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Willow Wilder

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Everything posted by Willow Wilder

  1. "Resolved" under the "Dates" section of the ticket, refers to the date the action occurred. The Status and Resolution under the "Details" section of the ticket are relevant and https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-8946 both state Accepted. This means it has been imported to an internal LL project and tracked internally as MAINT-7504. You can find the MAINT number under Activity - History tab. Viewer release notes then reference the MAINT numbers. It's a bit of a maze to be sure. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_Tracker/Status
  2. As for Firestorm, I'm not sure where the "10g" amount comes from, so I wanted to clarify this setting found in Preferences - Graphics - Hardware Settings - Viewer Texture Memory Buffer (MB) 64bit versions only. This setting is hard limited based on the VRAM available with your graphics card. It is recommended you increase the slider to use the maximum available to prevent texture thrashing. (from our Wiki) GPU 1GB = up to 768MB GPU 2GB = up to 1024MB GPU 4GB+ = up to 2048MB Both viewers have a viewer cache limit of 9984MB.
  3. Do these plans include Cruller? Rose Petal French Crullers
  4. Sorry, I'm still confused about what you need. You might be further ahead to contact those viewer projects directly to ask what plans they have, if any, regarding AssetHTTP. You can find some contact information on the TPV Directory here http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/TPVD Otherwise, perhaps search for an inworld group for the viewer you're interested in.
  5. I know what it is. My question is, where on the series of grid status posts you just referred to, does it state that UDP fetching is being turned off.
  6. 1. Pardon? Where specifically does it say UDP fetching will be shut off? @Oz Linden has repeatedly said there will be advance notice (via blog announcement presumably) when this is about to occur. 2. Why would you be using a viewer that doesn't support AssetHTTP?
  7. You could save yourself what seems to be a fair amount of angst some weeks by requesting that the region be moved to the main channel. There's no shame in it. RC regions aren't for everyone. You'd have more time to mentally prepare for what's coming to the main channel and when, if it's needed.
  8. I'm taking exception to this comment. If by "grouchy" you mean you can't manipulate them, too bad. You don't run the team, so your demands of when things will be done, or suggestions that things need to be done next, or to suit your personal needs, do not carry any weight. No one is forcing you to deal with Firestorm developers. Willow (who can become grouchy when entitled users make a lot of noise)
  9. I can't really speculate as to what might cause that to happen, that'd be more of an operations question, sorry! If you own either of the regions in question I would recommend reaching out to our wonderful support team at https://support.secondlife.com I still see this periodically as well. Could be BUG-134297 Issue with region restarting then restarting again with version change.
  10. Willow Wilder

    Breast Deforming

    Hi MzLiv - This has been reported on Firestorm's JIRA here FIRE-22390 Avatar Physics breast pulled to right bug out after lang period of viewer being minimized.
  11. That's a shame. This was another hidden gem of sorts. I used it a few times and passed it along as well, though it's been a while 'cause maybe I forgot about it. The best thing about it of course was it was not as cumbersome as a feature request. Can I ask, are we kissing it goodbye because of lack of use? Yippee!
  12. Did you test using the LL Viewer as I've suggested twice now on your support ticket? That would be helpful if you could do that, and report back on your support ticket. Thanks.
  13. Many questions were addressed on this thread And Inara Pey did a nice summary of an inworld discussion last month THE RETURN OF SECOND LIFE LAST NAMES – UPDATE WITH AUDIO
  14. A PC reformat is a pretty significant change. I could ask you a lot of questions, which would be the same ones I'd ask if you submitted a support ticket on the Firestorm JIRA. Would you mind doing that please? Use this link as your guide Submit a Support Ticket to Firestorm JIRA Are you able to run the official Second Life Viewer? You can download that here Second Life Viewer This would be helpful to get your full system info for your support ticket. As an aside, the "Intel Fix" is geared towards Windows 10 and specific legacy graphics cards, and doesn't apply to Windows 7.
  15. I'm saying I now have at my disposal a little tool that quickly and easily let's me know where the physics is so I know where to rez and where not to. And it wasn't about the JIRA, just my own little comment. Prok wouldn't be caught dead using a TPV. ;-) I agree the message is misleading, but it's hardly the only one, and I just so happen to be not interested in that particular debate.
  16. Meanwhile, as the rage and the debate continues, I sing a happy tune and marvel at the drop in my blood pressure, thanks to a certain favorite redhead for one of her latest, neatest FS viewer features for this very annoyance. Thank you Beq. Why can't I rez on my mesh table/floor/bed La la la, La la la
  17. Flash Player, not browser. CEF is Chromium Embedded Framework. See http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_media#flash Note to avoid the sneaky additional downloads from Adobe.
  18. You're an angel, and yet you get clobbered for it far too often. Time for a treat!
  19. It's more than a glitch, and it's just as Whirly Fizzle already posted. It's a region issue. You can easily verify that by going to another region (we tend to suggest Hippo Hollow as we have a support parcel there, and it's generally healthy), relogging and seeing that your friends list is populated. This comes up numerous times a day in the Firestorm support groups and tickets. I'd love to see this addressed by the server gurus as the frequency of occurrences has really escalated over the past several months. It's nothing major, but it is yet another nuisance. *looks around for who I can bug about this bug again*
  20. Always, always, always, have puppy (or kitty or other adorable critter) eye bleach available.
  21. JIRAgraphic Memory : Whirly Fizzle (attribution Lassie) Askhole : Someone who frequently asks for your advice, yet always does the opposite.
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