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smokinjewelz Darkfold

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Everything posted by smokinjewelz Darkfold

  1. i cant get my password or make a new one it keeps senmding me to the blogs instead of my e-mail
  2. i was gonna change my clothes and took off the oines i wqas wearing when i went back to the inventory i right clicked by mistake and musthave hit the remove this button staement my whole inventory button disapeared i cant get it back can someone please help me
  3. someone sent me a box of gestures which caused a virus to my game. now everytime i signj on it logs me off no matter where i sign on and what viewer i use. there are a ton of messages on the right hand side i cant get rid of. ive been on this game for three and a half yrs and dont want to start over. if i dont get on soon my rent is going to expire.please help me!!!
  4. someone sent me a box of gestures which caused a virus to my game. now everytime i signj on it logs me off no matter where i sign on and what viewer i use. there are a ton of messages on the right hand side i cant get rid of. ive been on this game for three and a half yrs and dont wznt to start over. if i dont get on soon my rent is gouing to expire.please help me!!!
  5. can u tell me which charge card is on file to buy limdons
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