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  1. How do I play second life a long time it never happened. I was playing on a normal day like another, and the next day I look at my inventory, most things simply disappeared. When the inventory was in perfect condition showing the information that he had 4075 items, but as I lost more or less about 245 items out there, it keeps showing the amount of it in 4075. The folders of items lost station there, but these folders station vazias.Eu checked the trash and nothing was exlcluido, checked everywhere could be further was not anywhere. Well ... I want this case to be resolved taking my stuff back or want the money back, because I had plenty of expensive things in the inventory. Thank you. NathalyaXavier
  2. Eu estava jogando e estava tudo normal, nao tinha nada incomum.... dai eu fui olhar meu inventario e as coisas sumiram. As pastas dos conteudos estão lá, mas os conteudos no interior da pastas sumiram. Eu comprei muita coisa cara e perdi. E o impressionante e que foi do nada que sumiu. Eu queria que me ajudassem e também eu queria saber oque esta havendo.
  3. se eu coloco uma casa em um terreno que nao e meu,e eu saio do jogo e volto.oque acontece com a casa?
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