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Everything posted by Serenity30250

  1. If so, how do I find that? Thanks!
  2. Need a t-shirt designer/maker for a basic t-shirt with a simple slogan on it. Will need the product in about a week, C/T. Logo texture in the works. Message me inworld by NC, including your fee and experience or respond by email here. Other projects may come up throughout the year. Mahara T. Rayne (Serenity30250)
  3. Hello, Am looking for a t-shirt designer/maker for a basic t-shirt a simple slogan on it. Will need the product in about a week and C/T for gifting. Message me inworld by NC, including your fee and experience or respond by email here. Other projects may come up throughout the year. :) Mahara T. Rayne (Serenity30250)
  4. All entries will be entered for randomly chosen prizes of L$900, L$700, and L$400 for creepy, spooky, and paranormal fiction or nonfiction stories. 1. Submit your story by NC to Serenity30250. 2. Must be at least 300 words. 3. Contest begins Monday, September 26, 2016. 4. Contest closes Saturday, October 29, 11:59 SLT. 5. Prizes announced on Halloween 2016 by 9 pm 6. All stories should be written for a general adult audience. PCX Arts & Library
  5. It's that time of year in the northern hemisphere, when leaves change colors, apple cider flows free and chilled, and when people actually begin to look forward to scary entertainment. To celebrate, PCX Arts & Library is planning a little writing contest where all entries will be entered for randomly chosen prizes of L$900, L$700, and L$400 for creepy, spooky, and paranormal fiction or nonfiction stories. 1. Submit your NC to Serenity30250 inworld. Must be creepy, spooky, eerie, and in the spirit of telling your paranormal experience or telling a tale that may or may not be real. 2. Story, fact or fiction, must be at least 300 words. 3. Contest begins Monday, September 26, 2016. 4. Contest closes Saturday, October 30 2016 @ 11:59 SLT. 5. Prizes announced on Halloween 2016 by 9 pm SLT. In the meantime, here's an excerpt from a creepy story by Dirty Mike. True Story? You decide .... Never Look to Your Right, by Dirty Mike"I never looked to my right; I didn’t even kinda peek to the right. Maybe I did a little when I flicked the cigarette away. I don’t know. What I do know is that in my periphery there was something running alongside the car. It was just behind my window, behind where the edge of the door ends and before where the back window begins. I looked over at the speedometer, 40 mph. I looked at my friend, he was looking straight ahead, I looked straight ahead. I could still see it. I could see one huge arm, matted hair, reddish brown, sticky looking, primal. I eased my right hand over and rolled up my window. My friend was still looking straight ahead, his jaw was clenched, and he put both hands on the wheel, he sped up." You'll find the rest of the story in Paranormal Stories at PCX Arts & Library. Here's your limo: PCX Arts & Library Happy Reading! Mahara
  6. With the internet and the multitude of movies and documentaries, we have a window to the world as presented by the world of media. In SL, people share that virtual space without really knowing who people are or where they come from, which is part of what allows us to explore or be who or what we want to be. As a lore keeper (librarian), I love to learn about the worlds we live in. I also feel it is a method of building bridges to understanding others, and finding what connects us rather than what separates us. We are after all, residents of the same planet. With that in mind, I invite you to share your culture in your own words, even it is as simple as sharing your favorite Sunday dinner recipe, or something quirky about your people. Share here as a comment, or send me a notecard inworld, where I’ll post it in the World Culture section. Brightest blessings, Mahara SLURL to PCX Arts & Library (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fini/221/86/21)
  7. With the internet and the multitude of movies and documentaries, we have a window to the world as presented by the world of media. In SL, people share that virtual space without really knowing who people are or where they come from, which is part of what allows us to explore or be who or what we want to be. As a lore keeper (librarian), I love to learn about the worlds we live in. I also feel it is a method of building bridges to understanding others, and finding what connects us rather than what separates us. We are after all, residents of the same planet. With that in mind, I invite you to share your culture in your own words, even it is as simple as sharing your favorite Sunday dinner recipe, or something quirky about your people. Share here as a comment, or send me a notecard inworld, where I’ll post it in the World Culture section. Brightest blessings, Mahara SLURL - PCX Arts & Library (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fini/221/86/21)
  8. With the internet and the multitude of movies and documentaries, we have a window to the world as presented by the world of media. In SL, people share that virtual space without really knowing who people are or where they come from, which is part of what allows us to explore or be who or what we want to be. As a lore keeper (librarian), I love to learn about the worlds we live in. I also feel it is a method of building bridges to understanding others, and finding what connects us rather than what separates us. We are after all, residents of the same planet. With that in mind, I invite you to share your culture in your own words, even it is as simple as sharing your favorite Sunday dinner recipe, or something quirky about your people. Share here as a comment, or send me a notecard inworld, where I’ll post it in the World Culture section. Brightest blessings, Mahara Visit PCX Arts & Library - SLURL
