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Ted McGregor

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Everything posted by Ted McGregor

  1. Honesty can be the gravest instant insult, lion. I bet they could not take it you took their blandness with an extra grain of salt ...
  2. Political preference in profile - signatures ? I have no idea what you are talking about ... Vote Blue ! Woohoo !
  3. /me payed you L$ 1. Suits you right for having lunch with that little New York Italian legalese mobster.
  4. Put the banana in your mouth and I'll catapult chunks of frozen chocolate right at yer head .. Grhmbls .. the banana might not separate by a forked tongue , but I'm aiming for a splitting headache.
  5. Lolwut ?! We are not a 'genre' of people. You either believe or you don't. Zalificent speaks as much as for any atheist as I do. None. Atheists are on their own. We are just people who do not believe.
  6. [18:17:51] Second Life: Inventory item 'linden pay' offered [18:17:51] Perrie Juran: User not online - inventory has been saved.
  7. Seriously this time ... That of course totally depends on the host(ess) .. there are hosts and hostesses that just put enough effort in making the crowd feel welcome while the DJ focuses on the music selection .. not all DJ's are as forthcoming and need a hostess to run a thread or theme throughout the show. It needs their focus and I seen many put as much effort into the set as the DJs or artist themselves. I tip at an equal rate .. If I hear the DJ play a song I like and I tip the DJ 100 Linden and I like the hosting too, the host(ess) receives just as much. If I don't like the hosting or find it's quality way below or effortless , I tip half of the DJ rate. There have been hosts that bad , I tipped not a thing throughout the whole gig of the DJ.
  8. I have this gesture I use frequently : Wilhiam Hydraconis (ted.mcgregor) has paid you L$1,000,000.00 Together with the caching sound you usually get when buying Lindens, you will them upset them somewhat more .. but they sound sooooo happy at first until I tell them to actually check their balance I cannot stop it. I can send you a copy.
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