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Stella Davros

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  1. For me as I said already if someone will take the same hud system of "pocket gacha" u can find here : https://www.google.com/search?q=pocket+gacha+hud&prmd=svin&sxsrf=ALeKk02nlGi6noudsV9rDIKkKIhzWrOOjQ:1628598606509&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjBmLDLuqbyAhWC66QKHQuzCmYQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=384&bih=669 will be no queue at all.....is working like this: who organize the event will put into the hud all the vendors and will create a token for buy the items (1 token= 1Linden) and the customers could buy the tokens at the event or into the creators stores, once start the event all the people can buy from any point of secondlife and can go at the event where can find and try the demos , so is pretty simple, the main script already exist , just someone have to implement on that script the belt or whatever will be and making working individual, as well they can put otion to buy the entire set too....for me will be a good idea as at less will be 100% no queue at all and even will be no queue for join the events
  2. Alternative: go to buy from a shop that fit for you , simple and easy!!!
  3. Exactly get rid of gachas= pay money for have random items Conveyor belt = you know what are you buyng That's why they said that is fine....they don t talk about addiction cause in any platform nobody care , as well they dont care if u want item 1 instead of item 10 cause you have other ways for have it, just here we start to talk of addictions and trust there is many addictions worst than gacha
  4. Ok so because nobody have to regulate means that all is ok....and btw they said it s importante to know what you buy, and the belt system let you know what are you buying and if u don t wanna buy it because is not what you want you can buy later on on MP.....LL don t care if u want the item 1 instead of item 10......also because for have item 1 u have multiple choices buy from the machine or buy the full set or buy the item u want from MP
  5. There is a lot of people addicted in sl and not for the gacha only......
  6. But I think that before to post that this "belt" is allowed the lawyer probably advice them if can be possible or not and the think is "now you can buy what you see"
  7. So u mean LL lab lawyers they don t have idea of what they are saying? But just to inform you that LL have different team who talk eachother before to take some action
  8. Nooo the point is that who was playing gacha are addicted junkies obtuse dump stupid with mental problems....the rest are doctors lawyers teachers but they still did not get that conveyor or whatever is another way to sell stuff if u don t wanna play u can just don t play and thats it
  9. U will have 3 options : - buy like the belt show - buy the entire set - buy one specific item later on MP the problem of gacha was that was entirely random....but like this u have a choice...actually 3 choices it s just another way to do market, nobody force nobody so as u see u have all the possibility to gain what u want
  10. @Patch Lindeni would like to say that this thread became ridicoulous, it's quiet offensive to read that all the people who like to play gacha or somenthing similar are classified as "addicted" "junkies" or "unable to do math" , here people judge even you as CEO, and i think this is not the purpose of this thread , for the conveyor belt i think that is a good idea cause like this the customers will know in advance what item they will buy and will have the ability to choose if buy it or not, it would be great if into the vendor could be implemented the option to buy the entire set for the price that the creator considers "fair" ( considering the fact that the items are resalable and the number of items of the set too, example DRD was doing that if u don t wanna play with the machine you could buy the entire set for 7000L) , this is only my advice, of course LL will take the decision, for the rest i hope that this thread have to be closed soon and keep only the update open, people are losing the control of the words.....regards
  11. The creators of this machine clearly said that is fitte for stores and not for events, for me at events they have to use one hud combine with this machine where everybody can play at same time like this https://www.google.com/search?q=ppcket+gacha+hud&source=lmns&tbm=vid&bih=717&biw=384&client=ms-android-samsung-gn-rev1&prmd=ivn&hl=it&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiKrpntqKHyAhXGNOwKHd07DEcQ_AUoAnoECAAQBQ#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:df103155,vid:6YFJPQI9k68,st:0
  12. But this machine will be used only into stores and not in a events as the creator said into his post on flickr....for the event they still working on it...personally i suggested to use an hud combine with this machine like this everybody can play at same time
  13. So don t buy gacha then!!! There is many events where to buy normally and if not go and buy after from the MP, for me cnveyor belt will work.....the market is like this if u want buy if not....next please
  14. Yes, where for be cool in secondlife you have to pay a lot of money for everything cause for example if you try to go into one land with a noob avatar even they will not let you enter....i repeat once again you have right because you described the spirit of SL but is not what happen for real
  15. Morally u have absolutely right....but if everybody think about that will be no business in any platforms, there is no addiction only in gachas, there is addiction in all here in SL, people don t buy food cause they have to run to buy new head or body or go to an event ..... the sadly truth is that here there is companies, creators,small business, that want to get money!! and gachas, event, shops, no devil, excetera are just other ways to get money and this will never stop , so it s not only gacha the problem , after u see people running for buy the lelutka head because is hd pro or even don t sleep for have the priority for join in an event , there is people who like play gachas and this must to be respected from the others and not to judge the people like junkies or whatever , if someone don t like this kind of game ? Cool there is plenty of shops or events where someone can go.....this is my opinion in general , and if someone find the solution why instead to put s**t over we could find the way for make all this working good for creators , buyers, reseller?? As i said before your words have sense and logick
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