  9. PCX Arts & Library is looking for artists to show their works/wares on the 3rd floor art gallery space. Please send a brief NC to Serenity30250 Resident if you are interested. You may set your work for sale, and there is no charge to do so. Any donations, gratefully accepted. PCX Arts & Library encourages artists to place the LM in their picks for the duration of their showing, which lasts for one month, or longer if no one is waiting to show their work. Visit PCX Arts & Library Thanks for your interest. Mahara Rayne PCX Arts & LIbrary Curator & Creator
  10. PCX Arts & Library has ample space for your occasional or regular, gathering or group meeting. Space is available by donation; however, no one will be refused due to lack of ability to pay. Due to limited prims, PCX can provide seating up to 20 (single prim chairs). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fini/231/91/22 Mahara Rayne (Serenity30250) Head Librarian
  11. PCX Arts & Library has ample space for your occasional or regular, gathering or group meeting. Space is available by donation; however, no one will be refused due to lack of ability to pay. Due to limited prims, PCX can provide seating up to 20 (single prim chairs). http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fini/231/91/22 Mahara Rayne (Serenity30250) Head Librarian
  12. Have you ever been to a seance, table tipping or had spirit contact? Come to share your experience(s) or stop by to hear what others have to share! Sponsored by The Blue Lotus Project Event Venue: PCX Arts & Library Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 Time: 6:00 p.m. SLT
  13. I am looking for a simple logo and/or builder to integrate the design into a stone facade. Thank you. Mahara (Serenity30250 Resident)
  14. Are you a writer who has something you'd like to share with your Second Life community? Your experience, your stories, fact or fiction, a resource you found helpful that you would lke to share? Library of Alexandre is an ECLECTIC library that offers a variety of non fiction, resources and adult fiction, and is accepting contributions. Visit the sim to chek out what others are writing about, or send an inquiry via NC to Mahara Rayne (serenity30250). Library of Alexandre (Adult sim)
  15. Thanks for looking! If you make custxom Mesh T.shirts, I'd love to see samples of your work and discuss a t.shirt project. Hope to hear from you soon. IM or NC me if interested. Thanks! Mahara Teja Rayne (Serenity30250 Resident)
  16. Stop by Gallery X to vote on one or more of our Art Challenge entries and be entered to win one of three prizes: L$1000, L$750 or L$500! Winners will be randomly drawn at the end of the voting period, now through 28 May, 2014. * Vote for one or several pieces daily. * You can vote one time / per piece / per day. * Drop Mahara Rayne (Serenity30250 Resident) your NC, one time only, with your contact info and you'll be entered to win too! That's it! Winners will be notified at the end of May, 2014. Good luck! Mahara Rayne PCX Arts & Library G a l l e r y X
  17. We have an Art Challenge for you. Join us for a chance to win cash prizes and network with other creatives. Simply draw, paint, write, sculpt, CREATE what "bliss" means to you. Submissions are accepted NOW through end of April. Winners are peer and publicly voted on May 1-10. Form and info available through Mahara Rayne (Serenity30250). Please join us as a Creative or Voter. Thank you. -Mahara Rayne PCX Arts & Library
  18. What is BLISS? You tell us. PCX Arts & Library is sponsoring an art challenge to the SL art community: Perceptions Art Challenge: Bliss. For more details, please contact Mahara Rayne (Serenity30250).
  19. Needed: script for an art contest. Multiple votes allowed, once per day (based on SLT).Voting allowed for a 10 day period (if this is difficult, let me know)Gives LM.Message: Thanks voter for participation and invites to return next day. Gentle reminder that they voted once on THAT piece of art that day.No restrictions on voting on other works.Invites to group: PCX Arts & LibraryPlease IM or NC Mahara Rayne (Serenity30250). PCX Arts & Library
  20. PCX Erotic Arts Group is looking for its next exhibit @ Gallery X for March / April. Please send inquiries via NC to Serenity30250 Resident at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Stay warm, Gi
  21. PCX Erotic Arts Group is looking for its next exhibit @ Gallery X for March / April. Please send inquiries via NC to Serenity30250 Resident at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Stay warm, Gi
  22. There will be a reading of an article on Gay rights in the middle east as part of the opening of the exhibition of the Iranian gay artist Andreh Omidi. Friday, January 3, 2014 @ Noon SLT Gallery X The speaker, Draghan Marksman, also wrote an article about the artist, which can be read at: http://ga-weblog.com/exhibition-andreh-omidi-a-gay-and-iranian-artist/
  23. Join PCX Arts & Library as we support and exhibit Wholistic Lifestyle Teachers, Performers, Artists, Healers and Readers from RL / SL. Activities and events may include personal Reiki sessions, lectures, tarot readings, and displays of SL communities and organizations that support personal and spiritual growth. If you have a sim, organization or service you wish to share with the SL community, please contact GiGI Octavia (Serenity30250 Resident) inworld, at your earliest convenience. PCX Arts & Library
  24. Join PCX Arts & Library as we support and exhibit Wholistic Teachers, Performers, Artists, Healers and Readers from RL / SL. Activities and events may include personal Reiki sessions, lectures, tarot readings, and displays of SL communities and organizations that support personal and spiritual growth. If you have a sim, organization or service you wish to share with the SL community, please contact GiGI Octavia (Serenity30250 Resident) inworld, at your earliest convenience. PCX Arts & Library
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