I made my own "solve", doing the following ==> Login to Aditi / Preview Realm / Second Life Beta - server with your SL client. (I used Firestorm) Activate in world browser. (Firestorm "You can also open this window manually: Develop → UI → Web Content Browser (Ctrl-Alt-Q to enable to Develop menu, if you do not have it enabled already).") Go to "https://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com/my/account/ip/tutorial.php" on the inworld browser. Login Hurray <3
  7. I am sorry. Figgured out that it had to do with shaders that canceled out some colors. Annoying, sad, but true.
  8. Local lights off or on makes no changes. Also, full bright or not returns the same results. Slowing the animation down to the point where the animation is noticeable choppy, doesn't help either. There is no issue with the script when looking at the colors in the "Texture"-tab, it is some sort of light source issue that can not be avoidable. I've tried the script in many areas, and neither changes the outcome. Certain shades of gray react to a blue light of sorts and reflects it, no matter what you do. It seems.
  9. I'll try and change that. Thanks. And about llFabs(), I've got no clue what that is nor how I'd otherwise reverse the direction of the fade. So for now I'll see what I can do about the current version.
  10. I hope that is it, I'll have a look. Is there any way to avoid an object being effected by such a thing? Or is it just a local setting? Note to other replies: I am not mixing float and integer values, the integer value is simply to allow the script to reverse untill it reaches a certain float. And the sleep was added long after the problem with the blue color, which seems to come no matter what I do, as I said I've written at least 3 variations of the script and all of them have the same problem.
  11. If you are trying somethign similar to what I was and am having problems with purple or blue shades on your gray objects, try disabling shaders in your viewer graphical options. The shaders are worth leaving on for a lot of reasons, but to troubleshoot your issue and to find out if this is the issue, disabling the shaders will allow you rule them out at the least. Feel free to use the script in this post. Hey, I've written a script to loop through gray, back and forth. I've thought of an alternative method but I wouldn't want to use such means to achive it unless I have to. So I am posting this in hope someone knows what I am doing wrong, or why it goes through a blue shade. I've rewritten this in so many ways, it isn't even funny. :-p Or rather, it is kind of funny actually. (Updated script to the currently used one, added a few comments to help whoever wants to use it) float TIMER_INTERVAL = 0.1; float R_C=0.0; integer FADE=0; default { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent( TIMER_INTERVAL ); } timer() { if (FADE==0) { //Change 0.01, more description bellow. These values do not have to be the same, the animation will still work, but the highest value will raise or decrese the fastest. R_C=R_C+0.01; } else { //Change 0.01 to less or more, depending on how fast/choppy or slow you want the fade to be. R_C=R_C-0.01; }; //White = 1.0, you can lower this value if you want a less bright pulsating color, if your range between the colors is very low, change the step of which the value increases and decreeses above. if (R_C > 1.0) { FADE=1; llSleep(1); //Feel free to remove. //Black = 0.0, but the script looks for the value to be less than 0.1, you can put this at 0.01 rather than 0.1. Or higher, depending on how dark you want it to go. A lightly pulsating light would be around 0.45 or 0.5 to 1.0. } else if (R_C < 0.1) { FADE=0; llSleep(1); //Feel free to remove these sleeps, they are here to delay once the script values reaches the highest or lowest value. }; llSetColor(<R_C,R_C,R_C>, ALL_SIDES); //ALL_SIDES or TRUE for a face. You can replace llSetColor with whatever other feature you please. } } Thank you.
  12. I got to learn more math! I'll make my way to the easy solution. Thanks a lot for all the help.
  13. My star is more of a "stamp", I do not like christmas-star-shape very much myself. Just the outline shape, though yeah, that is the same outline shape of the star I was trying to spin.
  14. Alright, I'll do that. Thanks. On the same subject, I heard you can have a small square, a 6th object, that you use the center of to spin all other objects around it. And, yes to who asked, all prims do spin at the same speed.
  15. If they are not linked, how do I make it into one object that I may equip or can move around freely? Oh wow, 4 posts were added after I last updated the thread. Thanks for all of the reiples, I'll reply properly to everyone once I am back. I apprechiate all of the replies and help.
  16. Greetings, I've got a problem with trying to make a set of 5 prims rotate around the prim set center of them all. I've tried various scripts but none have worked the way I wanted them to and only ended up messing up the whole set. I got no examples as I have no remotly working scripts to show you, however I can post the one for making a simple block rotate the way I'd like my star to rotate. float SPIN=0.081667; float TIMER_INTERVAL = SPIN; default { state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent( TIMER_INTERVAL ); } timer() { rotation MyRot = llGetLocalRot(); llTargetOmega(<0,0,0.1>*MyRot,TWO_PI,1.0); llSetTimerEvent(SPIN); } } Have a good one. - bad
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