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  1. For now SL bhv importer is limited in it's core philosophy. It's looking for changes, and if there is no change, the information is discarded. Let's say I want to have a static animation, without any movement, but with certain bone rotation that is the same in the first key frame and the last key frame (eyes held open). Than I would have another static animation with different bone rotations (eyes held closed). I play the first (static eyes open) in a loop and then I play the second (static eyes closed) it starts and ends and I have a nice blink transition there and back. But bhv exporter won't let me even save it because there is no change. I would need to export in anim format. Another scenario. I want to make blink animation but loop the frames when the eyes stay closed. So I key frame 1 opend, key frame 2 closed, key frame 3 still closed and key frame 4 open again. The animation is saved ok in bhv file but SL importer ignores key frame 2 because there is no change between key frame 2 and 3 and it interpolates movement from key 1 to 3. So I can't loop it the way I wanted. Again the anim format is the only way to go. (I gave eyes as an example, I was doing mouth animation and noticed it) So please please please Linede Labs make the anim exporter for maya. Please. Why only blender users have it and maya users are pulling their hair off?
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